Wages and Benefits

The Wages and Benefits function enables you to view and modify default values for workers' compensation exposures: the percent of employees on the premises who work day, evening, and night shifts; the average annual wage; and average medical costs for minor/moderate/major/fatal injuries.

The Wages and Benefits grid enables you to set loss defaults for wages and benefits.

Parameters & Buttons


Common buttons

Use these buttons (when applicable) and the parameters below  to set default wages and benefits.


Select a country from the Country list to filter the grid by country.


Select the area of interest  from the Area list to filter the grid by area (state).


Set in Currency Rate Settings.


Select the occupancy type from the Occupancy list to filter the grid by occupancy class (residential, commercial, industrial, other).

Percent Day Shift

Enter the default percentage of employees on the premises who work the day shift.

Percent Evening Shift

Enter the default percentage of employees on the premises who work the evening shift.

Percent Night Shift

Enter the default percentage of employees on the premises who work the night shift.

Average Annual Wage

Enter the average annual wage default.

Average Medical and Indemnity Cost for Minor Injury

Enter the default average cost for minor injuries. Applicable for medical payments. Minor injuries are assumed to be medical-only claims.

Average Medical and Indemnity Cost for Moderate Injury

Enter the default average cost for moderate injuries. Applicable for medical and indemnity payments.

Average Medical and Indemnity Cost for Major Injury

Enter the default average cost for major injuries. Applicable for medical and indemnity payments.

Average Medical and Indemnity Cost for Fatal Injury

Enter the default average cost for fatal injuries. Applicable for medical and indemnity payments.

Usage notes

       If the exposure data does not include shift percentages or injury rates, the system uses AIR default data for the location's state/prefecture and occupancy type.

       If the exposure data does not include occupancy information, the system uses "Commercial" occupancy rates for the state.

       The injury defaults vary by state.

       Shift percentages vary by occupancy codes, based on industry estimates.

       The models can use default values, which include both medical and indemnity (wage) losses. These are industry default values, as are the employee counts. Clients can include their own estimates of average medical and indemnity costs and employee counts, which then override the default model values.

       Workers' compensation losses always include medical and indemnity (wage loss) estimate

Shift Definitions

U.S. Shift Definitions

Shift Time
Day 9:00 a.m. to 4:59 p.m.
Night 7:00 p.m. to 6:59 a.m.
Evening / Commute 7:00 a.m. to 8:59 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:59 p.m.

Japan Shift Definitions

Shift Time
Morning (Day) 6:00 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.
Night 6:00 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.

Injury Type Definitions

Injury Type Definitions

U.S. Severity Level

Japan Severity Level




Injuries requiring basic medical aid without requiring hospitalization


Hospitalization and Surgery

Injuries requiring a greater degree of medical care and hospitalization, but not expected to progress to a life threatening status



Injuries that pose an immediate life-threatening condition if not treated adequately or expeditiously. The majority of these injuries are the result of structural collapse and subsequent entrapment or impairment of the occupants.



Instantaneously killed or mortally injured



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020