Create Rating Agency Reports

The Rating Agency Reports available in Data Quality Analysis enable you to generate exposure data totals for use in response to the Percentage of Data Containing Known Attributes and Most Frequently Observed Value questions of the A.M. Best Property/Casualty Supplemental Ratings Questionnaire (SRQ). Touchstone can generate workers' compensation fields, including Employee Count and Payroll.


For more information on developing responses to the questionnaire, see the A.M. Best Supplemental Rating Questionnaire - Developing Responses Using AIR Catastrophe Modeling Systems white paper on AIR's Client Portal.

You can obtain information similar to the results generated by the A.M. Best Report, such as the distribution of geocode match levels and primary location attribute values, from the Exposure summary of the Validation diagnostic. AIR developed the A.M. Best Report specifically to assist you in filling out the questionnaire.


If a new version of the questionnaire is released between major releases, AIR will make a downloadable update to this report type available on AIR's Client Portal.

Question 48 asks for the largest accumulated exposure for a single insured address before reinsurance and TRIPRA, but after deductibles or coinsurance. You must state the largest exposure separately for each of the coverages provided by the rating unit. Question 49 asks insurers to identify the 5largest aggregate exposures within a radius of 500 feet for Tier 1, Tier 2, and locations outside Tier 1 and Tier 2. The term "aggregate" identifies the accumulation of locations within a ring. You can answer questions 48 and 49 using Geospatial accumulations.

Question 51 asks respondents using terrorism modeling for quantification of total direct losses occurring from a specific attack scenario. As with other questions, the losses are sought for the total across all coverage as well as individual coverage types. In this case, city-level aggregation is selected with a maximum of five rings per city. Specifically, the attack scenario specifies the detonation of a 5-6 ton TNT truck bomb with an unlimited radius, and with buildings at their highest occupancy at the time of detonation. For AIR, this is the "Delivery Truck Bomb". You can answer this question by running a deterministic terrorism analysis.

Related topics

       Generating a Rating Agency Report

       Interpreting Rating Agency Report Results

       Percentage of Data Containing Known Attributes

       Most Frequently Observed Value questions

       Interpreting validation results: Exposure Summary


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020