Personal Property Policy

Personal property policies are defined as policies with:

          Policy Type set to Primary Property (PP) or Facultative Property (FP)

          One of the following occupancy codes:

       301: Residential - General Residential

       302: Residential - Permanent Dwelling: Single Family

       303: Residential - Permanent Dwelling: Multiple Family

In addition to these occupancy codes, Data Quality Analysis considers tenant policies (locations with occupancy code 306: Residential - Apartment/Condo) to be personal property when one of the following conditions is met:

          Line of Business (LOB) is similar to Tenant

          Policy Form is similar to HO4 or HO6

          Ratio of Replacement Value C (Contents) to Replacement Value A (Building) exceeds the ratio defined by the tenant definition in the Administration Console (Data Quality > Configure Tenant Definition).


Tenant policies are defined by a "user-configurable ratio of contents to building value.



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020