Location Basic Building Fields

The following table describes the Touchstone location fields related to the basic building characteristics of this location.



Validation Rules

Default Value

Construction Code Type

One of the following types of construction codes to indicate the construction code type that you are using for the building construction and other structures construction for this location:

       AIR codes (AIR)

       ATC codes (ATC)

       ISO earthquake codes (ISE)

       ISO fire codes (ISF)

       ISO WC codes (ISW)

       RMS industrial codes (RMI)

       RMS codes (RMS)

AIR always recommends translating non-AIR codes to AIR codes wherever possible before importing your data. For more information, see Non-AIR Construction Class Codes.

  If you select a non-AIR construction code type and specify non-AIR construction codes in the Construction Building and Construction Other Structures fields, Touchstone displays the non-AIR construction codes in these fields. Touchstone also maps these codes to AIR construction codes. Note that Touchstone stores both the non-AIR (user-supplied) construction codes that you have specified and the corresponding AIR construction codes in the exposure database into which you have imported or added your locations.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

AIR codes

Construction Building

Construction code for the building at this location.

The construction code type that you have specified determines which codes are valid for this field.

See the lists of valid construction codes and valid non-AIR construction codes.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the construction code type is AIR codes (AIR)

       For offshore platforms, that is, for locations with an offshore country code such as "GOM" (Gulf of Mexico), the only valid construction class codes are the offshore asset construction class codes.

100 - Unknown

(800 - Unknown for offshore exposures, i.e., exposures that use an offshore country code)

Construction Other Structures

Construction code for any appurtenant structures covered at this location.

The construction code type that you have specified determines which codes are valid for this field.

See the lists of valid construction codes and valid non-AIR construction codes.


       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the construction code type is AIR codes (AIR)

100 - Unknown

(800 - Unknown for offshore exposures, i.e., exposures that use an offshore country code)

Occupancy Code Type

One of the following types of occupancy codes to indicate the occupancy code that you are using for this location:

       AIR codes (AIR)

       ATC codes (ATC)

       ISO BOP codes (ISB)

       ISO COMFAL codes (ISC)

       ISO codes (ISO)

       RMS industrial codes (RMI)

       RMS codes (RMS)

       RMS WC codes (RWC)

       SIC codes (SIC)

  If you select a non-AIR occupancy code type and specify a non-AIR occupancy code in the Occupancy Code field, Touchstone displays the non-AIR occupancy codes in these fields. Touchstone also maps these codes to AIR occupancy codes. Note that Touchstone stores both the non-AIR (user-supplied) occupancy codes that you have specified and the corresponding AIR occupancy codes in the exposure database into which you have imported or added your locations.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

AIR codes

Occupancy Code

Occupancy code for the building at this location

The occupancy code type that you have specified determines which codes are valid for this field.

See the lists of valid AIR occupancy codes and valid non-AIR occupancy codes.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the construction code type is AIR codes (AIR)

       For offshore platforms, that is, for locations with an offshore country code such as "GOM" (Gulf of Mexico), the only valid occupancy class codes are the offshore asset occupancy class codes.

311 - General commercial

(900 - Unknown for offshore exposures, i.e., exposures that use an offshore country code)


One of the following values to indicate whether this location is covered by a tenant policy:



Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface


Year Built

Year in which the building at this location was built or underwent a major upgrade.

The age of a building provides a good indication of the building codes that are in effect for the building.

When the year built of the structure is not known, AIR calculates an unknown year built damage function by applying an exposure-weighted distribution to the corresponding damage functions for each year built.

Touchstone uses this field for earthquake and hurricane analysis.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and the current year, inclusive. For example, if the current year is 2017, you can enter a value between 0 and 2017, inclusive.



Number of floors or stories of the risks that this location record covers.

For pleasure boats, this field represents the boat length in feet. Enter a value (in feet) within one of the following categories to specify the length of the pleasure boat:

       Small (up to 26 feet)

       Medium (26-50 feet)

       Large (over 50 feet)

If the pleasure boat length is unknown, enter 0.

Touchstone does not support this field for offshore platform policies. Enter 0.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999, inclusive


Gross Area

Click here for differences between Gross Area and Floor Area.

This field affects losses for US Hurricane, US Earthquake, and Forestry locations for Extra Tropical Cyclone in Sweden, Norway,

For the US Hurricane and Earthquake models, this is the Gross Area of the building at this location.

Touchstone does not support this field for offshore platform policies. Enter 0.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 15000000, inclusive


Gross Area Units

One of the following units of measurement for the gross area:

       Acre (AC)

       Hectare (HA)

       Square feet (SQFT)

       Square meters (SQM)

The Gross Area (square footage) for the US Hurricane model does not include Finished Attic or Finished Basement.

Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

Square feet

ISO Construction Code

ISO construction codes for the building at this location.

For a list of supported ISO construction codes, see ISO Fire Codes.



ISO Occupancy Code

ISO occupancy code for the building at this location.

For a list of supported ISO occupancy codes, see ISO Commercial, Fire, and Allied Lines (COMFAL) Codes.



Building Value per Gross Area

Building value per gross area for this location.

The building value per gross area calculation for each location is the replacement value building divided by the gross area.

       Read only

       Not applicable for workers' compensation locations



User-defined territory code for this location for reporting purposes.


       Can contain up to 30 characters

       Can contain hyphens and underscores


Building Height

Height of the building at this location. This field is not used for loss calculations. It is used only for informational purposes.

The building height units that you specify determine the unit in which you should express the value for this field.


       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 2,147,483, 647, inclusive


Building Height Units

One of the following units of measurement for the building height:

       Feet (FT)

       Meters (M)




© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020