Location Contract Fields

The following table describes the Touchstone location fields related to the contract associated with this location:



Validation Rules

Default Value

Contract ID

Contract ID of the parent contract

Read only


Location ID

User-defined location identifier. While Touchstone does not require that location IDs be unique, unique location IDs are useful when viewing locations on exposure maps.


This value is often different from the location name.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Cannot begin with a space or contain commas or semicolons

       Must contain at least one character and can contain up to 100 characters


Location Name

Name of this location


This value is often different from the location ID.


       Can contain up to 100 characters


Location Group Name

Name given to a group of locations that comprise a campus


Use this field to provide a name for a group of locations that typically consists of several buildings/risks that are separate locations but that you may want to view as a single site for loss estimates.


Exposure coding for campus structures is designed to work only for locations that are in the same country/region, and that are not spread across multiple regions.


       Required if you are importing a location group

       Required if the value of the Primary Location field is "1" (primary)

       Can contain up to 60 characters


Primary Location

One of the following values to Indicate whether this location is the primary location representing all location terms within a campus:

       0 (non-primary)

       1 (primary)


This field is applicable only if you specify a value for the location group name. If there is no location group name, you do not have to enter anything in the Primary Location field.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       A location group can contain only one primary location, whose value is '1"

       For non-primary locations that are in the same location group, Primary Location must be "0"

       If a non-primary location in a location group does not have a value of "0", the location will not be imported with the location group, but will be imported as an individual location.



Unique ISO® Building Identification Number (BIN) assigned to the physical structure of a building


       Can contain up to 14 characters


Inception Date

Date of the first day on which coverage is effective

When importing data, use one of the following formats and select this format in the Options tab of AIR ImportExpress:





  If you specify valid location-level inception and expiration dates for a location, and these dates are different from (that is, a subset of) the inception and expiration dates for the corresponding contract, Touchstone considers only the location-level inception and expiration dates for this location when performing a Detailed Loss Analysis.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Date format is specific to locale of end user

       Must be a subset of the contract inception date

       Must be less than the expiration date


For inception and expiration dates, and other in-force dates, you must specify a date value between 01/01/1970 and 12/31/2038, inclusive, for dates based on US regional settings. If you are not using US regional settings, use a date value other than 01/01/1970, such as 01/01/1990.


Contract Inception Date

Expiration Date

Date of the last day on which coverage is effective

When importing data, use one of the following formats and select this format in the Options tab of AIR ImportExpress:





  If you specify valid location-level inception and expiration dates for a location, and these dates are different from (that is, a subset of) the inception and expiration dates for the corresponding contract, Touchstone considers only the location-level inception and expiration dates for this location when performing a Detailed Loss Analysis.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Date format is specific to locale of end user

       Must be a subset of the contract expiration date

       Must be greater than the inception date


For inception and expiration dates, and other in-force dates, you must specify a date value between 01/01/1970 and 12/31/2038, inclusive, for dates based on US regional settings. If you are not using US regional settings, use a date value other than 01/01/1970, such as 01/01/1990.


Contract Expiration Date


© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020