Reinsurance (Layer Reinsurance)

  You can add layer reinsurance from the Reinsurance tab in the Layer Details record. To add one or more reinsurance sets, open a contract containing the layer to which you want to add reinsurance. Select the Layers tab. In the Layer record, click the layer ID or click the hyperlinked value in the Reinsurance Count column. When the Reinsurance tab opens in the Layer Details pane, add the reinsurance terms.

The following table details the validation rules for Touchstone fields related to layer reinsurance:



Validation Rules

Default Value

Reinsurer Name

Name of the reinsurer


       Can contain up to 60 characters


Reinsurance Type

One of the following reinsurance types:

       Facultative (FAC)

       Surplus Share (SS)

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface


Certificate ID

Certificate ID for facultative reinsurance or treaty ID for surplus share reinsurance

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Cannot begin with a space or contain commas or semicolons

       Can contain up to 100 characters



Perils that this layer reinsurance certificate or treaty covers


See the list of valid peril codes.

  To specify multiple perils in a single entry within an import file, separate the corresponding peril codes with a Plus (+) symbol, such as, PWH+PES).

       At least one peril is required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record.

       Must be a subset of the layer peril set

All perils (PAL)

Ceded Amount

Specifies the Ceded Percentage value for the reinsurance treaties or certificates. (During Import, the value is in the "Ceded Percentage" column.)

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Must be greater than "0" if the reinsurance type is Facultative

       Must be a numeric value between "0" and "100", inclusive, where "100" = 100%.


Gross Limit

Gross limit, that is, the maximum amount of loss that this reinsurance treaty or certificate will cover.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       If the reinsurance type is Surplus Share, and you enter multiple surplus share reinsurance terms, you should treat these terms sequentially, based on the order of rows, where attachment 1 + gross limit 1 <= attachment 2 + gross limit 2 ... <= attachment n + gross limit n.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Attachment Point

The point of loss above which the reinsurance contract is triggered.


This term is synonymous with "retention" under an excess reinsurance contract.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       If the reinsurance type is Surplus Share, and you enter multiple surplus share reinsurance terms, you should treat these terms sequentially, based on the order of rows, where attachment 1 + gross limit 1 <= attachment 2 + gross limit 2 ... <= attachment n + gross limit n.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020