Step Function

The following table details the validation rules for Touchstone fields related to step functions:



Validation Rules

Default Value

Trigger Type

One of the following values that indicate how, and for which coverages, payouts are triggered:

Trigger Type


Building (1)

Building and contents payouts are based only on building damage.

Contents (2)

Building and contents payouts are based only on contents damage.

Building and Contents (3)

Payout is based on combined building and contents damage.

Building, then Contents (4)

Payout is based on building damage if the loss is greater than or equal to the building trigger. Otherwise, if contents damage is triggered, payout is based on contents damage.

Building, Contents separately (5)

Building payout is based on building damage, and contents payout is based on contents damage.


       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be an integer value between 1 and 5, inclusive, when importing data

Building (in the Touchstone user interface)

Step Number

System-generated number used to sort the step functions in the correct order

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 20, inclusive


Building Start (Percent)

Starting value of the building damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter a percentage of the damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Percentages cannot have gaps in coverage.

       Must be less than or equal to the building end (percent) of the same step

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Building End (Percent)

Ending value of the building damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter a percentage of the damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if Trigger Type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Must be greater than or equal to the building start (percent) of the same step

       Percentages cannot have gaps in coverage. That is, the first building end (percent) of the first step defaults to 1.00, and as you add more steps, the building end (percent) of each subsequent step is equal to the building start (percent) of the previous step.

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive

  This field is read only in the Touchstone user interface.

Content Start (Percent)

Starting value of the contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter a percentage of the damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Building, then Contents

       Percentages cannot have gaps in coverage.

       Must be less than or equal to the content end (percent) of the same step

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Content End (Percent)

Ending value of the contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter a percentage of the damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Building, then Contents

       Must be greater than or equal to the content start (percent) of the same step

       Percentages cannot have gaps in coverage. That is, the first content end (percent) of the first step defaults to 1.00, and as you add more steps, the content end (percent) of each subsequent step is equal to the content start (percent) of the previous step.

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive

  This field is read only in the Touchstone user interface.

Building Content Start (Percent)

Starting value of the combined building and contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter a percentage of the damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, then Contents

       Building, Contents separately

       Percentages cannot have gaps in coverage.

       Must be less than or equal to the building content end (percent) of the same step

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Building Content End (Percent)

Ending value of the combined building and contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter a percentage of the damage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, then Contents

       Building, Contents separately

       Must be greater than or equal to the building content start (percent) of the same step

       Percentages cannot have gaps in coverage. That is, the first building content end (percent) of the first step defaults to 1.00, and as you add more steps, the building content end (percent) of each subsequent step is equal to the building content start (percent) of the previous step.

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive

  This field is read only in the Touchstone user interface.

Building Deductible (Percent)

Building deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions


Enter a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Content Deductible (Percent)

Contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions


Enter a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Total Deductible (Percent)

Combined building and contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions


Enter a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Building Payout (Percent)

Payout that covers building (Coverage A) gross losses for the selected step


Enter a percentage of the sums insured (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Content Payout (Percent)

Payout that covers contents (Coverage C) gross losses for the selected step


Enter a percentage of the sums insured (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Total Payout (Percent)

Payout that covers combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) gross losses for the selected step


Enter a percentage (as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0.00 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Minimum TIV (Percent)

Minimum replacement value for which payouts to the corresponding damage range are allowed

Enter the monetary value.

Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Limit At Damage (Percent)

Indicates whether the payout is limited by the actual ground-up loss


When importing data, specify one of the following values:




Do not pay out limit at damage.


Limit at damage, that is, the payout is limited by the actual ground-up loss.


Touchstone uses this setting for each step in the step function rather than for the whole step function.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be 0 or 1 when importing data

False (unchecked)

Scale Factor (Percent)

Percentage factor used to scale the calculated losses


Touchstone uses this setting for each step in the step function rather than for the whole step function.

Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive


Building Start (Amount)

Starting value of the building damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter the monetary value of the damage.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Must be less than or equal to the building end (amount) of the same step

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Building End (Amount)

Ending value of the building damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter the monetary value of the damage.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Must be greater than or equal to the building start (amount) of the same step.

       If you add multiple steps, the building end (amount) of each subsequent step must be less than or equal to the building start (amount) of the previous step.

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Content Start (Amount)

Starting value of the contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter the monetary value of the damage.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Building, then Contents

       Must be less than or equal to the content end (amount) of the same step

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Content End (Amount)

Ending value of the contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter the monetary value of the damage.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building, Contents separately

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:


       Building and Contents

       Building, then Contents

       Must be greater than or equal to the content start (amount) of the same step.

       If you add multiple steps, the content end (amount) of each subsequent step must be less than or equal to the content start (amount) of the previous step.

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Building Content Start (Amount)

Starting value of the combined building and contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter the monetary value of the damage.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, then Contents

       Building, Contents separately

       Must be less than or equal to the building content end (amount) of the same step

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Building Content End (Amount)

Ending value of the combined building and contents damage range over which the building and contents payouts should be made


Enter the monetary value of the damage.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, then Contents

       Building, Contents separately

       Must be greater than or equal to the building content start (amount) of the same step.

       If you add multiple steps, the building content end (amount) of each subsequent step must be less than or equal to the building content start (amount) of the previous step.

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Building Deductible (Amount)

Building deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions


Enter the monetary value.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Content Deductible (Amount)

Contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions


Enter the monetary value.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Total Deductible (Amount)

Combined building and contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions


Enter the monetary value.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Building Payout (Amount)

Payout that covers building (Coverage A) gross losses for the selected step


Enter the monetary value of the sums insured.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Content Payout (Amount)

Payout that covers contents (Coverage C) gross losses for the selected step


Enter the monetary value of the sums insured.

       Required if the trigger type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Total Payout (Amount)

Payout that covers combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) gross losses for the selected step


Enter the monetary value.

       Required if the trigger type is Building and Contents

       Must be omitted or 0 if Trigger Type is one of the following:



       Building, Contents separately

       Building, then Contents

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Minimum TIV (Amount)

Minimum replacement value for which payouts to the corresponding damage range are allowed

Enter the monetary value.

Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Limit At Damage (Amount)

Indicates whether the payout is limited by the actual ground-up loss


When importing data, specify one of the following values:




Do not pay out limit at damage.


Limit at damage, that is, the payout is limited by the actual ground-up loss.


Touchstone uses this setting for each step in the step function rather than for the whole step function.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       Must be 0 or 1 when importing data

False (unchecked)

Scale Factor (Amount)

Percentage factor used to scale the calculated losses


Touchstone uses this setting for each step in the step function rather than for the whole step function.

Must be a numeric, decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive



© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020