Treaty Information (Reinsurance Programs)

The following table details the validation rules for Touchstone fields related to treaty information for reinsurance programs:



Validation Rules

Default Value

Treaty Type

One of the following treaty types:

       Catastrophe Excess of Loss

       Quota Share

       Surplus Share

       Per-Risk Excess of Loss

Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record


Treaty ID

User-specified name of this treaty


Surplus Share treaty IDs are not case-sensitive. For example, assume that you import four exposure sets, each of which contains a separate Surplus Share treaty, where the treaty IDs are: "SS", "Ss", "sS", and "ss". You then create an exposure view that includes all four exposure sets. The Reinsurance Program Manager does not consider the treaty IDs in those four files to be unique. As a result, when you create a Surplus Share program in the Reinsurance Program Manager, select that exposure view as the target exposure, and then try to add a Surplus Share treaty for each Surplus Share treaty included in the exposure data, you will see that the only valid ID in the Treaty ID field is "SS". To apply different limit terms to each of the surplus share treaties, make sure that the treaty IDs are unique before you import the exposures. This is especially important to keep in mind if you have a large portfolio used across multiple exposure views.

Touchstone displays a maximum of 9318 Surplus Share treaty IDs in the Treaty ID list.

       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Must be unique within the reinsurance program

       Cannot begin with a space

       Can contain up to 100 characters


Cedant Name

User-specified name of the primary insurance company that has purchased reinsurance


       Can contain up to 60 characters


Reinsurer Name

User-specified name of the insurer or reinsurer that assumed the cedant's risk under this treaty


       Can contain up to 60 characters


Treaty Perils

Perils that this treaty covers. Refer to the list of valid peril codes.

  To specify multiple perils in a single entry within an import file, separate the corresponding peril codes with a Plus (+) symbol, such as, PWH+PES).

       Defaults to a value

       At least one peril is required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record.

All perils (PAL)

Treaty Status

One of the following submission statuses for this treaty:

Bound, Canceled, Expired, Quoted, Rejected, Renewal, or Submitted


Defaults to a value


Inception Date

Date of the first day on which coverage for this treaty is effective

When importing data, use one of the following formats and select this format in the Options tab of AIR ImportExpress:





       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value

       Date format is specific to locale of end user

       Must be less than the expiration date


For inception and expiration dates, and other in-force dates, you must specify a date value between 01/01/1970 and 12/31/2038, inclusive, for dates based on US regional settings. If you are not using US regional settings, use a date value other than 01/01/1970, such as 01/01/1990.


01/01/[current year]

Expiration Date

Date of the last day on which coverage for this treaty is effective

When importing data, use one of the following formats and select this format in the Options tab of AIR ImportExpress:





       Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

       Defaults to a value

       Date format is specific to locale of end user

       Must be greater than the inception date


For inception and expiration dates, and other in-force dates, you must specify a date value between 01/01/1970 and 12/31/2038, inclusive, for dates based on US regional settings. If you are not using US regional settings, use a date value other than 01/01/1970, such as 01/01/1990.


12/31/[current year]

Inuring Order

Inuring order for this treaty

The treaty type (portfolio, contract, location or layer) is specified in the Target Type column on the Terms tab. The inuring rules are defined in the Validation Rules column.


For more information about the inuring order, see Understanding Relationship between Treaty Types and Inuring Order.

       Defaults to a value

       The inuring order of treaties must start with 1, and all rows must be sequential.

       If a treaty has a target type of:

       "Portfolio", the inuring order number must be greater than the inuring order number of all other treaties in the same program that have a target type of "Contract" or "Location or Layer".

       "Contract", the inuring order number must be greater than the inuring order number of all other treaties in the same program that have a target type of "Location or Layer".

       "Contract", the inuring order number must be less than the inuring order number of all other treaties in the same program that have a target type of "Portfolio".

       "Location or Layer", the inuring order number must be less than the inuring order number of all other treaties in the same program that have a target type of "Contract" or "Portfolio".

       Must be a numeric value between 1 and 99, inclusive



User-specified description of this treaty


       Can contain up to 1024 characters



For information about the Terms tab for a Reinsurance Program, see Terms (Reinsurance Programs).

For information about Triggers tab for a Reinsurance Program, see Triggers (Reinsurance Programs).


© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020