Utility Occupancies |
AIR provides the following codes for utility occupancies:
Occupancy Code |
Category |
SIC2-Digit |
Description |
Electrical Utilities |
49 |
Establishments engaged in the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of electric energy for sale. Includes electric power generation, transmission, or distribution. |
Water Utilities |
49 |
Establishments primarily engaged in distributing water for sale for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. |
Sanitary Sewer |
49 |
Establishments primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of wastes conducted through a sewer system, including such treatment processes as may be provided and establishments primarily engaged in the collection and disposal of refuse by processing or destruction or in the operation of incinerators, waste treatment plants, landfills, or other sites for disposal of such materials. |
Natural Gas |
49 |
Establishments engaged in the transmission and distribution and/or storage of natural gas for sale. |
Telephone and Telegraph |
48 |
Establishments primarily engaged in providing paging and beeper services and those engaged in leasing telephone lines or other methods of telephone transmission, such as optical fiber lines and microwave or satellite facilities, as well as reselling the use of such methods to others. |
© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved. Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020 |