Accumulating Values by Rings

Accumulating by rings is useful when you want to analyze your property exposure or workers' compensation data for terrorism risks. However, you can use this method for any peril. The Ring Definition pane enables you to define the rings in which to accumulate the data. Defining a ring involves specifying the placement of the rings based on specific criteria, filtering the exposures based on peril and geocode match level, and defining the ring radius and damage ratio (Property Exposure analysis type only) for each ring.

          Specifying the placement of rings based on specific criteria

          Filtering the exposures (the content within the rings)

          Defining the ring radius and damage ratio for each ring

  If you select "Workers' Compensation" as the exposure type, you can only configure a Rings analysis and enable dynamic results. As a result, certain functions—Accumulate Values by zones, custom boundaries, event footprints, and hazard boundaries; Spatial Outputs; and Analysis Options (including Reinsurance)—will not be available.

Specifying the placement of rings

You select a target based on one of four options:

       Dynamic Ring: Enables the system to determine the optimal location for placing a ring of a given size. Click here for more information about the Dynamic Ring option.

       High-value locations: Enables you to run the analysis based on high-value locations in your portfolio, where the default is the top 1,000 risks by total replacement value (for Property Exposure analyses) or by total employees (for Workers' Compensation analyses).

       U.S. Locations in the AIR Landmarks database: Enables you to select multiple landmarks. For example, you might want to evaluate potential losses for a terrorist attack on airports and bridges near your exposures. To use this feature you must license model M01, the AIR Terrorism Model for the U.S.

       Locations included in a user-specified address list: Enables you to manually enter addresses into the Address List grid,or copy and paste records from a spreadsheet.

       To add addresses manually, click to open the Address List Editor, click the plus symbol +, and then enter address information. The Ring Center Name, Latitude, and Longitude fields are required.

       To copy and paste records from a spreadsheet, open the spreadsheet containing the addresses, right-click the row or rows containing the addresses you want to copy, and then click Copy on the shortcut menu. In the Ring Definition pane, click the Edit icon next to Address List. Right-click in the Address List Editor and the click Paste. The copied addresses appear in the address list. Click OK to save the changes; the system displays information about the number of locations that you loaded.

Select the Remove duplicates check box if you do not want the system to place duplicate rings—rings of the same radius—around the same latitude and longitude—for exposures that are at the same XY locations. This option does not apply to a Dynamic Ring analysis.

Specifying the content within rings

You filter the property exposure or workers' compensation data that you want to include in rings by defining peril and geocode filters. For example, for a terrorism ring analysis, you may want to include only those locations in your exposure data where the geocode match level is "Exact Address,ZIP9 Centroid,Relaxed Address", or "Area Centroid", but not where the geocode match level is Postal Code, City, or County Centroid. You may want to do this if your data does not include accurate address information for postal, city, and county locations.

Defining the ring radius and damage ratio for each ring

After defining the target (the center of a ring) and the filters, you define the ring radius and, for Property Exposure analyses only, the damage ratio (%) for the concentric ring. When you define the radius, you can enter a decimal number and select the unit of measurement (feet, kilometers, meters, or miles).

Exposure Type

Dynamic Ring Radius

Radius for Non-Dynamic Rings

Property Exposure

200.00 meters

500.00 meters

Workers' Compensation

500.00 feet

500.00 feet

The Dynamic Ring analysis for Property Exposure analyses has a smaller default radius size than for the other types of rings because the size of the ring can significantly affect run times; larger rings increase the analysis time because they may generate more potential ring points.

You can enter any decimal number greater than "0" in the Radius field, when you select kilometers and miles as the unit of measurement. For dynamic ring analyses, if you specify a radius greater than 1.0 kilometers or miles, you must also select the "Override Recommended Radius" option.

You can create multiple concentric rings. (You cannot create multiple rings for a Dynamic Ring Analysis. A Dynamic Ring Analysis requires that all the rings that it generates be of the same radius.) To add new concentric rings, click Add new concentric ring and specify the radius and damage ratio (%). For example, you may want to define three rings:

          Ring 1: two-mile radius with a damage ratio (%) of 100.00

          Ring 2: five-mile radius with a damage percent of 80.00

          Ring 3: 10-mile radius with a damage percent of 65.00


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020