Annual EP Chart

The Annual EP chart displays standard (probabilistic) losses by percentile ranking for annual aggregate losses and annual occurrence losses. You can view individual curves for any of the loss-producing perspectives for either annual aggregate or annual occurrence losses. By default, the chart displays the standard (mean) EP curve, but you can also view the Tail Value at Risk (TVAR) curve and the EP with Secondary Uncertainty (Secondary EP) curve. If you are viewing modified results, Touchstone displays both the AIR results and the modified results for each EP type.


If you ran a Loss Comparative Analysis, the analysis results tables and charts include the comparative results.

The chart also enables you to view event uncertainty for all the EP points. By default, this displays the confidence intervals defined in the Administration Console, but you can modify those intervals on-the-fly to view any upper and lower uncertainty boundaries. Touchstone applies a gamma distribution to fit the uncertainty to the standard mean loss curve.


Touchstone stores only the pre-defined uncertainty bands in the database.

The chart displays stochastic events on the curve; you can view details of the events by moving the pointer over the points on the curve. A pop-up window then displays the mean loss, exceedance probability, and return period years. You can add historical and world scenario events to see where, for your exposure, they would fall on your occurrence loss curve.

Use the mouse to zoom in or out to see more detail on specific EP areas; the zoom default is on an area around the 250-year RP or .4% PE. The default view displays Probabilities of Exceedance on the Y-axis and losses on the X-axis; however, you can switch the axes in the Chart Area section on the ribbon. In the Chart Area section, you can also change the number of markers to see more or fewer points on the curve, add the legend to the chart, and clear the zoom area.

Saving by coverage enables you to see the distribution of losses by each of the individual coverage types or the total across coverages.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020