CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tOccLimitType Table
AIRReference Database : tOccLimitType Table

Stores the limit types that you can apply to layers and sublimits.

Creation Date11/3/2011 11:44 PM
Text File Group
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used8.00 KB
Index Space Used8.00 KB
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key 

Code that represents the limit and sublimit types.

Limit Types:

  • B = Blanket Limit
  • CSL100 = Combined Single Limit 100% participation
  • CSLAI = Combined Single Limit Assured Interest
  • E = Excess Limit
  • N = No limit

Sublimit Types:

  • B = Blanket Limit
  • C = Limit by Coverage
  • C100 = Limit by Coverage 100% Participation
  • CAI = Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest
  • CB = Combined, Including Time Separately
  • E = Excess Limit
  • N = No limit

Name of the limit type.

Corresponds to the code in OccLimitTypeCode.


Description of the limit type.


Identifies how the Limit 1 value is applied by the analysis engine. For example, when the limit type is Limit By Coverage, the value for Limit 1 is the limit for Coverage A.

Note that Limit 1 is referred to as Limit A on the user interface.


Identifies how the Limit 2 value is applied by the analysis engine. For example, when the limit type is Limit By Coverage, the value for Limit 2 is the limit for Coverage B.

Note that Limit 2 is referred to as Limit B on the user interface.


Identifies how the Limit 3 value is applied by the analysis engine. For example, when the limit type is Limit By Coverage, the value for Limit 3 is the limit for Coverage C.

Note that Limit 3 is referred to as Limit C on the user interface.


Identifies how the Limit 4 value is applied by the analysis engine. For example, when the limit type is Limit By Coverage, the value for Limit 4 is the limit for Coverage D.

Note that Limit 4 is referred to as Limit D on the user interface.


Indicates whether the limit is a layer limit.

  • 1 = Yes
  • 0 = No
bit1 dbo.D_0 

Indicates whether the limit is available for use by the sublimit.

  • 1 = Yes (available)
  • 0 = No (not available)
bit1 dbo.D_0 
See Also

Related Objects

AIRReference Database