CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
AIRReference Database

The AIRReference database is a central repository for reference information.

In general, each table in the database includes columns for code values, the names of the codes, and descriptions of the codes.

Stores codes that represent types of activities.
System reference table used by the Activity Monitor to determine the current stage of the activity.

Stores codes that represent types of aggregate deductibles.

Stores codes that represent types of aggregate limits.

System reference table that stores the AIR construction class codes supported for each geographic region.

System reference table that stores the countries supported for each region.

Stores information about AIR construction class codes.
Stores information about AIR occupancy class codes.

Stores codes that represent types of appurtenant structures.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

System reference table used internally by the loss and geospatial analysis engines to determine the status of a location in the location table.

Stores codes that indicate whether a basement is finished.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the percentage of a building that is constructed of brick veneer.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the condition of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the percentage of a building's exterior walls that comprise openings. Openings include windows and doors.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the shape of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores information about the cargo packing details.
Stores information about the protection of cargo package.

Stores codes that represent the type of data to delete during a delete operation.

System reference table that stores the mappings between model codes and catalog model codes.

Stores possible subtypes of event catalogs.

For example, a catalog tag type code can indicate that an event catalog is time dependent.

Stores the possible catalogs that can be used during a Loss analysis.

Reserved for future use.

Stores codes used to identify whether a building has a chimney, and if so, the chimney height.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of cold-formed tubes in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the type of connection between the columns and basement in a building with stell-reinforced concrete (SRC) or steel construction.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the size of a company associated with an offshore location.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of AM Best Imports in Touchstone Re.

Stores the relative damageability of the contents exposed to flooding for the chosen occupancy.

Stores codes that indicate the relative vulnerability of contents in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the supported contract types.

Stores information about the catalog types used in CLASIC/2.

Touchstone uses the information to convert CLASIC/2 catalog types to Touchstone catalog types.

Stores information about the country names used in CLASIC/2.

Touchstone uses the information to convert CLASIC/2 country names to Touchstone country names.

Stores the supported country codes and indicates whether each country is modeled and an offshore location.
System reference table used to map currencies to countries when exporting company loss files (CLFs) and UNICEDE/2 files for CATRADER.
Stores the industry lines of business (LOBs) supported for each country and peril set combination.
System reference table used to map the Industry Line of Business to a county.
System reference table used to determine the perils that are associated with a country.
Stores the possible coverage types.

Stores AIR currency codes.

Stores mappings between previously and currently supported currency codes.

Stores codes that represent types of custom standards of protection for flood.

A custom standard of protection is a user-specified level of flood protection that overrides the AIR-defined level of protection during analyses. Flood protection includes levees, dikes, and flood walls.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent user-specified flood zones.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of data sources.

Defines the version of the database.

Stores codes that represent types of location, layer, and sublimit deductibles.

Stores the supported geocode match levels.

Stores the possible types of EP curve that can be generated in Touchstone.

Stores the possible exposure targets that the application can display EP curves for.

Stores codes that indicate the quality of the bracing of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of exterior doors.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the possible financial perspectives.

Stores codes that indicate whether a building is in compliance with the FEMA flood zone requirements in design and construction.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.


Stores codes that represent types of building foundations.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of connections between a structure and foundation.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the geocode resources available in Touchstone.

The premium geocodes obtained by licensing this feature are restricted for use only within Touchstone and cannot be used outside of Touchstone. These are identified by the GeocoderCode = 'Syncsort' column in Touchstone AIRExposure, AIRReference and AIRResults databases. For the Export feature, these premium geocodes are either encrypted or removed during export to comply with these contractual restrictions. Direct extracts of premium geocodes from the Touchstone databases are also contractually prohibited.

Stores codes that represent geographic levels.

Stores codes that represent the levels at which a geocode match can occur.

Stores codes that represent the percentage of the walls in a building that consist of glass.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of glass used in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the possible the attributes of a hazard.

Stores information regarding the possible hazard attribute types.

Stores codes that represent the level of certification per the Institute for Business and Home Safety, which defines a structure's ability to withstand load resistance.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the possible the industry Line of Business types.

Stores codes that represent types of injuries.
Stores information about the intensity attributes that may be used during a hazard analysis.

Stores codes that represent types of interior walls.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent measurements of the total seismic performance of a building. The measurements account for all characteristics that affect the response of a building to an earthquake.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of large missiles within 100 feet of a structure.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of lattices.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate whether a layer is associated with a sublimit or a sub-sublimit.
Stores codes that represent types of location limits.

System reference table that stores information about the sub-perils that are associated with a primary peril set. 

For example, the following sub-perils are associated with MainPerilSetCode "4" (earthquake):

  • 4 (earthquake)
  • 8 (fire following)
  • 12 (earthquake shake, fire following)
  • 128 (sprinkler leakage)
  • 8192 (tsunami)
  • 8196 (earthquake shake, tsunami)
  • 8200 (fire following, tsunami)
  • 8204 (earthquake shake, fire following, tsunami)
  • 139404 (earthquake shake, fire following, tsunami, sprinkler leakage, and landslide)

Stores codes that indicate whether an offshore platform is manned or unmanned.

The codes apply only to offshore locations.

Stores codes that represent minimum maximum deductible types for location terms.
Stores codes for Stores codes for minimum maximum policy logic types used in layer and sublimit terms.
System reference table used to determine the countries that are covered by the model.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of multi-story halls in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

A generic table to hold objects like templates and widgets which are added through the object management screen in administration console.

Stores the limit types that you can apply to layers and sublimits.

Stores codes that indicate the amount of decorative elements attached to the exterior of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the database tables where the output is stored.

System reference table that stores the financial perspective codes that correspond to each output table type.

Stores codes that represent the perils supported by the application.

Stores codes that represent the perils sets supported by the application.

Stores codes that indicate the distance between two structures. If the distance is not sufficiently long, the two structures may collide during earthquake shaking.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the preferred exposure types.

Stores codes that represent project phases, which indicate stages of construction. 

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores Public Protection Classification (PPC) codes.

ISO analyzes community data (for example, fire department, water supply, or emergency communications system data) and assigns a Public Protection Classification (PPC). PPCs range from 1 to 10. Class 1 generally represents superior fire protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area's fire suppression program does not meet ISO's minimum criteria.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of multiple lateral load resisting elements in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of targets associated with the reinsurance contract.

Stores codes that represent the types of reinsurance treaties supported in the application.

Stores the mappings between UNICEDE/2 lines of business (LOBs) and LOBs supported in Touchstone Re.

Touchstone uses the mappings when a user exports UNICEDE/2 data and associates the data to a company in Touchstone Re. For more information, see the Touchstone online help.

Stores mappings between lines of business in previous versions of the UNICEDE/2 specification and the corresponding lines of business in the current version of the specification.

Stores codes that represent types of retrofitting.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the possible replacement value types available for use in the Geospatial analysis.

Stores codes that represent types of anchors used to secure a roof support system to the walls of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of mechanical and other equipment that is attached to the roof of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of materials used for covering the roof of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of connections used to secure the roof covering to the roof deck.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent materials used to construct the roof deck of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of connections used to secure the roof deck of a building to the underlying roof support system.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent roof shapes

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent a roof's level of resistance to damage from hail impact.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent roof pitch angles, which determine the slope of the roof.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores potential damage level associated with each salvage potential code. 

This table contains information to evaluate the potential loss and the corresponding damage level to determine the total loss for policy conditions.

Stores codes that represent types of professional engineering attention given to the design of a structure.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores information about the support codes for Gulf of Mexico (GOM) with area code and their corresponding AIR specific sequential identifier. 

Stores information about the SEQUELImpact Offshore structure including the type and number of structures.

For internal use only.

Stores codes, descriptions, and groupings of the peril codes generated in Touchstone.

Stores codes that indicate regarding whether the service equipment at a location is protected from flood. 

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of structural irregularity for a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of a short column in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of small debris within 200 meters of a structure.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of any structural weaknesses.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of earthquake-resistant system types.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores code that represent types of storage used in special construction structures.
This table contains the sprinkler identifier for each sprinkler type.

Stores codes that represent the status of objects in the applicable tables.

Stores the supported trigger types for step functions.
Stores the supported contract submission status options.

Stores codes that represent the height of a one story building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of storage tanks in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent the condition (or categorization) of the terrain surrounding a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of shift definitions.

Stores codes that represent the layout of the structural elements in a building that may lead to torsional loads.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate whether the transition from steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) to reinforced concrete (RC) in the columns of a building with SRC construction is smooth.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of transverse framing used to brace offshore platform legs.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of trees. The codes are used to identify the tree hazard around a structure.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores the supported trigger types, which are used to determine how reinsurance contracts are applied.

Stores the supported units of measure.
Stores information about upgrade scripts.

Stores import validation error codes, validation rules, and error messages. When a validation error occurs, the error is written to the import log file using the following format: ERROR CODE | Contract ID: XXX Location ID XXX | Summary Message.

Stores codes that represent the type of vulnerability set files in Touchstone.

Stores codes that represent types of materials used for the external walls of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of structures that may be attached to a primary building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of siding used for weather protection on the external walls of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate the presence of bracing for the water heater in a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that indicate whether welding occurs within a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of protection systems for wet flood in a location. 

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.

Stores codes that represent types of protection systems used for the windows of a building.

The codes are used in the tLocFeature Table.