CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tLocFeature Table
AIRExposure Database : tLocFeature Table

Stores detailed building information for each location.

The information includes secondary risk characteristics, such as the building shape and glass type.

Creation Date4/12/2021 11:26 AM
Text File GroupPRIMARY
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used0.00 KB
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 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key 

Unique system-generated sequential identifier for the location record.

For a complete list of records, see tLocation Table.

 Average height of buildings that are adjacent to the building.int4  

Code that represents the type of any appurtenant building, such as a shed or detached garage.

For a complete list of codes, see tAppurtenantStructure Table.


Code that represents the percentage of external walls that consist of brick veneer.

For a complete list of codes, see tBrickVeneer Table.


Code that represents the condition of the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tBuildingCondition Table.


Code that represents the percentage of exterior walls that are open. Openings include windows and doors.

For a complete list of codes, see tBuildingExteriorOpening Table.


Code that represents the shape of the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tBuildingShape Table.


Code that indicates whetherthe structure has a chimney and, if so, the height of the chimney.

For a complete list of codes, see tChimney Table.


Code that indicates the presence of cold-formed tubes in SRC structures.  

For a complete list of codes, see tColdFormedTube Table.


Code that represents the type of basement support columns for SRC and steel construction.

For a complete list of codes, see tColumnBasement Table.


User-specified level of flood protection.

A user-specified level of protection overrides the AIR-defined level of protection. Flood protection comes in various forms, including levees, dikes, and flood walls.

The CustomFloodSOPType column indicates how the user specified the level.


User-defined flood zones; used to filter locations for  detailed loss analysis.

For a complete list of codes, see tCustomFloodZone Table


Code that represents the bracing used the building. 

For a complete list of codes, see tEquipment Table.


Code that represents the type of exterior door used the building. 

For a complete list of codes, see tExternalDoor Table.

 Extra location feature data.varchar16  
 Total area of floor in the structure.int4  

Code for the unit of measure used to express the building's floor area.

For a complete list of codes, see tUnit Table.

 Identifies the floor where the insured risk resides when coverage does not include the entire building.smallint2  
 Number of floors in the building that are occupied.varchar40  

Code that represents the construction type of the building's foundation.  

For a complete list of codes, see tFoundation Table.


Code that represents the type of connection used between the building and its foundation, such as nails or epoxy.

For a complete list of codes, see tFoundationConnection Table.


Code that represents the percentage of the walls that consist of glass (windows).

For a complete list of codes, see tGlassPercent Table.


Code that represents the type of glass used in the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tGlassType Table.


Code that represents the type of materials used to construct the interior partition walls.

For a complete list of codes, see tInternalPartition Table.


Code that represents the total seismic performance of the building, which accounts for all characteristics that affect the response of a building to an earthquake.

For a complete list of codes, see tISValue Table.


Code that represents the potential for large missiles within a 100 foot radius of the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tLargeMissile Table.


Code that represents the type of web used for H-shaped steel.

For a complete list of codes, see tLattice Table.


Code that indicates if the building has a multi-story hall.

For a complete list of codes, see tMultiStoryHall Table.


Code that represents the amount of decorative elements attached to the exterior of a building.

For a complete list of codes, see tOrnamentation Table.


Code that represents the distance to the closest structure, which if not adequate, can cause the two structures to collide during earthquake shaking.

For a complete list of codes, see tPounding Table


Code that represents the percentage of the project that is complete with start of the policy.  Valid values are 0-99%.


Code that represents the current stage of the project's construction. This is used to identify the vulnerabilities during different phases of construction.

For a complete list of codes, see tProjectPhase Table


Indicates whether there are multiple lateral load resisting elements, such as frames or shear walls.

For a complete list of codes, see tRedundancy Table


Code that represents any retrofit measures that may have been added to the building to resist earthquake loads.

For a complete list of codes, see tRetrofit Table


Code that represents the connections used to secure the roof support system to the walls

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofAnchorage Table


Code that identifies items mounted on the roof, such as A/C units, skylights, or dormers.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofAttachedStructure Table


Code that represents the connections used to secure the roof covering to the roof deck.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofCoverAttach Table


Code that represents the material used to cover the roof.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofCover Table.


Code that represents the connections used to secure the roof deck to the underlying roof support system.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofDeckAttach Table


Code that represents the materials used to construct the roof deck.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofDeck Table.


Code that represents the shape of the roof.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofGeometry Table.


Code that represents the slope of the roof.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofPitch Table.

 Year the roof was last replaced.smallint2  

Code that represents the level of professional engineering attention given to the design of the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tSealOfApproval Table.


Code that represents any shape or structural irregularities in the building. 

For a complete list of codes, see tShapeIrregularity Table.


Code that indicates if there are short columns in the building. 

For a complete list of codes, see tShortColumn Table.


Code that represents the potential for small debris within a 200 foot radius of the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tSmallDebris Table.


Code that indicates if there is structural weakness at any floor.  First floor garages and taller first floors are likely to exhibit soft-story behavior. 

For a complete list of codes, see tSoftStory Table.


Code that represents any earthquake-resistive systems that may have been installed on the building.

For a complete list of codes, see dbo.tSpecialConstruction Table


Code that represents the height of a one story building.

For a complete list of codes, see tTallOneStory Table


Code that indicates if there are rooftop tanks on the adjoining higher buildings.

For a complete list of codes, see tTank Table


Code that represents the landscape of the area surrounding the building, such as city or wooded areas.

For a complete list of codes, see tTerrainRoughness Table


Code that represents the layout of structural elements that can lead to torsional loads .

For a complete list of codes, see tTorsion Table


Indicates whether the transition from SRC to RC in columns of SRC construction is smooth.

For a complete list of codes, see tTransitionInSRC Table


Code that indicates if there are tree hazards around the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tTreeExposure Table


Code that represents a structure that is physically attached to the building, such as garage or balcony.

For a complete list of codes, see tWallAttachedStructure Table


Code that represents the material used to construct the external walls.

For a complete list of codes, see tWall Table.


Code that represents the material used for weather protection of the external walls.

For a complete list of codes, see tWallSiding Table.


Code that indicates if the water heater in the building is braced.

For a complete list of codes, see tWaterHeater Table.


Code that represents the quality of welding in the building.

For a complete list of codes, see tWelding Table.


Code that represents the wind protection systems used on the windows.

For a complete list of codes, see tWindowProtection Table.


Code that defines if the basement is finished or unfinished.

For a complete list of codes, see tBasementFinishType Table.

 Indicates the number of basement levels in a structure.smallint2  
 Elevation of the base flood level. float9  

Code for the unit of measure used to express the base flood elevation.

For a complete list of codes, see tUnit Table.


Code that reflects the relative vulnerability of the contents exposed to flooding for the chosen occupancy.

For a complete list of codes, see tContentVulnerability Table.

 User-defined elevation; used to filter locations for detailed loss analysis.float9  

Code for the unit of measure used to express the elevation.

For a complete list of codes, see tUnit Table.


Indicates whether the building is in compliance with the FEMA flood zone requirements in both design and construction. 

For a complete list of codes, see tFIRMCompliance Table.

 Height of the building's first floor.float9  

Code for the unit of measure used to express the height of the building's first floor.

For a complete list of codes, see tUnit Table.


Code that represents the roof's level of resistance in regards to damage from hail impact.

For a complete list of codes, see tRoofHailImpactResistance Table.


Code that indicates if the service equipment is protected from flood. 

For a complete list of codes, see tServiceEquipmentProtection Table.

 Used for version stamping.timestamp8   

Code that represents the location's Public Protection Classification (PPC), which designates the level of fire protection.

For a complete list of codes, see tPublicProtectionClass.


Indicates whether a fire sprinkler system is installed at the location.

  • 1 = Yes (installed)
  • 0 = No (not installed) 

Code that represents the ISO Occupancy Code for the location.

For a complete list of codes, see tConvertISOOccupancy Table


Code that represents the ISO Construction Code for the location.

For a complete list of codes, see tISOConstruction Table


Code that represents the location's level of certification per the Institute for Business and Home Safety, which defines a structure's ability to withstand load resistance. 

For a complete list of codes, see tIBHSFortified Table.


Area in feet between the structure and an oncoming wildfire, where the landscaping has been managed to alter or cut off the paths through which wildfires approach the structure and to increase the probability of a structure surviving.

The value may be between 0 and 10,000. The application maps negative values to -999, which is the default/unknown value.


Indicates whether the location is in a recognized Firewise USA® site.

  • 0 = Unknown (default)
  • 1 = No (not in a Firewise USA site)
  • 2 = Yes (in a Firewise USA site)

Code that represents the type of CustomFloodStandardOfProtection, if the user specified a level of protection.

For a complete list of codes, see tCustomFloodSOPType Table.


Indicates whether the location has protection against wet flooding. 

  • 0 = Unknown (default)
  • 1 = Unprotected
  • 2 = Low protection, wet floodproofed by 1 ft 
  • 3 = Medium protection, wet floodproofed by 3 ft
  • 4 = High protection, wet floodproofed by over 3 ft 

Code that indicates damage information for each content.

For a complete list of codes, see tContentDamageability Table.


Code that indicates the marine cargo packing details.

For a complete list of codes, see tCargoPacking Table.


Code that indicates information about the protection of cargo package.

For a complete list of codes, see tCargoProtection Table.


Code that indicates types of storage used in special construction structures

For a complete list of codes, see tSpecieStorage Table.


Code that indicates sprinkler identifier for each sprinkler type.

For a complete list of codes, see tSprinklerType Table.


Code that indicates the damage level to determine the total loss for policy conditions.

For a complete list of codes, see tSalvagePotential Table.

Objects that tLocFeature depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tContract tabletContractTable

Stores records for primary insurance policies.

tExposureSet tabletExposureSetTable

Stores information about exposure sets.

An exposure set is a collection of contracts, locations, and other related information.

tLocation tabletLocationTable

Stores geographical attributes and primary risk characteristics for each location. 

The table serves as a reference point between Location and Contract entities.You can identify each location by the location sequential identifier (SID).

See Also

Related Objects

AIRExposure Database