CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tContract Table
AIRExposure Database : tContract Table

Stores records for primary insurance policies.

Creation Date4/12/2021 11:26 AM
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 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key Unique system-generated sequential identifier for the contract record.int4   

Unique system-generated sequential identifier for the exposure set record.

For a complete list of records, see tExposureSet Table

 Unique user-defined identifier for the contract.varchar100   

Code for the contract type.

For a complete list of codes, see tContractType Table.


Code for the submission status.

For a complete list of codes, see tSubmitStatus Table.


Numeric code for the single peril or set of perils.

For a complete list of codes, see tPerilSet Table.


ISO 3-character code for the currency.

For a complete list of codes, see tCurrency Table.

 Inception date of the contract.  Also referred to as the Effective FROM Date.date8   
 Contract expiration date. Also referred to as the Effective TO Date.date8   
 Name of the user line of business.varchar60  
 User-defined policy.varchar60  
 Client's name.varchar60  
 Name of the producer of the contract.varchar60  
 Name of the underwriter of the contract.varchar60  
 Name of the branch.varchar60  
 Unique user-defined identifier for the expiring contract.varchar100  

System-provided status code for the record in the table.

For a complete list of codes, see tStatus Table.

 Date and time when the contract was created.datetime4 
 Date and time when the contract was last modified.datetime4 
 User-defined field 1.varchar60  
 User-defined field 2.varchar60  
 User-defined field 3.varchar60  
 User-defined field 4.varchar60  
 User-defined field 5.varchar60  
 Name of the person who entered the contract.varchar255  
 Name of the person who modified the contract.varchar255  
 Used for version stamping.timestamp8   
Objects that depend on tContract
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tLayer tabletLayerTable

Stores primary contract layer information.

tLayerCondition tabletLayerConditionTable

Stores layer conditions, such as sublimit and policy restrictions.

Sublimits are generally applied to layers based on filter criteria, such as a list of locations or perils.
tLayerConditionLocationXref tabletLayerConditionLocationXrefTable

System reference table used to map the location to the layer condition.

tLocation tabletLocationTable

Stores geographical attributes and primary risk characteristics for each location. 

The table serves as a reference point between Location and Contract entities.You can identify each location by the location sequential identifier (SID).

tLocFeature tabletLocFeatureTable

Stores detailed building information for each location.

The information includes secondary risk characteristics, such as the building shape and glass type.

tLocOffshore tabletLocOffshoreTable

Stores risk characteristics for each offshore location.

tLocStepFunctionXref tabletLocStepFunctionXrefTableSystem reference table used to determine the step functions that are associated with a location.2
tLocTerm tabletLocTermTable

Stores information about location terms.

tLocWC tabletLocWCTable

Stores information about the workers' compensation details for the location.

tStepFunction tabletStepFunctionTableStores general information about step functions, including the contract associated with each step function.1
tStepFunctionDetail tabletStepFunctionDetailTableStores detailed information about step functions.2
Objects that tContract depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tExposureSet tabletExposureSetTable

Stores information about exposure sets.

An exposure set is a collection of contracts, locations, and other related information.

See Also

Related Objects

AIRExposure Database