CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tValidationError Table
AIRReference Database : tValidationError Table

Stores import validation error codes, validation rules, and error messages. When a validation error occurs, the error is written to the import log file using the following format: ERROR CODE | Contract ID: XXX Location ID XXX | Summary Message.

Creation Date10/22/2015 12:57 PM
Text File Group
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used128.00 KB
Index Space Used24.00 KB
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key 

Code that represents the validation error. When written to the log file, this is the ERROR CODE field.

  • 10000 = Contract ID cannot be blank
  • 10001 = Contract ID cannot begin with a space or contain any of the following characters: ; ,
  • 10002 = Contract ID cannot be more than 100 characters long
  • 10003 = Contract ID must be unique
  • 10004 = Contract must have at least one location
  • 10005 = Contract type provided is not valid
  • 10006 = Please enter an Insured Name using alphanumeric characters
  • 10007 = Insured Name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10008 = Producer Name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10009 = Underwriter name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10010 = Branch name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10011 = ID of Expiring Contract cannot be greater than 100 characters
  • 10012 = Currency Code provided is not valid
  • 10013 = Inception Date cannot be blank
  • 10014 = The Inception Date must be earlier than the Expiration Date
  • 10015 = Specify an Expiration Year between 1970 and 2038
  • 10017 = Expiration Date cannot be blank
  • 10019 = Specify an Expiration Year between 1970 and 2038
  • 10020 = Status code provided is not valid
  • 10021 = Perils cannot be blank
  • 10022 = Workers compensation only supports Earthquake and Terrorism perils
  • 10023 = Policy form cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10024 = User Line of Business cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10025 = UDF 1 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10026 = UDF 2 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10027 = UDF 3 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10028 = UDF 4 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10029 = UDF 5 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10100 = Layer ID cannot be blank
  • 10101 = Layer ID cannot begin with a space or contain any of the following characters: ; ,
  • 10102 = Layer ID cannot be greater than 100 characters long
  • 10103 = Layer IDs must be unique
  • 10104 = Layer peril code specified must be a subset of corresponding contract peril codes
  • 10105 = Layer perils cannot be blank
  • 10106 = Layer perils code provided is invalid
  • 10107 = Layer Limit Type provided is not valid
  • 10108 = Layer Total Limit must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10109 = Layer Total Limit must be greater than 0 if Limit Type = E
  • 10110 = Layer Total Limit must be greater than Participation Limit if Limit Type = CSL100, CSLAI
  • 10111 = Layer Participation Limit must be 0 or blank if Limit Type = B, C, CB, or N.
  • 10112 = Layer Participation Limit must be 1 or blank if Limit Type = B, or N
  • 10113 = Layer Participation Limit must be less than or equal to the Total Layer Limit
  • 10114 = Layer Limit 1 must be a value between 0 and 4
  • 10115 = Layer Limit 1 must be unique
  • 10116 = Limit 2 must be a value between 0 and 4
  • 10117 = Limit 2 value must be unique
  • 10118 = Limit 3 must be a value between 0 and 4
  • 10119 = Limit 3 value must be unique
  • 10120 = Limit 4 must be a value between 0 and 4
  • 10121 = Limit 4 value must be unique
  • 10122 = Layer Attachment Amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10123 = Layer Attachment Amount must be 0 or blank if Limit Type = N
  • 10124 = Layer Deductible Type provided is not valid
  • 10126 = Layer Deductible Type must = N for specified Layer Limit Type
  • 10127 = Deductible 1 must be 0 or blank if Deductible Type = MA, N
  • 10128 = Layer Deductible 1 amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10129 = Minimum Deductible must be less than Maximum Deductible
  • 10130 = Layer Deductible 2 amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10131 = Layer Participation Limit must be greater than 0 if Limit Type = CSL100, CSLAI, E
  • 10132 = Layer Occurence Participation is negative and it must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10133 = For sublimits with same area, perils cannot overlap
  • 10200 = Sublimit peril must be a subset of corresponding layer peril codes
  • 10201 = Sublimit Perils list cannot be blank
  • 10202 = Sublimit Limit Type provided is not valid
  • 10203 = Invalid combination Layer Limit Type - Sublimt Limit Type
  • 10204 = Sublimit Limit and Deductible Type is not compatible with Layer Limit and Deductible Type
  • 10205 = Applies to Area cannot be more than 255 characters long
  • 10206 = Sublimit Total Limit/Sublimit Limit Building amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10207 = Sublimit Total Limit must be greater than Sublimit Participation Limit if Limit Type = E
  • 10208 = Sublimit Attachment Amount/Sublimit Attachment Building amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10209 = Sublimit Participation Limit/Sublimit Limit Other amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10210 = Sublimit Attachment Other amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10211 = Sublimit Limit Contents amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10212 = Sublimit Attachment Contents amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10213 = Sublimit Limit Time amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10214 = Sublimit Attachment Time amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10215 = Sublimit Deductible Type provided is not valid
  • 10216 = Sublimit Deductible Type must = N for specified Sublimit Limit Type
  • 10217 = Sublimit Deductible 1 amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10218 = Deductible 1 must be 0 or blank if Deductible Type = MA, N
  • 10219 = Sublimit Minimum Deductible must be less than Sublimit Maximum Deductible
  • 10220 = Sublimit Deductible 2 amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10221 = Sublimit Inuring Order must be a value between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 10222 = Sublimit Limit Building must be blank for limit type specified
  • 10223 = Sublimit Participation Limit/Sublimit Limit Other must be blank for limit type specified
  • 10224 = Sublimit Limit Contents must be blank for limit type specified
  • 10225 = Sublimit Limit Time must be blank for limit type specified
  • 10226 = Sublimit Total Limit/Sublimit Limit Building amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10300 = Reinsurance ID cannot be blank
  • 10301 = Reinsurance ID cannot begin with a space or contain any of the following characters: ; ,
  • 10302 = Reinsurance ID cannot be greater than 100 characters
  • 10303 = Exposure ID provided is invalid
  • 10304 = Exposure Type provided is invalid
  • 10305 = Currency Code provided is invalid
  • 10306 = Cedant Name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10307 = Reinsurance Name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 10308 = Reinsurance Type cannot be blank
  • 10309 = Reinsurance Type provided is invalid
  • 10310 = Ceded Amount cannot be blank
  • 10311 = Ceded Amount. Restricted to be between 0 and 1
  • 10312 = Ceded Amount must be greater than 0 if Reinsurance Type = FAC
  • 10313 = Reinsurance Gross Limit amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10315 = Reinsurance Attachment amount must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10316 = Surplus Share cannot overlap Gross Limits and Attachment Amounts
  • 10317 = Peril code cannot be blank
  • 10318 = The peril codes specified must be a subset of corresponding layer peril codes
  • 10319 = Current treaty cannot be attached to any exposure object
  • 10320 = Current facultative treaty cannot be attached to any exposure object
  • 10400 = Building and Contents End cannot be blank
  • 10401 = Building Content End must be the same Step Type as Building Content Start (Percentage or Amount)
  • 10402 = Building Content End must be greater than or equal to Building Content Start
  • 10403 = If the last step is a percentage it must end with 100%
  • 10404 = Building and Contents Start cannot be blank
  • 10405 = Steps cannot contain gaps in enumeration
  • 10406 = Building Content Start must be less than or equal to Building Content End
  • 10407 = Building Deductible must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10408 = Building End cannot be blank
  • 10409 = Building End must be the same Step Type as Building Content Start (Percentage or Amount)
  • 10410 = Building End must be greater than or equal to Building Content Start
  • 10411 = If the last step is a percentage it must end with 100%
  • 10412 = Building Payout cannot be negative
  • 10413 = Building and Contents Start cannot be blank
  • 10414 = Steps cannot contain gaps in enumeration
  • 10415 = Building Content Start must be less than or equal to Building Content End
  • 10416 = Content Deductible  must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 10417 = Building and Contents End cannot be blank
  • 10418 = Building Content End must be the same Step Type as Building Content Start (Percentage or Amount)
  • 10419 = Building Content End must be greater than or equal to Building Content Start
  • 10420 = If the last step is a percentage it must end with 100%
  • 10421 = Building and Contents Start cannot be blank
  • 10422 = Steps cannot contain gaps in enumeration
  • 10423 = Building Content Start must be less than or equal to Building Content End
  • 10424 = Content Payout  must be between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 10426 = Minimum TIV must be between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 10427 = Scale Factor must be a value between 0.00 and 1
  • 10428 = Step Function Name cannot be greater than 255 characters
  • 10429 = Number of Steps must be between 1 and 20
  • 10430 = Total Deductible must be between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 10431 = Total Payout must be between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 10432 = Trigger Type provided is invalid
  • 10000 = Location ID cannot be blank
  • 20001 = Location ID must be between 1 and 100 characters long
  • 20002 = Location ID cannot begin with a space or contain any of the following characters: ; ,
  • 20003 = Locations cannot have both onshore and offshore features
  • 20004 = Location Name cannot be greater than 100 characters long
  • 20005 = Location Group Name cannot be blank
  • 20006 = Location Group Name cannot be greater than 60 characters long
  • 20007 = There cannot be more than one Primary Location per Location Group
  • 20008 = Location cannot be primary if not part of a Location Group
  • 20009 = ISOBIN cannot be greater than 14 characters long
  • 20010 = Location Inception/Expiration dates must be a subset of the Contract Inception/Expiration dates
  • 20011 = Inception Date cannot be blank
  • 20012 = The inception date must be earlier than the expiration date
  • 20013 = Specify an inception year between 1970 and 2038
  • 20014 = Location Inception/Expiration dates must be a subset of the Contract Inception/Expiration dates
  • 20015 = Expiration Date cannot be blank
  • 20016 = Specify an inception year between 1970 and 2038
  • 20017 = Street cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 20018 = City cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 20019 = Subarea Code cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 20020 = Subarea Name cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 20021 = Subarea 2 Code cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 20022 = Subarea 2 Name cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 20023 = Area Code cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 20024 = Area Name cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 20025 = CRESTA cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 20026 = Postal Code cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 20027 = Country Code cannot be blank
  • 20028 = Country Code provided is invalid
  • 20029 = Country Name provided is invalid
  • 20030 = Latitude must be between -90 and 90
  • 20031 = Longitude must be between -180 to 180
  • 20032 = Currency Code provided is not valid
  • 20033 = Replacement Value Building must be between 0 and 999999999999999
  • 20034 = Replacement Value Other must be between 0 and 999999999999999
  • 20035 = Replacement Value Content must be between 0 and 999999999999999
  • 20036 = Replacement Value Time must be between 0 and 999999999999999
  • 20037 = Replacement Value Days Covered must be a value between 1 and 365
  • 20038 = Replacement Value Days Covered cannot be blank
  • 20039 = Number of Risks must be between 1 and 999,999,999
  • 20040 = Premium must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 20041 = UDF 1 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 20042 = UDF 2 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 20043 = UDF 3 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 20044 = UDF 4 cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 20045 = UDF 5 cannot be greater than 60 characters.
  • 20046 = Construction Code Building provided is not valid
  • 20047 = Construction Building and Country combination is invalid
  • 20048 = Construction Code Other Structures provided is not valid
  • 20049 = Construction Other and Country combination is invalid
  • 20050 = Occupancy Code provided is not valid
  • 20051 = Year Built must be 0 or between 1000 and current year
  • 20052 = Stories must be between 0-999
  • 20053 = Gross Area must be between 0 and 15,000,000
  • 20054 = ISO Construction Code provided is invalid
  • 20055 = ISO Occupancy Code provided is invalid
  • 20056 = Territory cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 20057 = Building Height must be a positive value
  • 20058 = Building Condition code provided is invalid
  • 20059 = Non-cat Ground Up Loss must be between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 20060 = Gross Area Unit Code cannot be more than 10 characters long
  • 20061 = Postal Name cannot be more than 255 characters long
  • 20063 = Location terms cannot be empty
  • 20064 = UserGeoMatchLevel. Cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 20065 = For wind turbine construction code, Lat-Long should be non zero or empty
  • 20066 = Geography Match Level Code must be a valid code
  • 20067 = Enhanced GeoMatch Level Code must be a valid code
  • 20068 = Geocoder Code must be a valid code
  • 20069 = Geocoder AccountId cannot be greater than 50 characters long
  • 20100 = Floor of Interest must be between -1 and 999
  • 20101 = Floor of Interest cannot be greater than number of stories unless number of stories = 0
  • 20102 = Floor Area must be between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 20103 = Floor Area Unit Code provided is invalid
  • 20104 = Floor Occupied cannot be greater than 40 characters
  • 20105 = Building Condition code provided is invalid
  • 20106 = Building Shape code provided is invalid
  • 20107 = Torsion code provided is invalid
  • 20108 = Soft Story code provided is invalid
  • 20109 = Structural Irregularity code provided is invalid
  • 20110 = Special Earthquake Resistive Systems code provided is invalid
  • 20111 = Retrofit Measures code provided is invalid
  • 20112 = Short Column code provided is invalid
  • 20113 = Ornamentation code provided is invalid
  • 20114 = Water Heater code provided is invalid
  • 20115 = Redundancy code provided is invalid
  • 20116 = Tall One Story code provided is invalid
  • 20117 = Equipment code provided is invalid
  • 20118 = Seal of Approval code provided is invalid
  • 20119 = Extra Data code provided is invalid
  • 20120 = IS Value Type code provided is invalid
  • 20121 = Lattice Type code provided is invalid
  • 20122 = Multi Story Hall Type code provided is invalid
  • 20123 = First Floor Height code provided is invalid
  • 20124 = Service Equipment Protection code provided is invalid
  • 20125 = FIRM Compliance code provided is invalid
  • 20126 = Content Vulnerability code provided is invalid
  • 20127 = Certified Structures (IBHS) code provided is invalid
  • 20128 = IsFireSprinklerAvailable code provided is invalid
  • 20129 = Roof Geometry code provided is invalid
  • 20130 = Roof Pitch code provided is invalid
  • 20131 = Roof Covering code provided is invalid
  • 20132 = Roof Deck code provided is invalid
  • 20133 = Roof Cover Attachment code provided is invalid
  • 20134 = Roof Deck Attachment code provided is invalid
  • 20135 = Roof Anchorage code provided is invalid
  • 20136 = Roof Hail Impact Resistance code provided is invalid
  • 20137 = Roof Year Built must be between 1000 and 2100
  • 20138 = Tank code provided is invalid
  • 20139 = Chimney code provided is invalid
  • 20140 = Wall Type code provided is invalid
  • 20141 = Wall Siding code provided is invalid
  • 20142 = Glass Type code provided is invalid
  • 20143 = Glass Percentage code provided is invalid
  • 20144 = Window Protection code provided is invalid
  • 20145 = Exterior Doors code provided is invalid
  • 20146 = Building Exterior Opening code provided is invalid
  • 20147 = Brick Veneer code provided is invalid
  • 20148 = Roof Attached Structure code provided is invalid
  • 20149 = Transition in SRC Type code provided is invalid
  • 20150 = Cold Formed Tube code provided is invalid
  • 20151 = Column Basement Type code provided is invalid
  • 20152 = Welding Detail code provided is invalid
  • 20153 = Foundation Connection code provided is invalid
  • 20154 = Foundation Type code provided is invalid
  • 20155 = Internal Partition code provided is invalid
  • 20156 = Wall Attached Structure code provided is invalid
  • 20157 = Appurtenant Structure code provided is invalid
  • 20158 = Basement Level Count must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 20159 = Basement Finish Type code provided is invalid
  • 20160 = Pounding code provided is invalid
  • 20161 = Tree Exposure code provided is invalid
  • 20162 = Small Debris code provided is invalid
  • 20163 = Large Missile code provided is invalid
  • 20164 = Terrain Roughness code provided is invalid
  • 20165 = Adjacent Building height must be between 0 and 999
  • 20166 = CustomFloodSOP for EU countries (AT, CZ, PL, DE, CH) must be a value between 0 and 10,000 for Height 0 to 500000 for Return period or -999
  • 20167 = Custom Flood Zone code provided is invalid
  • 20168 = Custom Elevation must be a value between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 20169 = Base Flood Elevation must be a value between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 20170 = Project Completion must be between 0 and 1
  • 20171 = Project Phase code provided is invalid
  • 20172 = Must be between 0 to 10000 or -999
  • 20173 = FirewiseCommunityParticipation must be 0, 1, or 2
  • 20174 = CustomFloodSOPType provided is invalid
  • 21000 = Location Perils must be a subset of corresponding contract peril codes
  • 21001 = Location Perils must be unique
  • 21002 = Location Peril codes for secondary locations in a location groups must be a sub-set of the primary location peril codes
  • 21003 = Location Perils cannot be blank
  • 21004 = Location Limit Type provided is not valid
  • 21005 = Location Limit and DeductibleType is not compatible with Layer Limit and Deductible Type
  • 21006 = Location Limit and DeductibleType is not compatible with Sublimit Limit and Deductible Type
  • 21007 = Location Limit Building must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21008 = Location Limit Other must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21009 = Location Limit Contents must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21010 = Location Limit Time must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21011 = Location Participation 1 must be a value greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999
  • 21012 = Location Participation 2 must be a value greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999
  • 21013 = Location Certificate Participation must be a value between 0 and 1
  • 21014 = Location Deductible Type Code provided is invalid
  • 21015 = Location Deductibles cannot have a mix of amount and percentage deductibles
  • 21016 = Deductible Building must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21017 = Deductible Building must be less than or equal to 1
  • 21018 = Deductible Other must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21019 = Deductible Contents must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21020 = Deductible Time must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 21021 = Invalid Deductible Building for defined deductible type
  • 21022 = Invalid Deductible Other for defined deductible type
  • 21023 = Invalid Deductible Contents for defined deductible type
  • 21024 = Invalid Deductible Time for defined deductible type
  • 22000 = Reinsurer Name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 22001 = Reinsurance ID cannot be blank
  • 22002 = Reinsurance ID cannot begin with a space or contain any of the following characters: ; ,
  • 22003 = Locations cannot have reinsurance if Location Limit Type = N
  • 22004 = Reinsurance ID cannot be greater than 100 characters
  • 22005 = Non-primary locations in a Location Group cannot have Location Reinsurance
  • 22006 = Exposure ID provided is invalid
  • 22007 = Currency Code provided is not valid
  • 22008 - Cedant Name cannot be greater than 60 characters
  • 22009 = Reinsurance Type cannot be blank
  • 22010 = Cannot create Surplus Share Reinsurance if contract has layers
  • 22011 = Ceded % cannot be blank
  • 22012 = Gross Limit cannot be blank
  • 22014 = Attachment Point cannot be blank
  • 22016 = Peril code cannot be blank
  • 22017 = The peril codes specified must be a subset of corresponding contract peril codes
  • 22018 = Currency Code provided is not valid
  • 30000 = Number of Employees is required for locations in Japan
  • 30001 = Number of Employees or Annual Payroll must be specified
  • 30002 = Number of Employees must be a numeric value between 1 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 30003 = Number of Employees or Annual Payroll must be specified
  • 30004 = Annual Payroll must be a numeric value between 1 and 999,999,999,999,999
  • 30005 = Location contains terms with perils that are not supported for workers' compensation
  • 30006 = Combination of Number of Employees, Average Annual Wage, and Annual Payroll is invalid
  • 30011 = Percent Day Shift must be a numeric value between 0.00 and 1.00
  • 30012 = For Japan, Percent Day Shift must be a numeric value greater than or equal to 0.00
  • 30013 = Percent Evening Shift must be a numeric value between 0.00 and 1.00
  • 30014 = Percent Night Shift must be a numeric value between 0.00 and 1.00
  • 30015 = Number of Risks must be between 1 and 30
  • 40000 = AIR Structure ID cannot be more than 255 characters long
  • 40001 = PBN Definition cannot be more than 255 characters long
  • 40002 = Federal/State Waters Code cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 40003 = Federal/State Waters Name cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 40004 = Protraction Code cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 40005 = Protraction Name cannot be greater than 255 characters long
  • 40006 = Block cannot be greater than 15 characters long
  • 40007 = Year Built/Installed must be between 1900 and 2067
  • 40008 = Topside Cost recommended range between 0-100
  • 40009 = No error message provided
  • 40010 = No error message provided
  • 40011 = Deck Height recommended range between 0-999
  • 40012 = Slot Count recommended range between 0-50
  • 40013 = Slot Drill Count recommended range between 0-50
  • 40014 = Leg Count recommended range between 0-44
  • 40015 = Deck Count recommended range between 0-10
  • 40016 = Trans Frame Type recommended range between 0-7
  • 40017 = Manned Flag recommended range between 0-2
  • 40018 = Company Size recommended range between 0-3
  • 40019 = Well count recommended range between 0-100
  • 41000 = Limit Physical Damage must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41001 = Limit Removal of Debris must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41002 = Limit Operator's Extra Expense must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41003 - Limit Business Interruption must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41004 = Assured Interest (Participation 1) must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41005 = Working Interest (Participation 2 ) must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41006 = No error message provided
  • 41007 = Annual Amount is only supported where Country Code = US
  • 41008 = Deductible Physical Damage must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41009 = Deductible Removal of Debris must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41010 = Deductible Operator's Extra Expense must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 41011 = Deductible Business Interruption must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 50000 = Inception Date value cannot be converted DateTime data type
  • 50001 = Expiration Date value cannot be converted DateTime data type
  • 50002 = Contract perils cannot be converted to a valied AIR peril
  • 50003 = Layer perils cannot be converted to a valid AIR peril
  • 50004 = Total limit (Limit 1) value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50005 = Participation Limit (Limit 2) value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50006 = Limit A value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50007 = Limit B value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50008 = Limit C value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50009 = Limit D value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50010 = Deductible Amount 1 value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50011 = Deductible Amount 2 value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50012 = Attachment Amount value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50013 = Attachment Point A cannot be converted double data type
  • 50014 = Attachment Point B cannot be converted double type
  • 50015 = Attachment Point C cannot be converted double data type
  • 50016 = Attachment Point D value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50017 = Premium value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50018 = Sublimit perils cannot be converted to a valid AIR peril
  • 50019 = Total Limit Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50020 = Total Limit Other value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50021 = Total Limit Contents value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50022 = Total Limit Time valye cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50023 = Attachment Point Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50024 = Attachment Point Other value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50025 = Attachment Point Contents value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50026 = Attachment Point Time value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50027 = Inception Date value cannot be converted DateTime data type
  • 50028 = Expiration Date value cannot be converted DateTime data type
  • 50029 = Latitude value cannot be converted Decimal data type
  • 50030 = Longitude value cannot be converted Decimal data type
  • 50031 = Replacement Value Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50032 = Replacement Value Other value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50033 = Replacement Value Contents value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50034 = Replacement Value Time value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50035 = Replacement Value Days Covered value cannot be converted Int32 data type
  • 50036 = Number of Risks value cannot be converted Int32 data type
  • 50037 = Premium value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50038 = Year Built value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50039 = Stories value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50040 = NonCAT GroundUpLoss value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50041 = Gross Area value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50042 = Location Term perils cannot be converted to a valid AIR peril
  • 50043 = Limit Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50044 = Limit Other value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50045 = Limit Contents value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50046 = Limit Time value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50047 = Participation 1 (0-1) value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50048 = Participation 2 (0-1) value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50049 = Deductible Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50050 = Deductible Other value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50051 = Deductible Contents value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50052 = Deductible Time value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50053 = Floor of Interest value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50054 = Floor Area value cannot be converted Int32 data type
  • 50055 = Building Condition value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50056 = Building Shape value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50057 = Torsion value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50058 = Soft Story value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50059 = Structural Irregularity value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50060 = Special Earthquake-Resistive Systems value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50061 = Retrofit Measures value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50062 = Short Column value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50063 = Ornamentation value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50064 = Water Heater value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50065 = Redundancy value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50066 = Tall One Story value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50067 = Equipment value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50068 = Seal of Approval value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50069 = IS Value Type cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50070 = Lattice Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50071 = Multi Story Hall Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50072 = Welding Detail Value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50073 = Basement Level Count value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50074 = Basement Finish Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50075 = First Floor Height value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50076 = Service Equipment Protection value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50077 = FIRM Compliance value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50078 = Content Vulnerability value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50079 = Cerified Structures (IBHS) value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50080 = Fire Sprinklers value cannot be converted Boolean data type
  • 50081 = Roof Geometry value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50082 = Roof Pitch value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50083 = Roof Covering value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50084 = Roof Deck value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50085 = Roof Covering Attachement value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50086 = Roof Deck Attachement value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50087 = Roof Anchorage value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50088 = Roof Year Built value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50089 = Tanks value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50090 = Chimney value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50091 = Roof Hail Impact Resistance value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50092 = Wall Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50093 = Wall Siding value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50094 = Glass Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50095 = Glass Percentage value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50096 = Window Protection value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50097 = Exterior Doors value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50098 = Building Exterior Opening value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50099 = Brick Veneer value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50100 = Roof Attached Structure value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50101 = Transition in SRC Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50102 = Cold Formed Tube Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50103 = Column Basement Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50104 = Foundation Connection value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50105 = Foundation Type value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50106 = Internal Partition value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50107 = Wall Attached Structure value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50108 = Appurtenant Structure value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50 109 = Pounding value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50110 = Tree Exposure value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50111 = Small Debris value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50112 = Large Missile value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50113 = Terrain Roughness value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50114 = Adjacent Building Height value cannot be converted Int32 data type
  • 50115 = Custom Flood Standard of Protection value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50116 = Custom Flood Zone value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50117 = Custom Elevation value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50118 = Base Flood Elevation value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50119 = Project completion value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50120 = Project Phase Code value cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50121 = Ceded Percentage value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50122 = Reinsurance Limit value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50123 = Attachment Amount value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50124 = Reinsurance perils value cannot be converted to a valid AIR peril
  • 50125 = Stepfunction perils value cannot be converted to a valid AIR peril
  • 50126 = Trigger Type vaue cannot be converted Byte data type
  • 50127 = Trigger Start Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50128 = Trigger End Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50129 = Deductible Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50130 = Payout Building value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50131 = Trigger Start Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50132 = Trigger End Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50133 = Deductible Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50134 = Payout Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50135 = Trigger Start Building and Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50136 = Trigger End Building and Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50137 = Deductible Building and Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50138 = Payout Building and Content value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50139 = Minimum TIV value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50140 = Scale Factor value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50141 = Limit At Damage value cannot be converted Boolean data type
  • 50142 = Inception Date value cannot be converted DateTime data type
  • 50143 = Expiration Date value cannot be converted DateTime data type
  • 50144 = Latitude value cannot be converted Decimal data type
  • 50145 = Longitude value cannot be converted Decimal data type
  • 50146 = Number of Risks value cannot be converted Int32 data type
  • 50147 = Premium value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50148 = Year Built value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50149 = Stories value cannot be converted Int16 data type
  • 50150 = Gross Area value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50151 = NumEmployees value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50152 = Annual Payroll value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50153 = AverageAnnualWage value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50154 = PctDayShift value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50155 = PctEveningShift value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50156 = PctNightShift value cannot be converted Single data type
  • 50157 = AveragePaymentMinor value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50158 = AveragePaymentModerate value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50159 = AveragePaymentMajor value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50160 = AveragePaymentFatal value cannot be converted Double data type
  • 50161 = UserConstructionCode value cannot be converted to Integer data type
  • 50162 = UserConstructionOther value cannot be converted to Integer data type
  • 50163 = UserOccupancyCode value cannot be converted to Integer data type
  • 50164 = FirewiseCommunityParticipation value cannot be converted to Integer data type
  • 50165 = DefensibleSpace value cannot be converted to Integer data type
  • 60000 = Average Payment Fatal is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • 60001 = Average Payment Major is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • 60002 = Average Payment Minor is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • 60003 = Average Payment Moderate is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • 60004 = Average Annual Wage is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • 60005 = Annual Payroll cannot be a negative number
  • 60006 = Combination of Number of Employee, Average Annual Wage, and Annual Payroll is invalid
  • 60009= Combination of Construction Building and Country is invalid
  • 60010 = Combination of Construction Other and Country is invalid
  • 60011 = Combination of Occupancy Code and Country is invalid
  • 60012 = Water Depth is not valid for Construction code
  • 60013 = Coverage Limit on Sublimit should be less than or equal to Coverage limit on Layer
  • 60014 = Country Name must be valid
  • 60015 = Due to failure to geocode Workers' Compensation location, defaults will be skipped
  • 60016 = Cannot find Workers' Compensation defaults for a location Geography SID
  • 60020 = 'Regular' attribute for StrucIrreg is not supported. Mapped to 'Unknown/default'
  • 60021 = Location group is not properly defined. This location will be imported as a normal (non-campus) location
  • 60022 = Non_Primary locations cannot cannot have reinsurance. Reinsurance will be ignored.
  • 60023 = An invalid peril was set for workers' compensation location term. The invalid peril will be removed.
  • 60024 = Invalid Deductible Building for defined deductible type. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60025 = Invalid Deductible Other for defined deductible type. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60026 = Invalid Deductible Contents for defined deductible type. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60027 = Invalid Deductible Time for defined deductible type. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60028 = Invalid Topside Cost value. Will be defaulted to -1.
  • 60029 = Invalid Deck Height value. Will be defaulted to -1.
  • 60030 = Invalid Slot Count value. Will be defaulted to -1.
  • 60031 = Invalid Slot Drill Count value. Will be defaulted to -1.
  • 60032 = Invalid Leg Count value. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60033 = Invalid Deck Count value. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60034 = Invalid Transverse FrameType value. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60035 = Invalid Manned Flag value. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60036 = Invalid Company Size value. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60037 = Invalid Well Count value. Will be defaulted to 0.
  • 60038 = Invalid Gas Production Rate value. Will be defaulted to -1.
  • 60039 = Invalid Oil Production Rate value. Will be defaulted to -1.
  • 60040 = The Surplus Share Treaty Limit is greater than Assumed Gross Limit of Location. Surplus Share Treaty will not be applied to this risk.
  • 60041 = First Floor Height. Must be greater than or equal to 0
  • 60042 = Duplicated Contract will be ignored.
  • 60043 = Location terms should not be included on non-primary campus locations, the terms are ignored on the non-primary location record, and the terms are applied from the related
  • 60044 = DefensibleSpace must be a valid code
  • 60045 = DefensibleSpace must be between 0 to 10000 or -999
  • 60046 = FirewiseCommunityParticipation must be a valid code
  • 60047 = FirewiseCommunityParticipation must be 0,1, or 2
  • 60048 = Custom Flood Standard of Protection is imported with default value -999 instead of original value.
  • 60049 = Custom Flood Standard of Protection is imported with default value -999 instead of original value.

Code for the exposure type.

For a complete list of codes, see tExposureTargetType Table.
 Name of the exposure data field whose validation rule was violated, triggering the error.varchar60   
 Validation rule for the code.varchar1024   
 Summary of the validation rule; written to the Summary Message field in the log file.varchar1024  
 Used internally by Touchstone.varchar40  

Code that represents the type of the validation error.

For a complete list of codes, see dbo.tValidationErrorType Table.

See Also

Related Objects

AIRReference Database