CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tStepFunctionDetail Table
AIRExposure Database : tStepFunctionDetail Table
Stores detailed information about step functions.
Creation Date4/12/2021 11:26 AM
Text File Group
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used0.00 KB
Index Space Used0.00 KB
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key 

Unique system-generated sequential identifier for the step function record.

For a complete list of records, see tStepFunction Table.

Primary Key Number between 1 and 7 that is used to sort the step function in the correct ordertinyint1   
 Starting value of the building (Coverage A) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made.float9  
 Ending value of the building (Coverage A) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made.float9  
 Building deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions.float9  
 Payout that covers building (Coverage A) gross losses for this step.float9  
 Starting value of the contents (Coverage C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made.float9  
 Ending value of the contents (Coverage C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made.float9  
 Contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions.float9  
 Payout that covers contents (Coverage C) losses for this step.float9  
 Starting value of the combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made.float9  
 Ending value of the combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) damage range over which the corresponding payout(s) should be made.float9  
 Combined building and contents deductible that can be used, for example, to account for fire policies before applying step functions.float9  
 Payout that covers combined building and contents (Coverages A and C) losses for this step.float9  
 Minimum replacement value for which payouts to the corresponding damage range will be allowed.float9  
 Percentage factor used to scale calculated losses. This value, entered as a decimal, should be the same for all steps for a contract and must be a value >0 and ≤1. For example, 0.12 for 12%.real4   
 Indicates whether the payout is limited by the actual ground-up loss.bit1 
 Used for version stamping.timestamp8   
Objects that tStepFunctionDetail depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tContract tabletContractTable

Stores records for primary insurance policies.

tExposureSet tabletExposureSetTable

Stores information about exposure sets.

An exposure set is a collection of contracts, locations, and other related information.

tStepFunction tabletStepFunctionTableStores general information about step functions, including the contract associated with each step function.1
See Also

Related Objects

AIRExposure Database