CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tActivityType Table
AIRReference Database : tActivityType Table
Stores codes that represent types of activities.
Creation Date2/16/2011 6:00 PM
Text File Group
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used8.00 KB
Index Space Used24.00 KB
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key 

Code that represents the activity type.

  • AGGR_LOSS = Aggregate Loss Analysis
  • ARP = Associate result to project
  • AZ_DEPROV = Azure Cloud Deprovisioning
  • AZ_PROV = Azure Cloud Provisioning
  • CATLOSS = CAT Loss Treaty
  • CLA = Company Loss Association
  • CLFCOMBINE = CLF Combine
  • CLOUD_USE = Cloud Usage Report 
  • CLSH = Clash Analysis
  • CMP_COPY = Copy TSRe Company
  • CMP_EXPORT = Touchstone Re Company Export
  • CMP_IMPORT = Touchstone Re Company Import to Touchstone Re
  • CMPLOSS =  Comparative Loss               
  • CMPLOSSEXP = Comparative Loss Export to CSV
  • CONVRT_ULF = Convert CSV
  • CUSTFRQDEL = Custom Frequency Delete
  • CUSTFRQEXP: Custom Frequency Export
  • CUSTFRQIMP: Custom Frequency Import
  • DLF File to Binary ULF File
  • DBEXPORT = Export to database
  • DELETE = Delete
  • DEXPORT = Exposure Export to CSV
  • DEXPORTCOM = Exposure Export to Company
  • DEXPORTUNC = Exposure Export to Unicede
  • DFF_EXPORT = Damage Factor File (DFF) Export
  • DFF_GEN = DFF Sample Generation
  • DFF_IMPORT = DFF Import
  • DLFExport = Detailed Loss File (DLF) Export
  • DQ = Data Quality
  • DQ_AMB = Rating Agency
  • DQ_AUG = Augmentation
  • DQ_DVA = Validation
  • DQ_IDB = Benchmark
  • DQ_IDR = Industry Exposure
  • DQ_RPT = Data Quality Reports
  • DQ_SCR = Scoring
  • DS_ATC = Database Attach
  • DS_CRT = Database Create
  • DS_DLT = Database Delete
  • DS_DTC = Database Detach
  • DS_INC = Incompatible
  • DS_REG = Database Register
  • DS_UPG = Database Upgrade
  • EBAF_DWNLD = Event-Based Adjustment Factor (EBAF) Download
  • EBAF_EXP = EBAF Export
  • EBAF_IMP = EBAF Import
  • EC = Geospatial
  • EDMIMPORT = EDM Import
  • EVTLOSSULF = Event Loss to ULF conversion
  • EXPS = Exposure Summary
  • EXPMOD = Exposure Modification
  • ELT_TO_ULF =  ELT To ULF Conversion
  • EPTOULF = EPTo ULF Conversion
  • EXT_PORT =  Extract Portfolio Request
  • HAZ = Hazard Analysis
  • IDTEVEXPRT = Geospatial Terrorism Ring to IDT Event Set Export
  • IMPACT = Impact Analysis
  • IMPORT = Import
  • LEXPORT = Company Loss File (CLF) Export
  • LEXPORTALZ = Upload Results to Analyze Re
  • LGRP = Detailed Loss Group
  • LGRP_MOD = Modified Detailed Loss Group
  • LMS = Loss Market Shares
  • LOSS = Detailed Loss
  • LEXPALZGRA =  Upload Results to AnalyzeRe Graphene
  • LOSS_NGM = Detailed Loss NGM
  • LOSS_MOD = Modified Detailed Loss
  • LOSS_NGM = Detailed Loss NGM
  • LOSS_VUL = Vulnerability Modified Detailed Loss
  • LMTEXPORT = Loss Modification Templates Export
  • LMTIMPORT = Loss Modification Templates Import
  • LOSS_RMR = Risk Management Report
  • LTEXP = Loss Cost Templates Export
  • LTIMP = Loss Cost Templates Import
  • MBFILECOPY = Model Builder File Copy
  • NONCPU = Non CPU-bound Activity
  • OLAP = OLAP service
  • PRJEXPORT = Project Export
  • PRJIMPORT = Project Import
  • PRTEXPORT = Report Export
  • REGEO = Geocode
  • REXPORT = Results Export to CSV
  • RSPEXPORT = Reinsurance Submission Package Export
  • RSPIMPORT = Reinsurance Submission Package Import
  • SHP_IMPORT = GIS Shape File Import
  • SPTL = Batch Spatial
  • UNASSIGNED = Unassigned
  • UW_RPT = Underwriting Report Generation
  • VULMODDEL = Vulnerability Modifications Delete
  • VULMODEXPVulnerability Modifications Export
  • VULMODIMPVulnerability Modifications Import

Name of the activity type.

Corresponds to the code in ActivityTypeCode.


Defines the sequential execution order for a set of activities. This field is only applicable for Data Quality activities.

Data Quality analysis activities are numbered as follows:

  • 1 – Augmentation 
  • 2 – Validation
  • 3 – Scoring
  • 4 – Industry Exposure
  • 5 – Benchmark
  • 6 – Rating Agency

Code that represents the parent's activity type.

Codes are identified in ActivityTypeCode.

Description of the activity type.

Indicates whether the activity type is capable of assignment by the HPC Worker Host, thereby making it visible in the Activity Monitor on the user interface.

  • 1 = Yes (assignable)
  •  0 = No (not assignable)
bit1 dbo.D_0 

Indicates whether the activity type can be distributed to more than one HPC Worker Host core.

  • 1 = Yes (distributable to more than one core)
  • 0 = No (limited to one core)
bit1 dbo.D_1 

Indicates whether the activity type is initiated by the system.

  • 1 = Yes (system activity)
  • 0 = No (non-system activity)
Objects that depend on tActivityType
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tActivityTypeActivityStageXref tabletActivityTypeActivityStageXrefTableSystem reference table used by the Activity Monitor to determine the current stage of the activity.1
See Also

Related Objects

AIRReference Database