CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tAIROccupancy Table
AIRReference Database : tAIROccupancy Table
Stores information about AIR occupancy class codes.
Creation Date2/16/2011 6:00 PM
Text File Group
System Object
Published for Replication
Data Space Used24.00 KB
Index Space Used16.00 KB
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key 

Code that represents the AIR occupancy class.

  • 300 = Unknown
  • 301 = Residential, General residential
  • 302 = Residential, Permanent dwelling: single-family
  • 303 = Residential, Permanent dwelling: multi-family
  • 304 = Residential, Temporary lodging
  • 305 =  Residential, Group institutional housing
  • 306 = Residential, Apartment/Condo    
  • 307 = Residential, Terraced Housing
  • 311 = Commercial, General commercial
  • 312 = Commercial, Retail trade
  • 313 = Commercial, Wholesale trade
  • 314 = Commercial, Personal and repair services
  • 315 = Commercial, Professional, technical and business
  • 316 = Commercial, Health care services
  • 317 = Commercial, Entertainment and recreation
  • 318 = Commercial, Parking
  • 319 = Commercial, Golf Courses
  • 321 = Industrial, General industrial
  • 322 Industrial, Heavy fabrication and assembly
  • 323 = Industrial, Light fabrication and assembly
  • 324 = Industrial, Food and drug processing
  • 325 = Industrial, Chemical processing
  • 326 = Industrial, Metal and minerals processing
  • 327 = Industrial, High technology
  • 328 = Industrial, Construction
  • 329 = Industrial, Petroleum
  • 330 = Industrial, Mining
  • 331 = Restaurants, Restaurants
  • 335 = Mercantile, Gasoline Stations
  • 336 = Mercantile, Automotive repair services and carwash
  • 341 = Religion and Nonprofit Religion and nonprofit
  • 342 Religion and Nonprofit, Church
  • 343 = Government, General services
  • 344 = Government, Emergency services
  • 345 = Education, Universities, colleges and technical schools
  • 346 = Education, Primary and secondary schools 
  • 351 = Transportation, Highway
  • 352 = Transportation, Railroad
  • 353 = Transportation, Air
  • 354 = Transportation, Sea and inland waterways
  • 355 = Transportation, Aircraft Hangars
  • 356 Transportation, Aircrafts at ramps or boarding gates
  • 361 = Utilities, Electrical
  • 362 = Utilities, Water
  • 363 = Utilities, Sanitary sewer
  • 364 = Utilities, Natural gas
  • 365 Utilities, Telephone and telegraph
  • 366 = Commercial, Warehouse
  • 367 = Damageable Land
  • 371 = Miscellaneous, Communication
  • 372 Flood control
  • 373 Agriculture
  • 374 Green House
  • 375Forestry
  • 381 = Miscellaneous, Construction/Erection Risks 
  • 382 = Residential, Construction/Erection Risks
  • 383 = Commercial, Construction/Erection Risks
  • 384 = Industrial, Construction/Erection Risks
  • 400 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Unknown
  • 401 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Heavy Fabrication and Assembly - General
  • 402 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Automotive Manufacturing
  • 403 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Fabricated Metal Products
  • 404 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment
  • 405 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Transportation Equipment Assembly
  • 406 Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Pulp/Paper and Allied Products Manufacturing
  • 407 Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Textile Mill Product
  • 408 = Industrial Facilities Model,  IFM: Lumber and wood products (excluding furniture)
  • 409 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Stone/Clay/Glass/Ceramics products
  • 414 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Light Fabrication and Assembly - General
  • 415 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Furniture and Fixtures
  • 416 = Industrial Facilities  Model, IFM: Apparel and finished products from fabrics
  • 417 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Print/Publishing and allied industry 
  • 418 Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products
  • 419 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Leather and Leather products
  • 420 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Electronic and other electrical equipment (except computer equipment)
  • 421 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Measuring analyzing and controlling instruments
  • 422 Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Photographic medical and optical goods
  • 423 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Watches and clocks
  • 424 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Miscellaneous Light Manufacturing Industries
  • 425 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Tire manufacturers
  • 429 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Food and Drug Processing  - General
  • 430 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Food and kindred products
  • 431 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Tobacco products
  • 432 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Pharmaceutical plants
  • 433 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Biological Products  (except diagnostic) - Medicinals/Botanical/Biomedical
  • 434 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Wineries
  • 438 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Chemical Processing - General
  • 439 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Chlorine plants       
  • 440 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Vinyl plants
  • 441 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Light hydrocarbon or aromatics plants
  • 442 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Plastics plants
  • 443 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Chlorhydrin plants
  • 444 Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Fertilizer plants
  • 445 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Cement plants/Cement Mills
  • 446 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Other Chemical and Allied Products
  • 449 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Metal and Minerals Processing  - General
  • 450 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Primary metal industry
  • 451 Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Steel Mills
  • 452 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Smelters
  • 455 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: High Technology - General
  • 456 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Semi-conductor and related devices
  • 457 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Electronic computer devices
  • 458 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Computer storage devices
  • 459 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Electron tubes
  • 460 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Printed circuit boards
  • 463 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: General building/ construction contractors
  • 464 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Heavy Constructions
  • 465 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Special Trade Contractors
  • 470 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Mining - General
  • 471 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Mining operations
  • 472 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Metal mining
  • 473 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Coal mining
  • 474 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Mining /Quarrying - Non-metallic mineral (except fuels_
  • 475 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Oil Refinery Systems - General
  • 476 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Hydro-Electric Power Systems  - General
  • 477 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Thermo-Electric Power Systems  - General
  • 478 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Nuclear Power Systems All - General
  • 479 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Electric Substation - General
  • 480 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Potable water Systems - General
  • 481 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Waste water treatment Systems  - General
  • 482 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Gas Processing Systems - General
  • 483 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM Communication Systems - General
  • 484 = Agriculture Systems - General
  • 485 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Bus Systems - General
  • 486 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Port Systems
  • 487 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Ferry Systems
  • 488 = Industrial Facilities Model, IFM: Airport Systems - General
  • 900 = Offshore, Unknown
  • 901 = Offshore, Oil production only
  • 902 = Offshore, Gas production only
  • 903 = Offshore, No production
  • 904 = Offshore, Oil and gas production
  • 905 = Offshore, Drilling
  • 906 = Offshore, Workover
  • 907 = Offshore, Ready stacked
  • 908 = Offshore, Waiting on location
  • 909 = Offshore, Pipelines

Categorization for the occupancy class.


Name of the occupancy class.

Corresponds to the code in AIROccupancyCode.


Description of the occupancy class.

See Also

Related Objects

AIRReference Database