Activity Monitor

Some functions in the grid become available only when you select an activity with which the function is associated. Example

Touchstone refreshes the contents of the Activity Monitor automatically. However, if you filter or clear the Activity List, you must click (Refresh) to update the list. You can manually refresh the contents of the Activity Monitor at any time.

  Touchstone does not refresh the contents of the Activity Monitor automatically when analysis results are deleted. Deleting analysis results triggers a hard delete from the Results database immediately, and the associated analysis activity is deleted behind the scenes. Since the Activity Monitor is not aware that the analysis activity was deleted behind the scenes, it does not automatically update the Activity List. Clicking Refresh does not remove the analysis from the Activity List either. To update the list, close the Activity Monitor and then reopen it, or switch from My Activities to All Activities or vice-versa, as applicable. These links are located in the upper right corner of the Activities List.

Click this link for Related topics.

The Activity Monitor contains the following fields and buttons:



Activity Filters Area

Activity Type

Specifies the types of activities to display in the Activity Monitor.

       To filter the activity list to display only activities of one or more specific types, select the desired activity type or types in the Activity Type list and click .

       To remove the activity type filter, click (Select None) in the Activity Type list.

       To remove all filters, click Clear.


Specifies the activities to display based on the specified status. You can filter by status in the same way you filter by activity type.

Submitted After

Specifies the initial submission date by which you want to filter the list of activities. To filter the list to display only activities that were submitted after a specific date, select the desired initial submission date in the Submitted After field.


Refreshes the data in the grid.


Clears all activity filters.

Activity List Area (some functions are also available from the activity's shortcut menu)

Delete Activity

Deletes a selected activity from the list.

Edit Activity

Enables you to change the priority or scheduling for the selected scheduled or queued activity.

Resubmit Activity

Enables you to resubmit any selected Detailed Loss Analysis activity.

Cancel Activity

Enables you to cancel a selected activity whose status is Submitted, Queued, or Running.

  The Cancel Activity function is not available for activities whose type is "Delete".

View Log

Displays the activity log for the selected activity.

  To view logs in Touchstone, you must first configure Notepad or WordPad as the default application for opening text files on your computer.

View Analysis Result

Displays the analysis results for a completed analysis activity.

Open Destination

Opens the destination folder for a completed export activity.

Activity Monitor Grid


Displays the total number of activities.

All Activities / My Activities

Enables you to switch between the All Activities view and the My Activities view. The My Activities view lists only the activities that you have submitted. The All Activities view lists all the activities that have been submitted for all projects.

Grid Filters

The green filters row in the grid enables you to filter the list by one or more criteria. Example

Activity ID

The ID of each activity in the grid.


The name of each activity in the grid.


The type of each activity in the grid., including the following types:

       Azure Cloud Deprovisioning

       Azure Cloud Provisioning

       Batch Spatial

       CAT Loss Treaty

       Clash Analysis

       Cloud Usage Report

       Company Loss File (CLF) Export

       Comparative Loss

       Data Quality

       Database Attach

       Database Create

       Database Delete

       Database Detach

       Database Register

       Database Upgrade


       Detailed Loss

       Detailed Loss Group

       Export to database

       Exposure Export to CSV

       Exposure Summary



       GIS Shape File Import

       Hazard Analysis

       Impact Analysis


       Loss Cost Templates Export

       Loss Mod Templates Import

       Modified Detailed Loss

       Reinsurance Submission Package Export

       Reinsurance Submission Package Import

       Results Export to CSV

       Underwriting Report


The status of each activity in the grid, including:

       Canceled: The user canceled the activity.

       Completed: The activity completed successfully.

       Completed With Exceptions: The activity completed successfully, but the end result is different than expected. The following table describes the meaning of this status for specific activity types:

Activity Type Meaning of Completed With Exceptions Status

Data Quality "parent" activity

Data Quality activities include sub-activities, such as "Augment" and "Validate." When you see this message, a sub-activity has failed.

Exporting exposure data or loss results to a database

Some tables failed to be copied.

Exporting exposures or results

Some data failed to be copied.

Exposure Summary

There are no locations.

Geospatial Analysis

The number of locations is zero.

AIR ImportExpress

You will see this status when:

       At least one location, or one Facultative Certificate or Surplus Share treaty, was not successfully imported or geocoded.

       The number of location records that were successfully geocoded is less than the number that required geocoding. For example, 100 locations required geocoding, but only 90 were successfully geocoded.

       Both the number of locations that required geocoding and the number of location records that were successfully geocoded are "0". The number of records that were successfully geocoded can be "0" when all the locations have latitude/longitude addresses and the user selected "Preserve existing latitudes and longitude" for the "If Locations Have Non-Zero Geocode Data" field.

Loss analysis (any type)

There are no results.

       Failed: The activity did not complete.

       Queued: The activity has been submitted and is now waiting to begin running. This status can indicate an activity that has been scheduled.

       Running: The activity is currently running.

       Submitted: The activity has been submitted.

Created Time

The date and time at which each activity was created, that is, submitted.

Scheduled Time

The date and time after which activities are scheduled to run. To change the schedule for a scheduled activity, select the activity and then click Edit Activity or right-click the activity and select Edit.


The priority of each activity, including the following priorities:




       Top Priority

For detailed information about setting the priority for a job and each of the priority settings, see Setting the Priority of a Job.

Started Time

The date and time at which each activity started running. This field is not applicable to activities that have been submitted and/or scheduled but that have not yet started running.

Completed Time

The date and time at which each activity completed. This field is not applicable to activities that have been submitted and/or scheduled but that have not yet started running.


The amount of time that each activity ran.

Project ID

The name of the project associated with each activity.

Created By

The name of the user who created, that is, submitted, each activity.


The resource that Touchstone used to run each activity. Touchstone supports the following resource:

       On Premises

Related topics

       Filtering the Activity List

       Working with grids

       Deleting an activity from the Activity List

       Editing an Activity

       Resubmitting an Activity

       Canceling an Activity

       Viewing the Activity Log

       Viewing Analysis Results

       Opening the Destination Folder for Results Export Activities






© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020