Geocoding Settings

The Geocoding Settings pane enables you to set default geocoding settings for use by AIR ImportExpress.

Parameters & Buttons


Common buttons

Use these buttons (when applicable) and the parameters below to create and modify geocoding settings.

If Locations Have User Supplied Geocode Data

Select whether to preserve existing latitudes and longitudes or overwrite them. The job status depends on the options you select.

If there are: And you select Preserve existing latitudes and longitudes, job status is: And you select Overwrite existing latitudes and longitudes
No address changes Completed with exceptions Completed
Address changes Completed Completed with exceptions


Select whether to use the AIR Geocoder or the Enhanced International Geocoding (separately licensed).

Offshore IED Platform Validation

Indicates whether to match against existing and removed platforms or to match only against existing platforms.


Click Save to save your changes.

Related topics

       Using Geocoding in Touchstone (available on the AIR Client Portal)

       AIR ImportExpress


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020