AIR ImportExpress

AIR ImportExpress enables you to import contract and exposure data from external sources into AIR Touchstone databases, regardless of the format of the source.

AIR ImportExpress supports the following import types.


Import Type


Comma Separated File (.csv)

Import data in almost any custom, client-specific data format saved as a text file. Importing comma-separated-values (CSV) files significantly decreases the amount of time that it takes to import data into Touchstone.

CSV files are simple text files that store exposure data in a tabular format. Each line in the file is a separate entry in the table, and each entry has a pre-defined number of columns that are separated by commas. You can use any spreadsheet application (e.g., Microsoft Excel) or text editor (e.g., Notepad) to read and edit the files. You use AIR ImportExpress to configure column-mapping and value-mapping settings for these text files.

You can also import text files that use other types of delimiters. Set the desired delimiter on the AIR ImportExpress Options tab.

See Importing CSV Files.

EDM Format

Import RMS-EDM exposure databases. Even when data is not stored in an open data format, you can still use AIR ImportExpress to import data that is stored in RMS's EDM databases.

See Importing Data from EDM Exposure Databases.

ACORD Binding Authority

Import data using standardized industry exposure data formats.

ACORDâ„¢ (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) is a global, nonprofit standards development organization serving the insurance and related financial services industries. ACORD's mission is to facilitate the development of open consensus data standards and standard forms. As part of this mission, ACORD has created a standard for exposure reporting via the creation of a data template for binding authorities.

AIR supports this ACORD standard and enables you to import ACORD U.S. Property Binding Authority Standard Version 3.0 [ACORD ER30001] files directly into Touchstone. With this format, AIR ImportExpress enables you to import policy data into Touchstone with minimal setup.

For complete details on the ACORD format, refer to The Binding Authorities Implementation Guide on ACORD's website.

See Importing ACORD Files.

Touchstone does not support ACORD reports of Workers' Compensation fields.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020