Augment |
The Augment diagnostic enables you to add property-specific building information to your portfolio when data is missing or when confidence in the data is low. You can augment building location, property value, and primary and secondary risk characteristics using AIR's Property-specific database and/or user-specified values.
Even in cases where the data is not augmented, the diagnostic flags individual location attributes that are consistent with data in AIR's Property-specific database, provided that you select the Include data consistency details option when you configure the Augment options for property-specific data. The Geography > Location, Rule results table includes the flagged exposures and their status.
AIR's Property-specific database, which compiles information from multiple industry databases, including ISO's Specific Property Information (SPI) database, is available under separate license. With this license, you can use Augment's Enhance with Property-Specific Data Values option to replace location attributes with AIR's Property-specific database values. In addition, by default, Touchstone includes, in Data Quality Analysis results, a summary of the consistency of your exposure data with data in AIR's Property-specific database; you can also choose to include detailed information about the consistency of your data. Without a license to this database, you cannot augment geocoding, primary risk characteristics, secondary risk characteristics, or building replacement values with AIR's Property-specific database values. However, you can use Augment's Enhance with User-specified Values option to clear geocoding data and replace primary risk characteristics, secondary risk characteristics, and replacement values with values that you specify. |
• AIR's Property-specific database and/or user-specified values
• Augmentation results by geography
• Performing an Augmentation Enhancement
• Modifying Augmentation Rules
• Interpreting Augmentation Result
© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved. Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020 |