Compare with Industry Data Options Pane

The Compare with Industry Data diagnostic enables you to compare portfolio data to industry averages, distributions, and totals contained in AIR's Industry Exposure Database. The Compare with Industry Data Options pane contains the following fields that enable you to configure a Compare with Industry Data diagnostic as part of a Data Quality Analysis:



Benchmark Against Industry Data For

Line of Business

Specifies the line or lines of business, if any, aggregated by which Touchstone should compare risk counts and replacement values during this Data Quality Analysis.

To compare portfolio data to risk counts and replacement values aggregated by one or more specific line or lines of business, select each line of business that you want to include. Clear the check box next to each line of business that you do not want to include.

You can select any of the following lines of business:

       Residential Buildings


       Mobile Home



       Commercial Building




       Residential Contents

       Apartment Buildings

       Commercial Contents


Clear all the check boxes to leave the data unfiltered.


Specifies the construction class code(s), if any, aggregated by which Touchstone should compare risk counts and replacement values during this Data Quality Analysis.

To compare portfolio data to risk counts and replacement values aggregated by one or more specific construction class codes, select each construction class code that you want to include. Clear the check box next to each construction class code that you do not want to include.

You can select any of the following construction class codes:



       Light metal


       Mobile Home


       Pre-cast concrete






Clear all the check boxes to leave the data unfiltered.


Specifies the occupancy class code(s), if any, aggregated by which Touchstone should compare risk counts and replacement values during this Data Quality Analysis Analysis.

To compare portfolio data to risk counts and replacement values aggregated by one or more specific occupancy class codes, select each occupancy class code that you want to include. Clear the check box next to each occupancy class code that you do not want to include.

You can select any of the following occupancy class codes:



       Chemical processing

       Commercial Habitational


       Entertainment and recreation

       Food and drug processing


       General Commercial

       General Industrial

       General Services

       Green House

       Health care services

       Heavy fabrication and assembly

       Light fabrication and assembly

       Metal and minerals processing


       Occupancy Auto



       Personal and repair services


       Professional, technical, and business services

       Retail trade

       Single Family

       Universities, colleges, and technical schools

       Wholesale trade


Clear all the check boxes to leave the data unfiltered.

Related topics

       AIR Industry Exposure Database

       Data Quality Analysis

       Compare with Industry Data

       Performing a Compare with Industry Data Diagnostic

       Construction class codes

        Occupancy class codes



© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020