Create Rating Agency Report Options Pane

Rating Agency Reports enable you to generate exposure data totals for use in response to the Percentage of Data Containing Known Attributes and Most Frequently Observed Value questions of the A.M. Best Property/Casualty Supplemental Ratings Questionnaire (SRQ). The Create Rating Agency Report Options pane contains the following field that enable you to configure the generating of rating agency reports as part of a Data Quality Analysis:



A.M. Best Report

Specifies that Touchstone should generate exposure data totals for use in response to the A.M. Best Property/Casualty SRQ during this analysis.


Touchstone currently supports only the A.M. Best rating agency report option.

Related topics

       Creating Agency Reports

       Generating a Rating Agency Report

       Percentage of Data Containing Known Attributes

       Most Frequently Observed Value questions



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020