Terms (Location Terms)


You can define multiple coverage term sets for a location, each one based on a unique combination of peril, limits, and deductibles. You can include a particular peril only once in the entire series of coverage term sets for a location.

When you use AIR ImportExpress to import locations, you can define up to six coverage term sets for each location; this limit does not exist when you define coverage term sets for a location using the Touchstone user interface. When importing locations, you can define multiple coverage term sets for a location by appending a numeric suffix, such as "1" or "-1," at the end of each field in each term set. For example, to import a location with two coverage term sets, you can specify "LocPerils1" in the first coverage term set and "LocPerils2" in the second coverage term set.

You can add term sets from the Terms tab located at the bottom of the Locations tab. To add one or more term sets, open a contract, select the Terms tabs, and then click Add Term Set. Touchstone adds the term set columns at the far right of the Terms tab. As you scroll, you will see the identifier for each set of terms: Term 2, Term 3, Term 4, Term 5, and Term 6. You cannot add a new term set if any location in the grid has six term sets. If, however, a location has less than six terms while another location in the same contract has six terms, you can add a new term set by clicking a location ID and manually adding terms in the Terms grid in the Location Details pane.

The following table details the validation rules for Touchstone fields related to location terms:



Validation Rules

Default Value


Perils that this location term covers.

See the list of valid peril codes.

  To specify multiple perils in a single entry within an import file, separate the corresponding peril codes with a Plus (+) symbol, such as, PWH+PES).

       Defaults to a value.

       At least one peril is required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record.

       Must be a subset of the contract peril set.

       If the location to which this location term applies belongs to a location group but is not the primary location within the location group, this field must contain a subset of the primary location perils.

All perils (PAL)

Limit Type

One of the following limit types for this location term:

Limit Type Value


C - Limit by Coverage

The limit applies by coverage.

EE - Extra Expense

Used to handle Extra Expenses and Debris Removal in Japan. You can use this option with any country or peril.

EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

When the peril is Fire Following Earthquake, apply the building limit (limit 1) to the combined Coverage A and Coverage C losses. Used to handle Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance (EFEI) in Japan. If you use this option with another peril code (for example, with PAL), Touchstone ignores the EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance limit type and does not use any other limit type in its place.

N - No limit

None. See the layer record.

S - Site Combined Amount

Touchstone computes the limit by combining the limit amounts for all coverages and applying that total limit to the total loss from all coverages.

For information about the effect that each of the location limit types has on the related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

For a listing of the valid limit type combinations for locations, layers, and sublimits, see Limit Type Combinations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       For workers' compensation policies, you must specify N - No limit.

       If you specify N - No limit, you cannot specify location reinsurance for the location associated with this location term.

       This field is case-sensitive for data import.

C - Limit by Coverage

Limit Building

Coverage A (building) limit for this location term

Note the following special cases:

       For the fire following earthquake (PEF) peril, the Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance is included (if applicable) with losses limited by the amount specified in this field. Debris Removal and Extra Expense are automatically estimated for Japan Typhoon, and losses are limited by the amount that you specify for the other structures limit (limit 2).

       If the limit type is EE - Extra Expense, this field represents the blanket limit on coverages A and C.

       If there is no limit at the location level, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the building limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Required if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EE - Extra Expense

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No Limit.

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Other

Coverage B (other structures) limit for this location term.

Note the following special cases:

       If the limit type is EE - Extra Expense, this field represents the limit on Extra Expenses.

       To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

       This field is not applicable for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the other structures limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Required if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EE - Extra Expense

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       N - No Limit

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be blank (0) for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Contents

Coverage C (contents) limit for this location term.

Depending upon the limit type, enter the actual value or the insurance-to-value assumption as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

Note the following special cases:

       If the limit type is EE - Extra Expense, this field represents the Extra Expense percentage value applied to gross losses from coverages A and C.

       To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

       This field is not applicable for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the contents limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the limit type is EE - Extra Expense.

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

       S - Site Combined Amount

       N - No Limit

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be blank (0) for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Time

Coverage D (time element) limit for this location term.

Note the following special cases:

       To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

       This field is not applicable for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

       This field is not applicable if the limit type is EE - Extra Expense.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the time element limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Required if the limit type is C - Limit by Coverage.

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

       EE - Extra Expense

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       N - No Limit

       Must be a monetary value if the deductible type is Percent of Loss (PL).

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Physical Damage

Physical damage limit for this offshore location term.

To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the physical damage limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Required if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EE - Extra Expense

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No Limit.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Removal of Debris

Removal of debris limit for this offshore location term.

To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the removal of debris limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Required if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EE - Extra Expense

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       N - No Limit

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Operator's Extra Expense

Operator's extra expense limit for this offshore location term.

Depending upon the limit type, enter the actual value or the insurance-to-value assumption as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the operator's extra expense limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 and less than or equal to 999999999999999 if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No Limit.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Limit Business Interruption

Business interruption limit for this offshore location term.

To indicate no limit, enter 0 for this field or make this field blank. Touchstone then limits losses only by the amount of the replacement value. Enter 0 in the Replacement Value field for policies that provide no coverage.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the business interruption limit and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Required if the limit type is C - Limit by Coverage.

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No Limit.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Participation 1

Use for Primary Property contracts and Certificate Participation (facultative).

Percentage of risk that the insurer covers for this location term.

Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%, or enter 999.00 for 99,900%.

If the limit type on the layer record is a combined single limit (CSL100 - Combined Single Limit 100% participation or CSLAI - Combined Single Limit Assured Interest) and/or the limit type on the sublimit record is C100 - Limit by Coverage 100% Participation or CAI - Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest, this field represents the assured interest percentage, which Touchstone applies by conditioning the layer losses by a weighted average of the losses for each location in the subarea/policy.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the participation 1 and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Requires a value between 0.00 and 999.00, inclusive.


Participation 2

Use only for Primary Property contracts.

Percentage of risk that the insured owns (working interest) for this location term.

Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 999. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%, or enter 999.00 for 99,900%.

When more than one entity shares in the ownership of the risk, this field represents the percentage of the risk that the insured party owns. This participation is also known as the working interest. Touchstone applies the Participation 2 percentage to the ground-up losses and then applies financial terms to the results. Those results then affect other loss perspectives, such as gross losses.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the participation 2 and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Must be a numeric value between 0.00 and 999.00, inclusive.


Assured Interest

(Participation 1) Percentage of risk that the insurer covers for this offshore location term.

Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the assured interest and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EE - Extra Expense

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No Limit.

       Must be a numeric value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive.


Working Interest

(Participation 2) Percentage of risk that the insured owns for this offshore location term.

Enter the percentage as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location limit types has on the working interest and other related location fields, see Touchstone Limit Fields for Locations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface.

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the limit type is one of the following:

       C - Limit by Coverage

       EE - Extra Expense

       EF - Earthquake Fire Expense Insurance

       S - Site Combined Amount

       Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No Limit.

       Must be a numeric value between 0.00 and 1.00, inclusive.


Deductible Type

One of the following deductible types for this location term:

Deductible Type Value


Florida Annual Amount (AA)

If you set the deductible type to Florida Annual Amount (AA), place the hurricane deductible in the field for the building deductible (deductible 1). Place the minimum all other perils deductible in the field for the other structures deductible (deductible 2).


Touchstone does not include the time element (coverage D) deductible and does not apply any time element deductible to the time element loss.

Deductible By Coverage (C)

Touchstone computes these deductibles by coverage and applies these deductibles by coverage.

Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

Touchstone computes combined (excluding time) deductibles by combining the deductible amounts for coverages A (building), B (other structures), and C (contents) and applying the total amount across loss from these three coverages. Touchstone does not include the time element (coverage D) deductible and does not apply any time element deductible to the time element loss.

If you provide deductible percents, Touchstone first applies the percents to the respective limit (or replacement value if you have not provided a limit). Touchstone then combines the respective deductible amount for coverages A, B, and C and applies this amount across loss from these three coverages.

If you provide deductible amounts and apply these amounts evenly over each of coverage A, B, and C (e.g., $5 million each for coverages A, B, and C), enter the total amount (in this example, $15 million) in the Deductible Building field. Otherwise, enter the individual deductible amounts in the Deductible Building (deductible 1), Deductible Other (deductible 2), and Deductible Contents (deductible 3).

Do not enter any time element deductible in the Deductible Time (deductible 4) field.

Combined - Including Time (CT)

Touchstone computes combined (including time separately) deductibles by combining the deductible amounts for coverages A (building), B (other structures), and C (contents) and applying the total amount across loss from these three coverages. Touchstone computes the time element (coverage D) deductible separately and applies this time element deductible separately to the time element loss.

If you provide deductible percents, Touchstone first applies the percents to the respective limit (or replacement value if you have not provided a limit). Touchstone then combines the respective deductible amount for coverages A, B, and C and applies this amount across loss from these three coverages. Touchstone applies the time element deductible amount separately to the time element loss.

If you provide deductible amounts and apply these amounts evenly over each of coverage A, B, and C (e.g., $5 million each for coverages A, B, and C), enter the total amount (in this example, $15 million) in the Deductible Building field. Otherwise, enter the individual deductible amounts in the Deductible Building (deductible 1), Deductible Other (deductible 2), and Deductible Contents (deductible 3).

Enter the time element deductible in the Deductible Time (deductible 4) field.

Franchise Deductible (FR)

Touchstone applies franchise deductibles on a combined basis to all coverages. The franchise deductible acts as a "trigger," such that the entire amount of loss is used once the loss exceeds the deductible.

Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

Touchstone applies the maximum of the site or percent of loss to combined losses for buildings, other structures, or contents. In this case, Touchstone applies separate deductibles for losses from time.

Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

Touchstone computes mini policy deductibles based on the building limit and applies these deductibles to the building loss only. Further, Touchstone only considers loss from contents if the building loss exceeds the deductible. Touchstone disregards any deductibles other than the building deductibles.

No Deductible (NO)

Use this deductible type for workers' compensation policies.

Percent of Loss (PL)

Touchstone applies percent of loss deductibles across loss from all coverages.

Site Deductible (S)

Touchstone computes combined deductibles by combining the deductible amounts for all coverages (A, B, C, D) and applying the total amount across loss from all coverages. If you provide deductible percents, Touchstone first applies the percents to the respective limit (or replacement value if you have not provided a limit). Touchstone then combines the respective deductible amount and applies this amount across loss from all coverages. If you provide deductible amounts and apply these amounts evenly over each coverage (e.g., $5 million each for coverages A-D), enter the total amount (in this example, $20 million) in the Deductible Building field. Otherwise, enter the individual deductible amounts in the Deductible Building (deductible 1), Deductible Other (deductible 2), Deductible Contents (deductible 3), and Deductible Time (deductible 4) fields.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

For a listing of the valid deductible type combinations for locations, layers, and sublimits, see Deductible Type Combinations.

       Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

       The Florida Annual Amount (AA) deductible type is only valid for locations in the United States (i.e., locations with the US country code).

       Use the Deductible By Coverage (C) deductible type when coverage is provided for one coverage type (A, B, C, or D) or when a deductible applies to only one coverage type. For example, you should code renter's policies covering contents and additional living expenses as Deductible By Coverage (C) when the specified deductible applies only to the coverage C loss.

       Must be No Deductible (NO) for workers' compensation policies

Deductible By Coverage (C)

Deductible Building

Coverage A (building) deductible (deductible 1) for this location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the building or site deductible or the percentage to apply to the building limit (limit 1) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For the Percent of Loss (PL) deductible type, this field contains the percent of loss that Touchstone applies across loss from all coverages. In this case, you can only enter a deductible percentage in this deductible field.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the building deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       Percent of Loss (PL)

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is No Deductible (NO).

       For the Site Deductible (S) percentage deductible type, you must enter the percent deductible in all four deductible fields in order for Touchstone to apply this deductible. However, if you use a Site Combined Amount (S) limit type with any percent deductible for this location, enter the percent deductible in the Deductible Building field only.

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be blank (0) for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Other

Coverage B (other structures) deductible (deductible 2) for this location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the other structures deductible or the percentage to apply to the other structures limit (limit 2) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

If the deductible type is Site Deductible (S), Deductible By Coverage (C), Combined - Including Time (CT), or Combined - Excluding Time (CB), this field represents the actual value of the other structures deductible or the percent that Touchstone applies to the other structures limit (limit 2).

If the deductible type is Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML), this field represents the percent of loss deductible that Touchstone applies to losses combined for buildings, other structures, and contents.

This field is not applicable for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the other structures deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Percent of Loss (PL)

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       No Deductible (NO)

       For the Site Deductible (S) percentage deductible type, you must enter the percent deductible in all four deductible fields in order for Touchstone to apply this deductible. However, if you use a Site Combined Amount (S) limit type with any percent deductible for this location, enter the percent deductible in the Deductible Building field only.

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Contents

Coverage C (contents) deductible (deductible 3) for this location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the contents deductible or the percentage to apply to the contents limit (limit 3) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

If the deductible type is Site Deductible (S), Deductible By Coverage (C), Combined - Including Time (CT), or Combined - Excluding Time (CB), this field represents the actual value of the contents deductible or the percent that Touchstone applies to the contents limit (limit 3).

This field is not applicable for the U.S. Hurricane Plate Glass Module.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the contents deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is Franchise Deductible (FR).

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is Percent of Loss (PL).

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       No Deductible (NO)

       For the Site Deductible (S) percentage deductible type, you must enter the percent deductible in all four deductible fields in order for Touchstone to apply this deductible. However, if you use a Site Combined Amount (S) limit type with any percent deductible for this location, enter the percent deductible in the Deductible Building field only.

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Time

Coverage D (time element) deductible (deductible 4) for this location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the time element deductible or the percentage to apply to the time element limit (limit 4) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the time element deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is Percent of Loss (PL).

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       No Deductible (NO)

       For the Site Deductible (S) percentage deductible type, you must enter the percent deductible in all four deductible fields in order for Touchstone to apply this deductible. However, if you use a Site Combined Amount (S) limit type with any percent deductible for this location, enter the percent deductible in the Deductible Building field only.

       Must be blank (0) for workers' compensation policies.

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Physical Damage

Physical damage deductible (deductible 1) for this offshore location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the physical damage deductible or the percentage to apply to the physical damage limit as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For the Percent of Loss (PL) deductible type, this field contains the percent of loss that Touchstone applies across loss from all coverages. In this case, you can only enter a deductible percentage in this deductible field.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the physical damage deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       Percent of Loss (PL)

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is No Deductible (NO).

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Removal of Debris

Removal of debris deductible (deductible 2) for this offshore location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the other structures deductible or the percentage to apply to the removal of debris limit (limit 2) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the removal of debris deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Percent of Loss (PL)

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       No Deductible (NO)

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Operator's Extra Expense

Operator's extra expense deductible (deductible 3) for this offshore location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the contents deductible or the percentage to apply to the operator's extra expense limit (limit 3) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the operator's extra expense deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is Percent of Loss (PL)

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       No Deductible (NO)

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.


Deductible Business Interruption

Business interruption deductible (deductible 4) for this offshore location term.

Enter the actual monetary value of the time element deductible or the percentage to apply to the business interruption limit (limit 4) as a decimal greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. For example, enter 0.12 for 12%.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the location deductible types has on the business interruption deductible and other related location fields, see Touchstone Deductible Fields for Locations.

       Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Deductible By Coverage (C)

       Combined - Including Time (CT)

       Site Deductible (S)

       Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Franchise Deductible (FR)

       Max of Deductible Amount or Percent Loss (ML)

       Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is Percent of Loss (PL).

       Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

       Florida Annual Amount (AA)

       Combined - Excluding Time (CB)

       Mini Policy Deductible (MP)

       No Deductible (NO)

       Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive/



© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020