Accumulating Values by Hazard Boundaries

You can accumulated property exposures based on hazard analysis results run with FEMA Flood Zones and/or AIR Inland Flood Model zones instead of being based on related flood map layers. When you select this option, the system runs a hazard analysis and then makes the results available for accumulation via Geospatial Analysis. Click here for information about FEMA Flood Zones and AIR Inland Flood Model Zones.

  If you select "Workers' Compensation" as the exposure type, you can only configure a Rings analysis and enable dynamic results. As a result, certain functions—Accumulate Values by zones, custom boundaries, event footprints, and hazard boundaries; Spatial Outputs; and Analysis Options (including Reinsurance)—will not be available.

Given that the FEMA flood zones cover only parts of the U.S. while the AIR Inland Flood model covers the entire U.S., you may find it useful to select both hazard boundaries.

The panel in the left part of the Hazard Boundaries pane includes information about the hazard boundary, including the peril, the peril name, the region, and the upload date.

When you select a hazard boundary, a descriptive pane opens and displays the name, the source, the type of peril, and, for some perils, accumulation ranges. For example, if you select the Inland Flood (AIR Flood) , the description pane includes "AIR Worldwide" as the source, "Inland Flood" as the type, and accumulation ranges for AIR Flood Zones. The default damage percent is 100.00 for all range values. You should modify the damage percent for each value and each event that you select, based upon your own claims experience.

When you view the analysis results, the Damage Ranges grid reflects the item selected in the Hazard Boundary Accumulation Results Overview grid. The FEMA and AIR Inland Flood Model maps are available only for visualization; you cannot interact with the map

To hide the descriptive pane, click (Show metadata panel). Click it again to redisplay the panel.



© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020