CSV Step Function Files

Touchstone supports the step function record only for primary property policies. The record can be used to implement single-location residential endowment policies in Japan. It was developed to support the multi-step structure of Japanese earthquake policies. Rather than paying out a continuous amount for any damages that occur at a location, policies with step functions define ranges where any damages that fall between "x" and "y" will be paid out at a certain amount. You can also use step functions for any region, peril, or line of business. The record contains fields that detail the damage ratios in each of the steps that dictate when certain coverage-specific payouts are made.

Step functions do not apply to facultative or workers' compensation policies.

You link each set of step function entries to the policy (contract) to which the step function applies by including the relevant contract ID in each step function entry. Further, although you define a set of step function entries once for a contract, Touchstone applies the step function to each location within the contract individually.


For detailed information about the fields that you can import as part of a CSV step function file, see Step Function Fields for Import.

For a list of the minimum required fields that you must include in a CSV step function file, see Minimum Required Fields for Import.

Constructing a CSV Step Function File

To construct a CSV step function file, you can use a spreadsheet application or a text editor. If you use a text editor, note that the default field separator (delimiter) is a comma. However, you can configure AIR ImportExpress to recognize a different delimiter if desired.


Avoid the following special characters in your import files, especially in address-related data, such as street, city, area, etc.: $, +, -, ., \. These special characters may cause geocoding, validation, and import errors.

AIR ImportExpress rounds all imported monetary values (such as layer limits and replacement values) to the nearest whole number if these values contain decimal places.

For a list of column headings that are valid for use with the column heading automapping feature, see Column Heading Automapping for CSV Import.

Sample CSV Step Function File

The following example shows an excerpt from a sample CSV step function file:


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020