Options Tab (CSV) |
The Options tab for CSV contract and exposure data import contains the following fields:
Field |
Description |
Import Scheduling |
Specifies whether Touchstone should perform the data import immediately or schedule the data import for a specific date and time. Select one of the following options: • Import/Execute immediately • Schedule on If you select Schedule on, you must also choose the desired date and time for the job.
Priority |
Specifies the desired priority for this data import. Select one of the following options: • Low • Normal • High • Top Priority For detailed information about setting the priority for a job and each of the priority settings, see Setting the Priority of a Job. |
Number of Cores |
Specifies the minimum and maximum number of cores that Touchstone should use to perform this import. Enter the number of cores. The setting must meet the following criteria: • Each setting (minimum and maximum) must be greater than "0". • Each setting must be less than or equal to the total number of cores available in your Touchstone system configuration. • The minimum number of cores must be less than or equal to the maximum number of cores. • The maximum number of cores must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of cores. For more information, see Guidelines to Specifying the Number of Cores. |
If Duplicate Contracts |
Specifies which action Touchstone should perform if policy IDs in the import files match existing policy IDs in the destination data source. Select one of the following options: • Skip and raise error: Touchstone does not import contracts with duplicate policy IDs and reports the errors in the import log. • Append: Touchstone adds all location-level contract data from the import files to the existing contract record and reports the activity in the import log. In this case, Touchstone ignores layer, sublimit, and reinsurance information for the duplicate contract. • Replace: Touchstone replaces all existing contract data with the information contained in the import files and reports the activity in the import log.
If Error |
Specifies which action Touchstone should perform if there are location records that AIR ImportExpress cannot import. Select one of the following options: • Skip any bad locations: Touchstone does not import location records containing errors and reports the errors in the import log.
• Skip any bad contracts: Touchstone does not import contracts containing location records with errors and reports the errors in the import log. |
If Locations Have Non-Zero Geocode Data |
Specifies whether Touchstone should preserve or overwrite user-supplied latitude and longitude values in your data files upon import. Select one of the following options: • Preserve existing latitudes and longitudes • Overwrite existing latitudes and longitudes
Geocoder |
Specifies which geocoding tool Touchstone should use during the import. Select one of the following options: • AIR Geocoder • Enhanced International Geocoding (reserved for future use) |
Offshore IED Platform Validation |
Specifies how Touchstone validates and fills in missing information or corrects values for offshore platforms (a type of exposure that is different from typical buildings). Touchstone validates the exposure data against an Offshore Industry Exposure Database (IED). |
Delimiter |
Specifies which character separates fields in your import files. Select one of the following options: • Comma (default) • Tab • Space • Colon • Semicolon • Other
If you select Other, you must also enter the desired delimiter character in the accompanying text field. |
Log Statistic Currency and Rate |
Specifies which currency, such as US Dollar, Touchstone should use for import log statistics. Select the desired currency in the list. For example, if your import files contain exposure data in different currencies, Touchstone uses this setting to convert all relevant import log statistics to the same currency. This setting does not affect the currencies that you have included in your imported exposure data.
Order of Records |
Specifies whether the records in your import files are already sorted. Select one of the following options: • Sorted • Unsorted (default) If the records are already in the proper order, the import process can require less time because AIR ImportExpress can skip the step of sorting the records. Pre-sorting records in import files is especially important if you are importing large files (over one million locations). AIR recommends that you sort records before importing them.
Sorting requirements include the following: • Contract files: Sorted by contract ID and layer ID • Location files: Sorted by contract ID and location ID • Reinsurance files: Sorted by primary contract ID, exposure ID, exposure type, reinsurance type, reinsurance certificate ID, and reinsurance layer ID • Step function files: Sorted by primary contract ID, step function type, and step index
Date Format |
Specifies the date format that you have used for dates in your import files. Select one of the following options: • Default • MM/DD/YYYY • DD/MM/YYYY • YYYYMMDD • YYYY-MM-DD |
Remember Settings |
Specifies whether AIR ImportExpress should preserve your current import options settings for future import jobs. Select this check box to preserve your settings. Clear this check box to apply your settings only to the current import job. AIR ImportExpress does not save the import options with the mapping set. However, the Remember Settings option enables you to preserve your settings. |
Refresh |
Enables you to refresh the settings on the Options tab, including the Number of Cores settings. |
© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved. Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020 |