Apply Reinsurance Programs Pane

The Apply Reinsurance Programs pane contains the following fields and buttons that enable you to select a reinsurance program to apply to analysis results during a catastrophe peril analysis, non-catastrophe peril analysis, CAT XOL analysis, or Geospatial Analysis:




Displays the total number of reinsurance programs.


Refreshes the list of reinsurance programs.

Manage reinsurance programs

Launches the Reinsurance Program Manager.

Filter program

Enables you to select and clear filters for the reinsurance programs list. You can also create a custom filter.

Reinsurance program list

Displays a list of reinsurance programs that you can optionally associate with each analysis target.

Facultative Reinsurance

Specifies how Touchstone should apply facultative reinsurance terms if the analysis target’s exposure data includes contract- or layer-level facultative terms. Select one of the following options:

       Do not apply

       Apply and inure to the benefit of treaties

       Apply in parallel with the first level treaties

Related topics


       Applying Reinsurance Programs

       Selecting a Reinsurance Program

       Specifying Facultative Reinsurance Options


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020