Thematic Summary Options in 5.1 and Later

Area Level

This field enables you to select the resolution of the administrative boundaries. The default value is "Auto", which selects the most appropriate area level depending on the current zoom level of the map. The coarsest level of resolution is "Country", followed by "Area", "Subarea", "PostalCode", and "CRESTA". Example


Since a relationship is not defined between CRESTA and the other area levels, there is no aggregation to or from CRESTA. If you select "CRESTA" as the area level and some exposures do not include CRESTA codes, Touchstone displays the next best boundary available, starting with PostalCode. If you select "Auto", Touchstone will never select CRESTA; this is because there is no fixed relationship between CRESTA and the other area levels.

You cannot persist the Area Level setting.

Set Map To

Enables you to use the AIR default settings or, if you persisted map layer settings, enables you to use a custom set (Map or User). By default, Touchstone will apply the User persistence setting to all maps for which a User persistence setting has been defined; otherwise, it will apply the AIR default settings. To view Map settings, you must explicitly select "Map" from the Set Map To list. To revert all user-defined maps to the AIR default settings, select AirDefault and then persist the change for all maps; this overwrites User persistence settings, but does not overwrite customized Map persistence settings. Example


Filters exposure data based on the number of locations (the default) or the total replacement value. Example


Enables you to segment ranged data into groups, or bands, for visualization.

       Natural Breaks: Looks at the distribution of the data and uses the natural breaks in the data to create classes. It groups things that are similar and brings out the contrast with things that are not similar.

       Equal Intervals: Takes the maximum and minimum values in a field and divides them into specified number of equal intervals, or bands. Example

       Quantiles: Divides exposure data into groups where each group contains the same number of records. Example

       User Supplied Enables you to manually define the number of classes and then set classification ranges appropriate to your exposure data. After you select "User Supplied", you cannot change the number of breaks or the palette; therefore, you must first select one of the default classifications and then select the number of breaks and the palette. The Classification field then changes to "User Supplied".

Number of Breaks

Enter the maximum number of breaks to create. When Touchstone segments your data, it will not create any more than the specified number of bands. If, however, it is not possible to create the specified number of breaks, Touchstone will create fewer than the value you selected. Example


Enables you to select a color palette—AirDefault, Warm, Cool, Ice, or Monochrome. You cannot modify the default palettes. When you modify the fill colors, the classification automatically changes to "User Supplied".


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020