Creating a Reinsurance Program


You can create a new reinsurance program that comprises one or more treaties. When you create a treaty, you specify treaty information, treaty terms, and treaty triggers.

To create a reinsurance program:

1.     Open a project.

2.     In the project's navigation pane, click Reinsurance.

3.     In the Add row (marked by a white Add icon in the first column), enter a program name and then click Enter.

The program name is hyperlinked.

4.     Modify program information.

5.     Click the new program name.

The Reinsurance Program pane appears with three tabs—Treaty Information, Terms, and Triggers.

6.     Optionally, in the Target Exposure field, select one or more exposure views to associate with the reinsurance program.

If you are creating a Surplus Share treaty, the Treaty ID field will be populated with IDs from the selected exposure views that include Surplus Share treaties; you can then select an ID instead of typing it in. If you are creating any treaty type other than a Surplus Share treaty, the Applies to LOB field will be populated with LOBs from the selected exposure views that include LOBs.

7.     To add treaty information:

a.     In the Add row, in the Treaty Type column, select a treaty type.

A red bounding box appears in the Treaty ID column, indicating a required field. In addition, a yellow warning triangle appears on the Treaty Information tab because the Treaty ID field cannot be blank.

b.     In the Treaty ID column, enter the treaty ID, or, optionally, if you selected a target exposure that includes Surplus Share treaties and are creating a Surplus Share program, select the treaty ID from the list.

Touchstone displays a maximum of 9318 Surplus Share treaty IDs in the list.


Surplus Share treaty IDs are not case-sensitive. For example, assume that you import four exposure sets, each of which contains a separate Surplus Share treaty, where the treaty IDs are: "SS", "Ss", "sS", and "ss". You then create an exposure view that includes all four exposure sets. The Reinsurance Program Manager does not consider the treaty IDs in those four files to be unique. As a result, when you create a Surplus Share program in the Reinsurance Program Manager, select that exposure view as the target exposure, and then try to add a Surplus Share treaty for each Surplus Share treaty included in the exposure data, you will see that the only valid ID in the Treaty ID field is "SS". To apply different limit terms to each of the surplus share treaties, make sure that the treaty IDs are unique before you import the exposures. This is especially important to keep in mind if you have a large portfolio used across multiple exposure views.

Touchstone displays a maximum of 9318 Surplus Share treaty IDs in the Treaty ID list.

c.     Enter the remaining treaty information.

8.     To add treaty terms, click the Terms tab and then enter the terms.

The pane repeats the first two columns, Treaty Type and Treaty ID, from the Treaty Information tab. Scroll to the right to edit all the required fields. When you have entered data in all required fields, the yellow warning triangle disappears.

9.     To add treaty triggers, click the Triggers tab and then enter the triggers.

The Triggers tab applies only to CATXOL treaties.

10.  Repeat steps 7-9 to add more treaties.

11.  Click Save to save changes to all the treaties in the reinsurance program. Or, if you do not want to save the changes, click Up to return to the Reinsurance Programs pane.

12.  If you selected target exposures for the reinsurance program, refresh the list of programs so that you can view the associated exposures in the grid.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020