Construction class codes by country/region
Touchstone support for construction classes varies by country/region as well as by model.
For information about supported codes and limitations for specific models, refer to the model documentation that is available on the Client Portal. After logging in, select "Model Documentation" as the documentation type in the Narrow Results By pane and then search for the model for which you want information.
The following topics list all the construction codes that are supported for each country/region. Some topics cover more than one country; in that case, be aware that each listed code is not necessarily supported for each country specified in the topic. Refer to the model documentation for the model-specific support and limitations.
- United States and Canada
- Mexico
- Gulf of Mexico
- Caribbean
- Central America
- South America
- Europe
- India
- Japan
- China
- Southeast Asia
- South Korea
- Australia and New Zealand
Touchstone also supports non-AIR construction class codes. For more information, see "Non-AIR Construction Class Codes" in the Help provided in your Touchstone Client.