Contract details

Validation rules for fields related to contract details.

Project Data > Exposure Views > {Select an Exposure View} > Contract List > {Select or Add a Contract} > Contract Details pane


Touchstone does not support single-day contracts.

Field or Tab Description
Contract ID Unique, required, user-defined contract identifier.
Contract Type

One of the following contract types:

  • Primary Property
  • Facultative Property
  • Primary Workers' Compensation
  • Facultative Workers' Compensation

One of the following contract submission statuses where the letters represent the SubmitStatusCode in the database reference:

  • Authorized (A)
  • Bound (B)
  • Cancelled (C)
  • Expired (E)
  • Quoted (Q)
  • Rejected (R)
  • Renewal (RN)
  • Submitted (S)
Inception Date

Date of the first day on which coverage is effective.

When importing data, use one of the following formats and select this format on the Options tab of ImportExpress:


If you specify valid location-level inception and expiration dates for a location, and these dates are different from (that is, a subset of) the inception and expiration dates for the corresponding contract, Touchstone considers only the location-level inception and expiration dates for this location when performing a detailed loss analysis

For inception and expiration dates, and other in-force dates, you must specify a date value between 01/01/1970 and 12/31/2038, inclusive, for dates based on U.S. regional settings. If you are not using U.S. regional settings, use a date value other than 01/01/1970, such as 01/01/1990.

Expiration Date

Date of the last day on which coverage is effective.

When importing data, use one of the following formats and select this format on the Options tab of ImportExpress:


If you specify valid location-level inception and expiration dates for a location, and these dates are different from (that is, a subset of) the inception and expiration dates for the corresponding contract, Touchstone considers only the location-level inception and expiration dates for this location when performing a detailed loss analysis.

For inception and expiration dates, and other in-force dates, you must specify a date value between 01/01/1970 and 12/31/2038, inclusive, for dates based on U.S. regional settings. If you are not using U.S. regional settings, use a date value other than 01/01/1970, such as 01/01/1990.

Insured Name Name of the insured party.
Line of Business User-specified line of business.
Underwriter Name of the underwriter.
Producer Name of the producer.

Base currency for this contract.

For analysis at the contract level, Touchstone converts all locations to this base currency.

See the list of valid currency codes.


Perils insured under this contract.

See the list of valid peril codes.


To specify multiple perils in a single entry within an import file, separate the corresponding peril codes with a Plus (+) symbol, such as, PWH+PES).

Policy Form

User defined policy form assigned to this contract.


Locations associated with this contract.


Layers associated with this contract

Step Function

Step function associated with this contract.