
Validation details supported by Touchstone.

Project Data > Exposure Views > {Select an Exposure View} > Contract List > {Select a Contract} > Contract Details Pane > Layers

Underwriting Contract Mode > Home Tab > Contract List > {Select or Add a Contract} > Contract Details > Contract Details Pane > Layers

The following table details the validation rules for Touchstone fields related to layers:



Validation Rules

Default Value


Identifies each layer and sublimit. Users can create item by selecting "Layer" or "Sublimit" in the Add row.

Layer ID

User-defined layer identifier

  • Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

  • Number layers sequentially, starting with "1" for the first layer of the contract

  • Cannot create a layer if associated locations (i.e., any locations in the associated exposure view) have a reinsurance type of Surplus Share

  • Cannot begin with a space or contain commas or semicolons

  • Can contain up to 100 characters

Sublimit ID

ID for the sublimit.



Currency for the contract to which this layer belongs

  • Read-only


Sum of the written premiums for the risks in this layer

  • Optional

  • Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Perils that this layer covers

See the list of valid peril codes.


To specify multiple perils in a single entry within an import file, separate the corresponding peril codes with a Plus (+) symbol, for example, PWH+PES).

All perils (PAL)

Applies to Locations

Sublimit area to which the sublimit will be applied. Values include "Create New", "All", and any existing sublimit areas.

Create New

Limit Type

One of the following limit types:

  • B - Blanket Limit

  • CSL100 - Combined Single Limit 100% participation

  • CSLAI - Combined Single Limit Assured Interest

  • E - Excess Limit

  • N - No limit

For detailed information about the effects that each layer limit type has on the related layer fields, see Limit Fields for Layers.

For a list of the valid limit type combinations for layers, sublimits, and locations, see Limit Type Combinations.

Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface


Touchstone does not support layers with C (Limit by Coverage) or CB (Combined, Including Time Separately) limit types. Therefore, if your import file contains a layer with either limit type (C or CB), Touchstone transfers the data from this layer to the sublimit to preserve the C or CB limit type.

B - Blanket Limit

Total Limit (Limit 1 and Limit 2)

Occurrence limit for layers

For Excess Limit policies, enter the appropriate limit. If statutory covery applies above one excess layer, include another layer record. For detailed information about the effects that each layer limit type has on the total limit and on related limit fields, see Limit Fields for Layers.

For Workers' Compensation policies, terms are entered in the layer record, not on locations. For statutory coverage with no deductible or retention, no layer is required (loss is unlimited). If a deductible applies, include a layer record, and make sure that the total limit is a large value.

Occurrence limit amount for sublimits (Limit 1)

Coverage A limit for blanket (B), excess (E), by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI), and combined coverage (CB) sublimits. For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

Occurrence limit amount for sublimits (Limit 2)

Coverage B limit for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) sublimits. For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

Validation rules for layers

  • Required for all layer limit types except for "No Limit"

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N - No limit

  • For limit types B, CSL100, and CSLAI, must be a numeric value between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999.99 inclusive

  • For limit type E, must be a numeric value between 1 and 999999999999999, inclusive

Validation rules for sublimits (Limit 1)

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

  • B – Blanket Limit

  • C – Limit by Coverage

  • CB – Combined, Including Time Separately

  • CAI – Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

  • E – Excess Limit

  • N – No limit

Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999 inclusive

Validation rules for sublimits (Limit 2)

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

  • C – Limit by Coverage

  • C100 – Limit by Coverage 100% Participation

  • CAI – Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

  • B – Blanket Limit

  • E – Excess Limit

  • CB – Combined, Including Time Separately

  • N – No limit

Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999 inclusive

Participation Limit % (0-1)

Occurrence participation limit, displayed as a percentage of the total limit.

The value in this field is updated when you modify the Participation Limit (Limit 2) column, and vice-versa.

This field is not supported for sublimits.

  • Required if the limit type is E - Excess Limit

  • Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the limit type is E - Excess Limit

  • For limit type E, a percentage value expressed as a value greater than or equal to 0. For limit types CSL 100 and CSLAI, expressed as a value greater than or equal to 1.

  • Not available if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B - Blanket Amount

    • N - No limit

  • Cannot be greater than the total limit if the limit type is not N - No limit

Participation Limit (Limit 2)

Participation limit for layers

Occurrence participation limit

For Excess Limit policies, this field represents the gross limit for the insurer's participation in this layer before ceded reinsurance, if any. For example, if the insurer signs 4% of 100 million excess of 5 million, then the gross limit is 4 million.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the layer limit types has on the participation limit and other related layer fields, see Limit Fields for Layers.

Participation limit for sublimits

Occurrence participation limit

For Excess Limit policies, this field represents the gross limit for the insurer's participation in this layer before ceded reinsurance, if any. For example, if the insurer signs 4% of 100 million excess of 5 million, then the gross limit is 4 million.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the layer limit types has on the participation limit and other related layer fields, see Limit Fields for Layers.

Validation rules for layers

  • Required if the limit type is E - Excess Limit

  • Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the limit type is E - Excess Limit

  • Must be blank (1) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B - Blanket Amount

    • N - No limit

  • Cannot be greater than the total limit if the limit type is not N - No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive

Validation rules for sublimits

  • Required if the limit type is E – Excess Limit

  • Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the limit type is E – Excess Limit

  • Must be blank (1) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B – Blanket Amount

    • N – No limit

  • Cannot be greater than the total limit if the limit type is not N – No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive

Attachment Point

Attachment point for layers

Attachment point, which is the amount of original risk above which the limit will be attached.

You can enter deductibles separately or include deductibles as part of the attachment point with a $0 deductible used.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the layer limit types has on the attachment point and other related layer fields, see Limit Fields for Layers.

Attachment point for sublimits

Coverage A attachment point for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) sublimits. For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

Validation rules for layers

  • Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface if the limit type is one of the following:

    • CSL100 – Combined Single Limit 100% participation

    • CSLAI – Combined Single Limit Assured Interest

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is N – No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive


Deductible Type

One of the following deductible types:

  • AP - Attachment Point

  • B - Blanket Deductible

  • FR - Franchise Deductible

  • MA - Maximum Deductible Amount

  • MI - Minimum Deductible Amount

  • MM - Minimum and Maximum

  • N - No Deductible

  • PL - Percent of Loss

For AP - Attachment Point, FR - Franchise Deductible, B - Blanket Deductible, and PL - Percent of Loss deductible types, the location level deductibles, if any, are applied first.

For MM - Minimum and Maximum, MI - Minimum Deductible Amount, and MA - Maximum Deductible Amount deductible types, the location deductible (for the risks affected by a given event) is compared to the layer deductible using the full ground-up distribution to determine the deductible amount.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the layer deductible types has on the related layer fields, see Deductictible Fields for Layers.

For a listing of the valid deductible combinations for layers, sublimits, and locations, see Deductible Type Combinations.

  • Defaults to a value in the Touchstone user interface

  • Must be N - No Deductible if the limit type is one of the following:

  • CSL100 - Combined Single Limit 100% participation

  • CSLAI - Combined Single Limit Assured Interest

  • The minimum policy deductible should be at least as large as the smallest location deductible.

N - No Deductible

Deductible 1

Amount for deductible 1

Depending on the deductible type, this field contains the actual value of:

  • Attachment point

  • Minimum deductible (for Deductible Types MM - Minimum and Maximum or MI - Minimum Deductible Amount). Property exposures only.

  • Blanket deductible (for Deductible Type B - Blanket Deductible or FR - Franchise Deductible).

This field contains a percentage for the PL - Percent of Loss deductible type.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the layer deductible types has on the deductible 1 and other related layer fields, see Deductible Fields for Layers.

  • Requires a value of 0 or greater than 1 if the deductible type is one of the following:

    • AP - Attachment Point

    • FR - Franchise Deductible

    • MM - Minimum and Maximum

    • MI - Minimum Deductible Amount

    • B - Blanket Deductible

    • Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

    • MA - Maximum Deductible

    • N - No Deductible

  • Requires a value of 0 or less than 1 if the deductible type is PL - Percent of Loss

  • Must be less than deductible 2 if the deductible type is PL - Percent of Loss

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive

Deductible 2

Amount for deductible 2

The field represents the actual value of the maximum deductible amount for deductible type MM - Minimum and Maximum. Property exposures only.

For detailed information about the effects that each of the layer deductible types has on the deductible 2 and other related layer fields, see Deductible Fields for Layers.

  • Required if the deductible type is one of the following:

    • MM - Minimum and Maximum

    • MA - Maximum Deductible Amount

  • Must be blank (0) if the deductible type is one of the following:

    • AP - Attachment Point

    • B - Blanket

    • FR - Franchise Deductible

    • MI - Minimum Deductible

    • PL - Percent of Loss

    • N - No Deductible

  • Must be greater than deductible 1 if the deductible type is MM - Minimum and Maximum

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive

Reinsurance Count

Number of reinsurance treaties for this layer

Read-only. Clicking the hyperlinked value opens the Reinsurance tab in the Layer Details record where you can view and manage the reinsurance terms for the layer. (Clicking the Layer ID also opens the Layer Details record.)

Limit 3 (Limit C) (for sublimits only)

Coverage C limit for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) sublimits.

For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

    • C - Limit by Coverage

    • C100 - Limit by Coverage 100% Participation

    • CAI - Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B - Blanket Limit

    • E - Excess Limit

    • CB - Combined, Including Time Separately

    • N - No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive

Limit 4 (Limit D) (for sublimits only)

Coverage D limit for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) and combined coverage (CB) sublimits.

For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

    • C - Limit by Coverage

    • CB - Combined, Including Time Separately

    • C100 - Limit by Coverage 100% Participation

    • CAI - Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B - Blanket Limit

    • E - Excess Limit

    • N - No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.

Attachment 2 (Attachment B) (for sublimits only)

Coverage B attachment point for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) sublimits.

For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

    • C - Limit by Coverage

    • C100 - Limit by Coverage 100% Participation

    • CAI - Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • Excess Limit

    • B - Blanket Limit

    • CB - Combined, Including Time Separately

    • N - No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.

Attachment 3 (Attachment C) (for sublimits only)

Coverage C attachment point for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) sublimits.

For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

    • C - Limit by Coverage

    • C100 - Limit by Coverage 100% Participation

    • CAI - Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B - Blanket Limit

    • E - Excess Limit

    • CB - Combined, Including Time Separately

    • N - No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.

Attachment 4 (Attachment D) (for sublimits only)

Coverage D attachment point for by-coverage (C, C100, and CAI) and combined coverage (CB) sublimits.

For all other sublimit types, this field is not applicable.

  • Required if the limit type is one of the following:

    • C - Limit by Coverage

    • CB - Combined, Including Time Separately

    • C100 - Limit by Coverage 100% Participation

    • CAI - Limit by Coverage with Assured Interest

  • Must be blank (0) if the limit type is one of the following:

    • B - Blanket Limit

    • E - Excess Limit

    • N - No limit

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 999999999999999, inclusive.