What's New in Touchstone 8.0 Validation Reference

New and Updated Models

The following models are new to, or have been updated in, Touchstone 8.0 (Touchstone 2020). New and/or updated loss files are available for each of these models.

    • AIR Inland Flood Model for the United States

    • AIR Hurricane Model for the United States

    • AIR Earthquake Model for Australia

    • AIR Earthquake Model for the Caribbean

    • AIR Tropical Cyclone Model for the Caribbean

Other Updates

Caribbean updates enable you to import exposure data for the Caribbean countries for use with Touchstone 8.0 model updates for Caribbean countries. Changes may include changes in CRESTA, Area, and Postal names and codes; boundaries, and code formats; there may be new and deprecated names and codes. Support for city-level data import and geocoding has also been added for all Caribbean countries.

This release supports local intensity event calculations for the Precipitation Depth sub-perils of the Tropical Cyclone perils for the AIR Hurricane Model for the United States and the AIR Typhoon Model for Japan.

More Information

The Scope of Model and Software Updates, available on the AIR Client Portal, provides high-level information about model updates and updates to AIR's Industry Exposure Database.