User-Supplied Geocode Match Level Mapping Sets
The table in this topic provides information about creating and managing user-supplied geocode match level mapping sets.
Touchstone now supports the creation and editing of user-supplied geocode match level mapping sets. You can import a geocode match mapping set from a CSV file or create one manually. You can edit and delete existing mapping sets.
After importing, creating, or editing a user geocode match mapping set, save it. It will appear in the User-supplied Geocode Match Level Mapping Set list in the Global Defaults > Geocoding Settings pane. Then, during import of a CSV exposure data file, users can map the source user-supplied geocode resolution codes in their location data to the UserGeocodeMatchLevelCode column; there they can select the appropriate user-supplied geocode match level mapping set to map their user-supplied geocode resolution codes to the AIR GeoMatchLevelCodes during import. When re-geocoding, you can apply the default user geocode mapping set to an exposure view.
User Geomatch Level |
AIR Geomatch Level |
Country |
Use these buttons (when available) and the parameters below to create and modify custom legends. |
![]() (Create) |
Click to create a new user geocode match mapping set. |
![]() (Add) |
Click to add a user geomatch level to a mapping set. |
Code for user geomatch level. You can enter individual codes or paste codes from a spreadsheet. |
AIR geomatch level mapped to the user geomatch level |
By default, each mapping rule applies to all countries with user-supplied geocodes and a matching value in the User Geomatch Level column. |
![]() (Filter) |
Enables you to filter a column. |
Save |
Saves the new or edited geocode match mapping set. |
Usage notes
By default each user-supplied geocode resolution mapping rule is applied to all countries with user-supplied geocodes and the matching value in the User Geomatch Level column. You can also add a country to a mapping rule if you want to create country-specific user-supplied geocode resolution code mapping rules. For example, you may not want to map user-supplied postal-code-level geocodes to the related geocode resolution codes for the Bahamas, while you still want to map user-supplied postal-code-level geocodes to other countries.
If you do not want to preserve a geocode and resolution code for a specific User Geomatch Level rule, set the AIR Geomatch level code to Exclude: Use the AIR Geocoder Instead. During Import, Touchstone will not preserve user-supplied geocodes with that user-supplied geocode match level; it will use the AIR Geocoder to geocode that location. For example, you enter code ZC9 and select the Exclude option; Touchstone ignores all imported locations that have a user geomatch level code set to "ZC9"and the AIR Geocoder geocodes the location.