User-Supplied Geocode Match Level Mapping Sets

The table in this topic provides information about creating and managing user-supplied geocode match level mapping sets.

Touchstone now supports the creation and editing of user-supplied geocode match level mapping sets. You can import a geocode match mapping set from a CSV file or create one manually. You can edit and delete existing mapping sets.

After importing, creating, or editing a user geocode match mapping set, save it. It will appear in the User-supplied Geocode Match Level Mapping Set list in the Global Defaults > Geocoding Settings pane. Then, during import of a CSV exposure data file, users can map the source user-supplied geocode resolution codes in their location data to the UserGeocodeMatchLevelCode column; there they can select the appropriate user-supplied geocode match level mapping set to map their user-supplied geocode resolution codes to the AIR GeoMatchLevelCodes during import. When re-geocoding, you can apply the default user geocode mapping set to an exposure view.

User Geomatch Level

AIR Geomatch Level


Common Buttons

Use these buttons (when available) and the parameters below to create and modify custom legends.


Click to create a new user geocode match mapping set.


Click to add a user geomatch level to a mapping set.

Code for user geomatch level. You can enter individual codes or paste codes from a spreadsheet.

AIR geomatch level mapped to the user geomatch level

By default, each mapping rule applies to all countries with user-supplied geocodes and a matching value in the User Geomatch Level column.


Enables you to filter a column.


Saves the new or edited geocode match mapping set.

Usage notes

  • By default each user-supplied geocode resolution mapping rule is applied to all countries with user-supplied geocodes and the matching value in the User Geomatch Level column. You can also add a country to a mapping rule if you want to create country-specific user-supplied geocode resolution code mapping rules. For example, you may not want to map user-supplied postal-code-level geocodes to the related geocode resolution codes for the Bahamas, while you still want to map user-supplied postal-code-level geocodes to other countries.

  • If you do not want to preserve a geocode and resolution code for a specific User Geomatch Level rule, set the AIR Geomatch level code to Exclude: Use the AIR Geocoder Instead. During Import, Touchstone will not preserve user-supplied geocodes with that user-supplied geocode match level; it will use the AIR Geocoder to geocode that location. For example, you enter code ZC9 and select the Exclude option; Touchstone ignores all imported locations that have a user geomatch level code set to "ZC9"and the AIR Geocoder geocodes the location.