Exporting AIR Catastrophe Loss Analysis Setting Summary Reports

Exporting AIR loss analysis setting summary reports.

Before You Begin

Before generating a summary report, make sure that an exposure summary was generated for the exposure view used to run the detailed loss analysis that you plan to select for the report. AIR ExportExpress will not generate the report if an exposure summary was not generated for the exposure view.

The AIR Catastrophe Loss Analysis Setting Summary report contains an exposure summary and a summary of loss analysis settings for a specific loss analysis. Information includes analysis name, number of contract and location records, reinsurance terms that were applied, event set options (name, type, filter), demand surge (on or off), perils and peril options, models included in the event set, financial settings, and Flexibility options as specified in the Loss Modification template. The report also includes a glossary of terms that defines terms found in the analysis settings or modeled exposure statistics summary.


To generate the report:

  1. On the global menu bar, click Export > Reports > Risk Management Summary Reports.
  2. On the Source Results tab, select the detailed loss analysis for which you want to generate the report.

    AIR ExportExpress displays only detailed loss analyses that included the Catastrophe Peril Analysis option.

  3. On the Reports to Generate tab, select AIR Catastrophe Loss Analysis Setting Summary.

    You can also select the AIR Modeled Exposure Statistics Summary for export at the same time.

  4. Specify the network destination for the exported data.
  5. [Optional] Clear the Close on Export check box to keep AIR ExportExpress open after you submit the export job.
  6. Click Export.

    In the Activity Monitor, the system appends "(LOSSREPORT") to the activity name and the activity type is "Risk Management Report".

  7. When the status of the activity is Completed, highlight the activity and then click Open Destination Folder.
  8. To view the report, open the PDF.

    If the underlying exposure data was modified after the loss analysis was run, the exposure statistics in the Target Exposure View(s) column may not match the exposure statistics in the Modeled Exposure Data column in the Loss Analysis Settings Summary. The Modeled Exposure Data statistics reflect the subtraction of locations that were excluded because they met the criteria of eligibility for the selected models.