Understanding Verification, Import Logs, and Rejection Files
When you submit a CSV for import, AIR ImportExpress validates the contract, location, and reinsurance exposure data to see whether the exposure data is acceptable for import. If the exposure data is not acceptable, it displays an error message and does not submit the import job for processing. The error message provides information to help you fix the problem.
If the source CSV files contain invalid values, AIR ImportExpress highlights those values during the Scan Mappings process and does not continue the import process until you map the incorrect values to valid Touchstone values.
AIR ImportExpress includes a Verify button that you can use to validate the exposure data and fix any errors before submitting the import. Since Verify essentially performs an import without saving it to a Touchstone database, it takes almost as long as if you had submitted the import.
After successfully submitting an import job for processing, you can monitor the status in the Activity Monitor. Here are some guidelines for understanding and using the information in the Activity Monitor:
When you see an import whose status is “Completed with Exceptions”, always view the import log. To view the summary log, select the activity and then click View Log on the ribbon or right-click the activity, select View Logs, and select the type of log to view. For each type of import, AIR ImportExpress creates log files that summarize information about the job, including the number of records successfully processed, and information about errors that occurred during import as a result of validation rule violations. For detailed information about import errors, view the Detailed Log or the Operational Log; these two logs can be quite large in size, depending on the number of errors and the size of the import file.
Note:To view logs in Touchstone, you must first configure Notepad or WordPad as the default application for opening text files on your computer.
Sometimes AIR ImportExpress creates rejection files for imported contracts, locations, and reinsurance files that contain invalid data. These files are useful because you can save the files, correct the invalid exposure data, and then reimport them. AIR ImportExpress may have created rejection files even when the status is “Completed". Therefore, AIR recommends that you always review both the summary log and any rejection files. You can view rejection files via View Log on the ribbon or by right-clicking an activity and selecting View Rejection File. The rejection file opens in a spreadsheet application; you can save the file and edit it as needed. To open all the rejection files and the detailed log and summary log files in separate windows, click View Log > View Logs > Open All. To save all the files, View Log > View Logs > Save All Text, browse to the directory in which you want to save the files, and then click Save.
AIR ImportExpress rejects exposure data with retired or expired currencies. It sends appropriate error messages to the log file and adds the locations to the rejection file.
Each import job has its own set of criteria that determines the success or failure of the import.
In general, if AIR ImportExpress is able to import some contracts and locations, the status is likely to be “Completed”. However, even though the job has successfully completed, there may be problems with some of the data, and so AIR ImportExpress may generate rejection files.
A job fails only when it cannot be completed at all.
A job completes with exceptions if the job completes but something is not correct, for example, if a detailed loss analysis does not have any results for the intersection of the model with the data. For example, if you run an analysis with a model for California earthquakes but you only have Florida exposure data, the job is likely to complete with exceptions.