Applying an Event Set Filter
Applying event set filters.
Applying an event set filter enables you to run a standard catastrophe peril analysis for a user-defined subset of events in the event set that you have selected. For example, you can configure an analysis that considers only hurricane events with a landfall wind speed of greater than 130 mph. You can filter the events within an event set by rules, locations, and/or events (that is, by model ID and event ID).
Consider the following when defining event set filters:
The Touchstone event filters use only the first landfall details for events that make multiple landfalls.
If you define multiple filter criteria, the analysis considers only the events that meet all the criteria you have specified.
If the event filter that you have defined excludes all events, or the filters that you have specified are not supported for the event set that you are running, the analysis proceeds and may potentially return no losses.
You can define rules and location filters only for earthquakes, tropical cyclones, and terrorism events.
For Wind events, if you define a polygon, Touchstone filters the events by making sure that the first landfall point is within this polygon.
You can define filters by model ID and event ID for all perils.
To apply an event set filter:
- Create a new detailed loss analysis.
- In the Analysis Settings pane, click (Apply event set filter).
- In the Loss Analysis Option: Event Filter window, filter the analysis events by rules, locations, and/or events (by model ID and event ID).
- After you define a filter, click Apply.
- After you define all the filters that you want to create, click OK.