View Loss Analysis Results
To view loss analysis results:
- In Portfolio Mode, access the results grid for your project. In Underwriting Contract Mode, open the contract for which you want to view detailed loss analysis results.
Do one of the following:
In Portfolio Mode, make sure that the activity status is Completed and then, in the results grid, select the analysis for which you want to view the results. You can click the hyperlinked analysis name, or you can highlight the row, right-click the analysis, and then click
(Open) on the shortcut menu.
In the Underwriting Contract Mode navigation pane, click Detailed Loss to view the most recent detailed loss analysis results. Alternatively, to view older detailed loss analysis results in Underwriting Contract Mode, click the triangle next to Detailed Loss Analysis and then select the desired results set.
The loss results page for a catastrophe peril analysis displays various tables. The options on the ribbon depend on the table that you select.
If you ran the loss analysis with selected zones, the Summary EP Table Zone Table appears in place of the Summary EP Table (which you can still open from the View Options panel). You can select the zonal results to include in the view. For example, in the table, select a target. Then, in the Zones area on the ribbon, select the zone or zones to include in the results grid; the results change as you select each zone. You can also view results by one or more perils. For example, if you select Zone A and Zone B and then select Tropical Cyclone, the results grid shows the results for each zone by TC (Tropical Cyclone).
If you ran a portfolio or contract-level loss analysis where you saved the loss results by layer or where you ran it with reinsurance, and you selected the EP by Peril and EP by Model options in the Additional Details area (in the Output Options pane), you can view the EP summaries by model and peril. To view by model and peril, select the perspective, select Peril and Model on the ribbon, and then select Peril and Model or Peril or Model. The Summary EP table will include By Peril and By Model columns.
If you open a modified analysis that you ran by selecting a flexibility option, the Summary EP table includes the AIR/Mod column, where you can view the AIR results, the modified results, and the difference between the AIR and modified results.
Note:You can also view only the modified analysis if you choose not to run the AIR analysis alongside the modified analysis.
By default, the Loss Results tab for a non-catastrophe peril analysis displays the Contributing Contracts, 5 Year PSOLD Results, and 20 Year PSOLD Results tabs. If the analysis includes an XPR treaty, the Reinsurance Programs window appears by default. PSOLD Results tiles include the following PSOLD information:
- Limited Severity
The expected loss severity when limited to the layer in question as calculated using the PSOLD data. The severity applies to all the exposure covered by the layer in question.
- PSOLD Excess Claim Count
The average number of claims (based on the PSOLD data) expected to hit the layer in question. If the value was, for example, 0.5, you could expect one claim every two years.
- Layer Average Severity
The calculated Non Cat expected loss to the layer divided by the PSOLD Excess Claim count.
For catastrophe peril analysis results, to view the Summary
EP Chart, Annual EP Table, or
Map, click Show/Hide Contents
in the sidebar and then select those options.
When you select Map, a map appears with map tools that enable you to analyze the results visually.
For non-catastrophe peril analysis results, to view the Contributing Contract Layers, Contribution Locations, and Reinsurance Program data, click Show/Hide Contents Item
in the sidebar and then select those options.
The Summary EP chart displays a chart representation of the Summary EP table. What appears on the chart depends on the individual row that is selected in the table. There are no individual options for the chart itself.
You can view any single perspective or all perspectives that were selected during the analysis configuration providing that they generated a loss. Additionally, you can view the EP with Secondary Uncertainty and/or the TVaR losses in this table.
If you saved losses by coverage, you can view each individual coverage loss or the total loss across coverages along with the columns listed above.
When you are in the Annual EP Table, you can right-click on a loss value and then select Show Event Loss Details on the shortcut menu. If the Event Loss Summary Table is open, the system filters the event list by the events for that loss amount so that you can see what contributed to the loss. To revert back to the unfiltered table, select the table and then click None in the Filter area on the ribbon.
The Annual EP Table displays standard (probabilistic) losses by percentile ranking for annual aggregate losses and/or annual occurrence losses. The losses are listed in descending order, beginning with the greatest loss amount.
To see the location (epicenter and/or track) and losses (by geographic save by resolution) for an individual or selected group of events, in the Event Loss Summary Table, highlight a single event or a group of events. The map is automatically populated with the event track and/or epicenter. As you drill into the map (provided you have saved by some geographic resolution), you will see a thematic summary of losses associated with each selected event or group of events. The map legend also includes the event IDs and descriptions, such as "206220 Hurricane Point" or "70670 Earthquake Point".
To view loss results in different ways, click the options in the area
on the ribbon, such as the Perspective
Currently selected options are highlighted; to clear a selected option, click it. After you select an option, the system updates the tables and charts. The available options depend on your analysis settings.
In the Perspective group, select the
financial perspectives for which you want to view the loss
The No result data generated for perspective: PreLayer Gross message appears even when there may be Pre-Layer Gross results. This is because Touchstone does not currently display the Pre-Layer Gross losses in the Loss Results pane. However, you can use AIR ExportExpress to export the loss results to a CSV file and then view pre-layer gross losses (if there are any); to view the pre-layer gross losses in the report, you must select Event Loss by Layer as one of the reports to generate and Pre-Layer Gross as one of the perspectives. The pre-layer gross losses are in the column labeled PreLayerGrossLoss. You can also run an SQL query to view the results in the PreLayerGrossLoss column in the dbo.tRRRR_LOSS_ByLayer table (contact your database administrator for help with SQL queries).
- In the AIR/Mod group, which appears if you are viewing modified results, select any combination of AIR results, modified results, or the difference between the results.
- In the Agg/Occ group, select Aggregate (total losses in a year) or Occurrence (highest possible loss per year from a single event), or leave both options selected.
In the EP Type group, select the
type of EP that you want to
view—Standard EP,
Secondary EP, EP
Value/Return Periods, or Tail
Value at Risk. To edit the points for the Return Periods,
, enter the point values you want to use, and then click OK.
In the Zones area, select the exposed
areas for which you want to view results; this enables you
to view more granular loss results than available when you
leave the default setting, All Exposed
If you ran the analysis with a zone that contains all U.S. states, you can select one or more states from the zone, such as US_Alabama and US_Georgia. The Summary EP Table Zone table then displays separate rows for US_Alabama and US_Georgia. You can further refine the results by selecting one or more perils in the Zones area.
You select Severe Thunderstorm and Wind perils. The Summary EP Table Zone table then displays ST and TC (for wind) in the By Peril column. The results change as you select zones and perils.
In the Uncertainty Bands group,
which becomes available for editing only when you select
the Annual EP Chart, select
Event Uncertainty in the
list, specify the range of uncertainty by entering or
selecting percent numbers in the P1
and P2 fields (where P1 is the
first point in the range and P2 is the last point in the
range), and then clicking Update.
Primary uncertainty lies in the generation of events, while secondary uncertainty relates to how a building responds to a catastrophe. For example, to view a worst case scenario, set P1 to 90% and P2 to 95%.
Note:A catastrophe model must account for uncertainty in the damage. For a simulated event, the damage is uncertain and this uncertainty must be explicitly considered when calculating the insurer's loss. For a given location and event, there is a probability associated with each damage ratio. There is a probability of no (0%) damage, a probability of complete (100%) damage and a probability of any amount of damage between 0 and 100.
Uncertainty bands appear in the chart.
- In the Transpose ribbon segment, select Transpose to transpose the axes of the Summary EP table.
In the Peril and Model group, select
Model, or both to include
by Peril and/or by
Model columns in the Summary
EP table.
If you select both Peril and Model, the EP Summary table breaks down first by peril, then by model.
To view results by peril, your data must include peril information.
You cannot view Loss Comparative Analysis or Marginal Impact results by peril or model, even if the results sets used in the analysis include this information.
In the Events Detail group, which
becomes available only when you select the
Annual EP Chart, you can filter
the loss results on historical and world scenarios
The Annual EP Chart initially displays the stochastic output of the loss analysis. When you select Historical or Scenarios, you overlay those events on the output.
In the Chart Area group, you can
specify the number of markers to display in the
Annual EP Chart, display the
chart legend, and change the color palette used in the
chart, clear the zoom, and switch axes.
Moving the pointer over a marker displays information about the event. To zoom in on an area in the chart, click the pointer in the chart area and drag it to draw a box; to zoom out, click the Clear zoom icon.
To change the color palette, make Legend active, click the colored circle in the Legend box, click the down arrow under Hide, and select the color palette.
In the Perspective group, select the
financial perspectives for which you want to view the loss