CEDE 9.0 Database Reference
tLayer Table
AIRExposure Database : tLayer Table

Stores primary contract layer information.

Creation Date4/12/2021 11:26 AM
Text File GroupPRIMARY
System Object
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 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key Unique system-generated sequential identifier for the layer record.int4   

Unique system-generated sequential identifier for the contract record.

For a complete list of records, see tContract Table.

 Unique user-defined identifier for the layer.varchar100   

Numeric code for the single peril or set of perils.

For a complete list of codes, see tPerilSet Table.


Code for the occurrence limit type.

For a complete list of codes, see tOccLimitType Table.


Occurence limit amount, used for facultative reinsurance treaties and primary insurance contracts.

This column contains the user interface value provided in the 100% Layer Amount field on the Contracts tab.


Occurrence participation, used for facultative reinsurance treaties and primary insurance contracts.

This column contains the user interface value provided in the Participating Layer Amount field on the Contracts tab.

Note: In the database this value is stored as a percentage of the total limit; on the user interface it is presented using the same format as was imported.


100% participation amount, used for facultative reinsurance treaties and primary insurance contracts.

This column contains the user interface value provided in the Assumed Amount field on the Contracts tab.

Note: Any values that are less than or equal to 1 will be interpreted as percentages (e.g., 0.12 as 12%).

 Limit 3 amount for by-coverage sublimits. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be intepreted as percentages (eg., 0.12 as 12%).float9  
 Limit 4 amount for by-coverage and combined coverage sublimits. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be intepreted as percentages (eg., 0.12 as 12%). float9  
 Value of the attachment point.float9  
 Value of the second attachment point.float9  
 Value of the third attachment point.float9  
 Value of the fourth attachment point.float9  

Code for the layer deductible type, options.

For a complete list of codes, see tDeductibleType Table.

 Deductible 1 amount. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be changed to 0.float9  
 Deductible 2 amount. For example, the maximum deductible for deductible min/max. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be changed to 0.float9  
 Premium amount. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be interpreted as percentages (e.g., 0.12 as 12%).float9  
 Priority assignments for coverages, listed in the order in which losses by coverage should be applied against the limit.Xml0  
 Deductible 3 amount. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be interpreted as percentages (eg., 0.12 as 12%).float9  
 Deductible 4 amount. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be interpreted as percentages (eg., 0.12 as 12%).float9  
 Code that represents the aggregate limit type.varchar10  
 Maximum amount payable under contract layer that provides overall maximum loss limitation.float9  
 Aggregate amount of all the attachment points under contract layer. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be interpreted as percentages (eg., 0.12 as 12%).float9  
 Code for the aggregate deductible type.varchar10  
 Maximum deductible amount payable under aggregate deductible limit. Any value less than or equal to 1 will be interpreted as percentages (eg., 0.12 as 12%).float9  
 Date and time when the contract was created.datetime4 
 Date and time when the contract was modified.datetime4 
 Used for version stamping.timestamp8   
Objects that depend on tLayer
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tLayerCondition tabletLayerConditionTable

Stores layer conditions, such as sublimit and policy restrictions.

Sublimits are generally applied to layers based on filter criteria, such as a list of locations or perils.
tLayerConditionLocationXref tabletLayerConditionLocationXrefTable

System reference table used to map the location to the layer condition.

Objects that tLayer depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
tContract tabletContractTable

Stores records for primary insurance policies.

tExposureSet tabletExposureSetTable

Stores information about exposure sets.

An exposure set is a collection of contracts, locations, and other related information.

See Also

Related Objects

AIRExposure Database