Validate Data

The Data Quality Analysis Validate Data diagnostic enables you to assess the quality of your exposure data by running a portfolio against a set of Completeness Rules and Reasonability Rules.

Completeness rules enable you to observe where your exposure data is missing key information. Reasonability rules help you to determine if the exposure data contains potentially invalid combinations of attributes. Specifically, you can configure the Completeness rules to evaluate the following attributes.

       Geographic attributes, such as a missing street address

       Financial attributes (values and terms), such as the total replacement value

       Primary risk characteristics, such as empty or unknown building constructions

       Secondary risk characteristics, such as the roof geometry

The Reasonability rules enable you to find instances where large numbers of locations have attributes that are not typically found together in buildings. Reasonability rules based upon AIR’s engineering expertise are included in the default set of rules, and include the following categories:

          Construction / Age

          Construction / Age /Height

          Construction / Occupancy

          Construction / Height

          Geography / Construction

          Occupancy / Height


You can turn individual rules off or on, and you can configure them to use different values.

The Validate Data function flags locations that violate the selected rules and displays them as analysis results.

You can use this diagnostic in combination with the Score Data diagnostic to determine the level of Augmentation that you should run on your exposure data.

Related topics

       Completeness Rules

       Reasonability Rules

       Performing a Validation Diagnostic

       Modifying Validation Rules

       Interpreting Validation Results

       Score Data diagnostic



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020