Exporting Contract Exposure Data to CSV Files

Contract to CSV enables you to extract contract, location, and reinsurance data from a single contract to a shared network drive so that you can exchange the data with colleagues. This function is available in Portfolio Mode and Underwriting Contract Mode.

AIR ExportExpress creates a separate CSV file for each type of exposure data that you select. For example, if you select "Contract Data" and "Location Data," the destination folder will contains two CSV files, each of which includes the contract name as the prefix and the type of data. When you include contract data, the export CSV includes policies, layers, sublimits, and step functions.

Examples of CSV file names



  You can use AIR ImportExpress to re-import the exported CSV file.

Since Touchstone supports both primary and facultative contracts, AIR ExportExpress exports fields that are stored for facultative contracts. The contract type distinguishes between primary and facultative contracts. Click here for a table that summarizes the type of data exported for each contract type.

If a layer in your original exposure data includes attachment point amounts (limits by coverages A-D), AIR ImportExpress converts the layer attachment amounts to sublimit attachments (A-D). As a result, when you export a contract created with the imported exposure data, the sublimit attachment columns (SublimitAttachA, SublimitAttachB, SublimitAttachC, and SublimitAttachD), will contain the coverage-specific limits that were specified in the layer attachment columns (AttachmentPtA, AttachmentPtB, AttachmentPtC, and AttachmentPtD). Click here for a table that shows the relationship between the columns in the original exposure data and in the exported contract.

Portfolio Mode

To export contract exposure data to a CSV file in Portfolio Mode:

1.     Open a project.

2.     Open an exposure view.

3.     Open the Contract List.

4.     In the grid, highlight the contract to export.

If you select multiple contracts, Touchstone exports only the last selected contract.

5.     Click Export.

The AIR ExportExpress window appears.

6.     On the Source Exposure tab, under Export Exposure Information, select the type of datato export.

You can select contract data, location data (including workers' compensation data such as injury type), geocode match level data, and reinsurance data. Touchstone exports any step function data as part of the contract data. Step function data applies only to Property exposures.

7.     Under Computing Resources, in the Number of Cores fields, specify minimum and maximum number of cores to use for the export.

8.     On the Options tab, select the Date Format.


Selecting the date format enables you to keep the date formats of imported and exported .csv data consistent.

9.     Specify the destination for the exported data.

10.  To keep AIR ExportExpress open after exporting the reports, deselect Close on Export.

11.  Click Export.

Underwriting Contract Mode

To export contract exposure data to a CSV file in Underwriting Contract Mode:

1.     In the Contracts List, highlight the contract to export.

2.     Click Export.

The AIR ExportExpress window opens.

3.     On the Source Exposure tab, under Export Exposure Information, select the type of data to export.

You can select contract data, location data (including workers' compensation data such as injury type), geocode match level data, and reinsurance data. Touchstone exports any step function data as part of the contract data. Step function data applies only to Property exposures.

4.     Under Computing Resources, in the Number of Cores fields, specify the minimum and maximum number of cores to use for the export.

5.     On the Options tab, select the Date Format.


Selecting the date format enables you to keep the date formats of imported and exported .csv data consistent.

6.     Specify the destination for the exported data.

7.     Optionally, deselect Close on Export to keep AIR ExportExpress open after you submit the export job.

8.     Click Export.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020