Adding Sublimits

This topic describes how to add one or more sublimits. There must be at least one layer before you can add a sublimit.

You can create sublimit areas (filtered sets of locations) to apply to sublimits. You can create a sublimit area only when there is a sublimit associated with a layer in the current contract. In addition, the sublimit area can only point to locations in the contract where you are creating the sublimit.

Click here for information about the Touchstone fields related to layers and sublimits.

To add sublimits to a layer:

1.     To add a sublimit:

a.     Open the contract list.

b.     Open the contract that contains the layer to which you want to add a sublimit.

The Contract Details pane opens.

c.      Select the Layers tab.

d.     In the highlighted green row with the white plus symbol, click in the Type field and then select Sublimit.

e.     In the Layer ID column, select the parent layer for the sublimit that you are creating and then press Enter.

The sublimit appears below the parent layer.

2.     To create a sublimit area via the Applies To Locations column:

a.     Save the new sublimit. (You have to save the sublimit before creating a sublimit area.)

b.     In the row for the new sublimit, in the Applies To Locations column, click the "Create New" link.

The Sublimit Locations Dialog box opens. (You can also select an existing subarea from the Applies to Locations list.)

c.     In the Name field, enter a name for the group of locations, such as US.

d.     In the Filter row, specify the information, such as "Country Code Is contained in US".

Click here for more information about creating filters.

e.     To see all the locations returned by the filter, even if they are already included in another sublimit area, clear the "Do not return locations that are already tagged by other sublimits within this layer" check box.

f.       Click Generate List.

The Total Locations grid lists all the locations contained in the new sublimit area.


If the Total Locations grid contains locations bounded by a red box, it means that the locations you selected for the new sublimit area are already included in another sublimit area. To include them in the new sublimit area, and remove them from the other sublimit area, select the Reassign <n> already tagged locations to this tag check box.

g.     Click Save.

3.     Enter the remaining sublimits information.

4.     Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each sublimit that you want to add manually to the contract.



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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020