Configuring a Zonal Loss Analysis

To configure a zonal loss analysis:

1.     In the New Detailed Loss Analysis, select Output.

2.     In the Output Options pane, in the Additional Details area, select the Zone check box.

Fields appear that enable you to configure settings and select zone sets.

3.     Optionally, select Zones by Peril to include the peril analysis by zone.

To view zones by peril In the analysis results, you select a zone in the Zones area on the ribbon, select one or more zones, and then select one or more perils. The Summary EP Table Zone table reflects your selections.

4.     Optionally, select Retain Annual EP Table by zone to persist the Annual EP table by zone in the database.

The Edit icon for the results will be available only if you select Retain Annual EP Table.

  Selecting this option increases the table size significantly.

5.     In the Available Zone Sets panel, select each zone set to include in the loss analysis and then click >>> (right-pointing brackets) to move the selected zone sets to the Selected Zone Sets panel.

To remove selected zone sets, select them and then click <<< (left-pointing brackets).

Usage notes

       The maximum number of viewable zones in a zone set is 50. If there are more than 50 zones, a message will indicate that there are "xxx more regions".

       Touchstone supports up to 50,000 zones in a Detailed Loss Analysis and displays a warning message. "If your selection exceeds 50,000 zones, the zone set that exceeds the limit will not be included in the analysis."

       Use the Search box to filter the list of available zone sets, for example, by typing "n" to include only zone sets that start with "n" in the Available Zone Sets panel.

       Expand each zone set if you want to view the zones in the set.

       If you have the appropriate permissions, you can edit zones by clicking (Open Zone Set Manager).


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020