Output Options Pane

You can select loss analysis results and then, depending on the type of results, run Marginal Impact, Loss Group, Loss Comparative Analysis, or CAT XOL analyses on the analysis results. The subsequent 'options' screens vary according to the analysis you selected.

The Output Options pane contains the following fields and buttons that enable you to configure the output that Touchstone generates for various loss analyses. You can set defaults for a Detailed Loss Analysis in the Loss Analysis Template.

  There are less options when you use non-AIR models, such as the ERN and Risk Frontiers models.



Can Be Included in a Template?

Loss Perspectives

Specifies the loss perspectives to include in the output from this catastrophe peril analysis or non-catastrophe peril analysis.

Loss Perspective


Ground Up

The total loss generated, before the application of financial terms.

If you apply reinsurance, "Ground Up" will appear as "Treaty Ground Up" in the Summary EP Table. This is the maximum loss to which the treaty can be applied. For CAT XOL this will equal the Net of Pre-CAT loss. For all other types of reinsurance, if the treaties are applied in parallel, this will equal the Gross loss. If the treaties are applied serially, each treaty’s Ground Up will equal what remains from the previous treaty.


The total loss generated after the application of location-level deductibles and of anything not covered by other limits or deductibles at the location or contract level.

Pre-Layer Gross

The total loss generated after the application of location-level limits and deductibles. This loss perspective is not available when you configure a non-catastrophe peril analysis.


The total loss generated after the application of contract-level limits and deductibles (including layers and sublimits).

If you apply reinsurance, "Gross" will appear as "Treaty Gross" in the Summary EP Table. This is the loss incurred after the application of reinsurance terms.

Net of Pre-CAT

The total loss generated after the application of all reinsurance treaties, except for Catastrophe Excess of Loss (CAT XOL) treaties.

Post-CAT Net

The total loss generated after the application of all reinsurance treaties, including CAT XOL treaties. This loss perspective is not available when you configure a non-catastrophe peril analysis.


A CAT XOL analysis includes the Post-CAT Net loss, along with other perspectives, in the target's AnalysisID table.


Save Loss By

Specifies the resolution, that is, the level of event detail, by which you want to save loss information for this catastrophe peril analysis.

Save Loss By Option



This option is automatically selected for analyses that you run against an exposure view; it does not appear for analyses that you run against individual contracts. You cannot change this setting. It provides event-level losses.


Select one of the contract options to save loss results by individual contracts, individual layers, or user-defined lines of business (LOBs), or by a contract UDF. If you select the "Contract" or "Layer" option, you can generate LOB and layer losses from the database.


Select one of the location options to save loss results by individual location, by a location UDF, or by a geographic resolution—Event Total, Country, Area (e.g. State), Sub Area (e.g. County), or Postcode (e.g. ZIP Code).

When you save losses by layer and geography and you select the Ground Up perspective, the Gross perspective is required. In addition, Touchstone then disables the Pre-Layer Gross option when both Ground Up and Gross perspectives are selected. Losses saved by layer and geography are available to Marginal Impact, Loss Group (for event-level and detailed level grouping), CAT XOL, and Loss Comparative analyses. When you save losses by layer and geography, Touchstone automatically enables Auto CLF.

When you save losses by layer and location, the Gross perspective is required. Losses saved by layer and location are available to Marginal Impact, Loss Group (for event-level and detailed level grouping), CAT XOL, and Loss Comparative analyses.


For a CAT XOL analysis, the Save Loss By area indicates the resolution by which the original analysis saved loss information. In addition, you can specify the applicable geographic level by which you want to save CAT XOL analysis results.


CLF Compatibility Note

Specifies whether the output settings selected for this catastrophe peril analysis or CAT XOL analysis will produce results that are compatible with Company Loss File (CLF) generation.

To generate CLFs, you must save this analysis by sub-area. That is, you must select "Sub Area (e.g. County)" in the Save Loss By > Geography list. To map multiple lines of business (LOBs) in the CLF, select the "Line of Business" or the Contract > Save Loss By option.


If Custom Surge is selected in the Analysis Settings pane, the analysis will not be CLF-compatible and the CLF Compatibility Note value will be "None."


Summary (AAL Only)

Specifies whether to include AAL summary information for this catastrophe peril analysis.

Summary Option


Contract Summary

Includes the AAL (Average Annual Losses) results for each contract instead of including the event losses for each contract.

Location Summary

Includes the AAL results for each location instead of including the event losses for each location. If you select this option, Touchstone automatically selects Contract Summary.


For a CAT XOL analysis, this area indicates which summary information Touchstone will include, based on which information the original analysis included.


Additional Details

Specifies whether to include additional details in the loss results for this catastrophe peril analysis. To include additional details, select one or more of the following options:

Additional Details Option



Saves results by individual coverage (building, other structures, contents, time element).

# Claims

Saves an estimate of the number of claims that may affect your exposure, in addition to loss estimates. This field is valid only for U.S. locations and for all perils except Terrorism.

Injury Type

Saves results by injury types.


For U.S. workers' compensation exposures only, applies MAOL (maximum any one life) insurance terms to the analysis results, enabling you to include the information in CLF export files. Touchstone applies MAOL limits before calculating financial perspectives.

Select this field and then edit the MAOL terms. If the check box is already selected and you want to edit the MAOL terms, click .

You can specify four different limits. This is useful, for example, if you are configuring an analysis with multiple reinsurance treaties, each of which contain different MAOL limits. The loss engine calculates the results net of MAOL for the four different limits. For example, assume that an analysis includes two reinsurance treaties. The first treaty specifies $50 million with an MAOL term of $5M while the second treaty specifies $40 million X $60 million with an MAOL of $10 million. You set Limit 1 to $5M and Limit 2 to $10 million.

While Touchstone typically generates losses at the event level, if the output is by location (postal or subarea), the application generates additional MAOL losses.

EP by Peril

Saves results by peril for inclusion in the Summary EP table. This option is supported for all models that Touchstone supports. However, when you report by peril, Touchstone uses only the main peril, not the sub-perils. For example, if a model produces loss for both Shake and Tsunami, Touchstone groups the losses together and displays them as Shake losses.

EP by Model

Saves results by model for inclusion in the Summary EP table. External models are not supported.


Accumulates in one or more selected zone sets.

Touchstone computes losses at the zone level, not at the zone set level. It generates AAL and EP curves by zones. The losses by zone are visible in the user interface and are available for export through Export. They are also available in the databases. Losses by contract by zone, losses by layer by zone, and  losses by LOB by treaty by zone are not visible in the user interface; however, you can export the loss results via Export and can access the results through the back-end databases.

Click here for information about configuring a zonal loss analysis.



You cannot view Comparative Loss Analysis or Marginal Impact results by peril or model even if the results sets used in the analysis include this information.


The system uses your Workers' Compensation license information to enable or disable the Injury Type and MAOL options when the analysis target is an exposure view. It does not check to see whether the exposure view is for property or workers' compensation exposure data, or for a mixture of both. If the analysis target is a contract, the system uses the type of contract and license information to enable or disable the Injury Type and MAOL options.


Even though Touchstone does not support MAOL for Japanese Personal Accidents (PA) data, the MAOL option is not disabled.



Non Catastrophe Details

Specifies whether you want to include non-catastrophe details in this non-catastrophe peril analysis. If you want to include non-catastrophe details, select any of the following options.


The Non Catastrophe Details area appears only when you select Non Catastrophe Peril Analysis on the Analysis Settings pane. This area applies only to CAT XOL analyses.


Non Catastrophe Details Option



Saves non-catastrophe details by contract. This option is automatically selected for non-catastrophe peril analyses. You cannot change this setting.


Saves non-catastrophe details by layer (as well as by contract).


Saves non-catastrophe details by location (as well as by layer and contract).


To reduce the amount of data stored in databases, Touchstone saves results into the databases only by the selected loss perspectives.


You can create and edit loss analysis templates to specify default settings for detailed loss analyses. When you create or edit a loss analysis template, you can include any of the settings in the preceding table. For more information about loss analysis templates, see Loss Analysis Template.




© 2020 AIR Worldwide. All rights reserved.

Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020