Maps in Geospatial Analysis 5.1 and Later


Maps are available in many locations in Touchstone:

          Exposure or Contract Summary Dashboard

          Contract Details pane

          Geospatial Analysis configuration

          Analysis results:

       Portfolio Mode: Loss, Data Quality, Hazard, Geospatial, and Loss Groups

       Underwriting Mode: Contract Summary, Clash, Loss, Data Quality (for Score Data diagnostic), and Hazard

The map includes an overview map in the upper left corner. After zooming in on the map, the overview map displays, in a red extent box, the location of the zoomed in extent in the world. To move the extent box on the overview map, use the pointer to drag it.

Click one of the following links for information about each item:

       Map tools

       Map window

       Moving the map and zooming

Map Tools

When you open a map, Touchstone displays map tools in the upper right corner of the map (the tools were on the Mapping ribbon in 5.0). While the map tools are available with all maps, the icons that appear vary according to the function for which you are viewing the map and, in some cases, according to the mode (Portfolio mode or Underwriting Contract mode).

In some cases, as with the Exposure Summary Dashboard, the map appears by default. In other cases, you click (Show/Hide Content Items) in the sidebar and then select the Map option in the View Options window. With Data Quality results, you must first select the Geography view in the Report Detail Viewer window and then select the Map option in the View Options window.

Map Window

To retrieve information for an individual location, move the pointer over the corresponding point on the map and click the location point; a popup box displays information for the location. For Property Exposure analyses, the information includes total replacement values. For Workers' Compensation analyses, the information includes employee values. If the location is part of a cluster of locations, zoom in on the map until the cluster is broken apart into individual locations. Click X to close the information box.

Moving the Map and Zooming

You can move the map by clicking on it and then dragging it in the desired direction. In addition, when you move the pointer over the inactive navigation tools in the lower left corner of the exposure map, the navigation tools become active:

       Zoom: In the Zoom bar, click + to zoom in to the map and - to zoom out of an area on the map. You can also drag the slider in the zoom bar to zoom in and out, and zoom in or out using the scroll wheel on the mouse.


To zoom in on an area, hold down Shift and draw a rectangle on the map.

       Compass: Click on a compass point to move north, south, east, and west on the map. You can also click on one of the compass arcs and then drag to rotate the map.

       Reset North: Click to reset the map with north at the top. This is useful is you have rotated the map.

       Full Extent: Click to set the map to the full extent of the exposure data.

       Zoom Map to Previous Extent: Click the left arrow to zoom to the previous extent.

       Zoom Map to Next Extent: Click the right arrow to zoom to the next extent.


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Touchstone 7.0 Updated September 03, 2020