Triggers (Reinsurance Programs)

Validation details supported by Touchstone.

Reinsurance Programs > {Select a Reinsurance Program} > Triggers

Detailed Loss Analysis > Reinsurance Diagnostic > Apply Reinsurance Programs Pane > Reinsurance Program Manager {Select a Reinsurance Program} > Triggers

The following table details the validation rules for Touchstone fields related to treaty terms for CAT XOL reinsurance programs:


Triggers do not change the way in which Touchstone applies CAT XOL terms. These triggers only affect the events to which a trigger applies.



Validation Rules

Default Value

Treaty Type

Catastrophe Excess of Loss treaties only

Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

Treaty ID

User-specified name of this treaty

  • Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

  • Must be unique within the reinsurance program

  • Cannot begin with a space

  • Can contain up to 100 characters

Industry Loss Minimum

Reserved for future use

Industry Loss Maximum

Reserved for future use

Portfolio Loss Minimum

Minimum value of events to which Touchstone should apply this CAT XOL treaty

Touchstone applies CATXOL treaties only to events with net losses between the portfolio minimum and maximum values.

  • Applies only to CAT XOL treaties

  • Must be less than the portfolio loss maximum if the portfolio loss maximum value is greater than 0

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 99999999999999, inclusive


Portfolio Loss Maximum

Maximum value of events to which Touchstone should apply this CAT XOL treaty

Touchstone applies CAT XOL treaties only to events with net losses between the portfolio minimum and maximum values.

  • Applies only to CAT XOL treaties

  • Must be greater than the portfolio loss minimum if the portfolio loss maximum value is greater than 0

  • Must be a numeric value between 0 and 99999999999999, inclusive


Starting Event #

Sequence number of an event within a single year's set of events at which Touchstone begins applying this CAT XOL treaty.

This starting event number is not the event ID. It is typically a number between 1 and 10, inclusive, depending on the number of events per year. The default value of 1 indicates that Touchstone applies this treaty starting with the first event of every year.

  • Required if you are creating a new record or editing an existing record

  • Defaults to a value

  • Applies only to treaties of the CAT XOL treaty type

  • Must be a numeric value between 1 and 999, inclusive