Exporting Comparative Loss Results To CSV Files

Exporting Loss Comparative Analysis results.

You can export comparative analysis loss results to a CSV file for external use.

You can generate multiple types of reports and specify various financial perspectives, such as Ground Up and Post-CAT Net. You can also filter the results to export by geography and line of business. For example, you may want to export only those locations in a particular U.S. state.

Touchstone enables you to view and export loss results from previous product versions. If the losses are old and the geography information has changed, the exported report includes only the old geography information. The header in the CSV file will not contain product version information.


To export a set of comparative analysis loss results to a CSV file:

  1. On the global menu bar, click Export > Results > Comparative Loss to CSV.
  2. On the Source Results tab, select the comparative loss analysis to export.

    The Reports to Generate, Perspectives & Filters, and Included Results tabs become available. Warning triangles appear when you have not made selections on those tabs.


    AIR ExportExpress does not include results from deleted databases in the grid.

  3. Under Computing Resources, in the Number of Cores fields, type the minimum and maximum number of cores to use for the Export job.
  4. Select the Reports to Generate tab and then select one or more reports.

    The available reports depend on the level at which you saved the results when you ran the analysis. Reports always include all the comparison metrics (amount of change, percent, and percent of).


    The geographic resolution that you chose when you configured the analysis determines the geographic resolution of the exported data. For example, if you ran a comparative loss analysis on two loss analyses saved at the postal level and chose to display the AAL at the subarea level, then Touchstone uses the subarea level for the AAL by Geography report.

  5. Select the Perspectives & Filters tab.
    1. Under Financial Perspectives, select the perspectives to include.

      You must select at least one perspective. The available perspectives depend on how you configured the comparative loss analysis.

    2. [Optional] Under Results Filters, specify the criteria for each filter that to use.

      You can define complex filters to filter by geography or by contract/LOB.

  6. Select the Included Results tab, and then choose the results to include in the report and,optionally, select a different baseline loss result.
  7. Specify the destination for the exported data.
  8. Specify the loss currency to use.
  9. [Optional] Clear the Close on Export check box to keep AIR ExportExpress open after you submit the export job.
  10. Click Export.


When the Export job is complete, the CSV files appear in the specified destination. Touchstone creates a separate CSV file for each report that you selected. To view the report, highlight the activty in the Activity Monitor and click Open Destination.